
Bruce F. Cockburn

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32EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: A Novel Technique for Efficient Hardware Simulation of Spatiotemporally Correlated MIMO Fading Channels. ICC 2008: 718-724
31EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: On the efficiency and accuracy of hybrid pseudo-random number generators for FPGA-based simulations. IPDPS 2008: 1-8
30EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: A single-FPGA multipath MIMO fading channel simulator. ISCAS 2008: 308-311
29EETyler L. Brandon, John C. Koob, Leendert van den Berg, Zhengang Chen, Amirhossein Alimohammad, Ramkrishna Swamy, Jason Klaus, Stephen Bates, Vincent C. Gaudet, Bruce F. Cockburn, Duncan G. Elliott: A 600-Mb/s encoder and decoder for low-density parity-check convolutional codes. ISCAS 2008: 3090-3093
28EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: An Accurate and Compact Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channel Simulator. VTC Spring 2008: 409-413
27EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: A Compact and Accurate Gaussian Variate Generator. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(5): 517-527 (2008)
26EETyler L. Brandon, Robert Hang, Gary Block, Vincent C. Gaudet, Bruce F. Cockburn, Sheryl Howard, Christian Giasson, Keith Boyle, Paul Goud, Siavash Sheikh Zeinoddin, Anthony Rapley, Stephen Bates, Duncan G. Elliott, Christian Schlegel: A scalable LDPC decoder ASIC architecture with bit-serial message exchange. Integration 41(3): 385-398 (2008)
25EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: A Compact Fading Channel Simulator Using Timing-Driven Resource Sharing. ASAP 2007: 154-159
24EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: A Flexible Filter Processor for Fading Channel Simulation. FCCM 2007: 339-342
23EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: An Improved SOS-Based Fading Channel Emulator. VTC Fall 2007: 931-935
22EEBruce F. Cockburn, Keith Boyle: Design and Characterization of a Digital Delay Locked Loop Synthesized from Black Box Standard Cells. CCECE 2006: 1214-1217
21EEJohn C. Koob, Sue Ann Ung, Ashwin S. Rao, Daniel A. Leder, Craig S. Joly, Kristopher C. Breen, Tyler L. Brandon, Michael Hume, Bruce F. Cockburn, Duncan G. Elliott: Test and Characterization of a Variable-Capacity Multilevel DRAM. VTS 2005: 189-197
20EEJohn C. Koob, Daniel A. Leder, Raymond J. Sung, Tyler L. Brandon, Duncan G. Elliott, Bruce F. Cockburn, L. McIlrath: Design of a 3-D fully depleted SOI computational RAM. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 13(3): 358-369 (2005)
19EEBruce F. Cockburn: Tutorial on Magnetic Tunnel Junction Magnetoresistive Random-Access Memory. MTDT 2004: 46-51
18EEXiaoling Sun, Bruce F. Cockburn, Duncan G. Elliott: An Efficient Functional Test for the Massively-Parallel C ?RAM Logic-Enhanced Memory Architecture. DFT 2003: 475-
17EEBruce F. Cockburn: The Emergence of High-Density Semiconductor-Compatible Spintronic Memory. ICMENS 2003: 321-326
16EEBruce F. Cockburn, Jesús Hernández Tapia, Duncan G. Elliott: A Multilevel DRAM with Hierarchical Bitlines and Serial Sensing. MTDT 2003: 14-19
15EEDaniel Salamon, Bruce F. Cockburn: An Electrical Simulation Model for the Chalcogenide Phase-Change Memory Cell. MTDT 2003: 86-
14EEMichael Redeker, Bruce F. Cockburn, Duncan G. Elliott, Yunan Xiang, Sue Ann Ung: Fault Modeling and Pattern-Sensitivity Testing for a Multilevel DRAM. MTDT 2002: 117-122
13EEMichael Redeker, Bruce F. Cockburn, Duncan G. Elliott: An Investigation into Crosstalk Noise in DRAM Structures. MTDT 2002: 123-
12EEBruce F. Cockburn: Panel on Advanced Embedded Memory Technologies. MTDT 2002: 177-178
11EERaymond J. Sung, John C. Koob, Tyler L. Brandon, Duncan G. Elliott, Bruce F. Cockburn: Design of an Embedded Fully-Depleted SOI SRAM. MTDT 2001: 13-
10EEC. Wickman, Duncan G. Elliott, Bruce F. Cockburn: Cost Models for Large File Memory DRAMs with ECC and Bad Block Marking. DFT 1999: 319-
9EEGershom Birk, Duncan G. Elliott, Bruce F. Cockburn: A Comparative Simulation Study of Four Multilevel DRAMs. MTDT 1999: 102-109
8 Bruce F. Cockburn, Fabrizio Lombardi, Fred J. Meyer: Guest Editors' Introduction: DRAM Architecture and Testing. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 16(1): 19-21 (1999)
7EEMichael Redeker, Bruce F. Cockburn, Duncan G. Elliott: Fault Models and Tests for a 2-Bit-per-Cell MLDRAM. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 16(1): 22-31 (1999)
6EEBruce F. Cockburn, Albert L.-C. Kwong: Transition Maximization Techniques for Enhancing the Two-Pattern Fault Coverage of Pseudorandom Test Pattern Generators. VTS 1998: 430-439
5 Bruce F. Cockburn, Y.-F. Nicole Sat: Synthesized Transparent BIST for Detecting Scrambled Pattern-Sensitive Faults in RAMs. ITC 1995: 23-32
4EEBruce F. Cockburn: Deterministic tests for detecting singleV-coupling faults in RAMs. J. Electronic Testing 5(1): 91-113 (1994)
3EEBruce F. Cockburn: Tutorial on semiconductor memory testing. J. Electronic Testing 5(4): 321-336 (1994)
2EEBruce F. Cockburn, Janusz A. Brzozowski: Near-optimal tests for classes of write-triggered coupling faults in RAMs. J. Electronic Testing 3(3): 251-264 (1992)
1EEJanusz A. Brzozowski, Bruce F. Cockburn: Detection of coupling faults in RAMs. J. Electronic Testing 1(2): 151-162 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Amirhossein Alimohammad [23] [24] [25] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32]
2Stephen Bates [26] [29]
3Leendert van den Berg [29]
4Gershom Birk [9]
5Gary Block [26]
6Keith Boyle [22] [26]
7Tyler L. Brandon [11] [20] [21] [26] [29]
8Kristopher C. Breen [21]
9Janusz A. Brzozowski [1] [2]
10Zhengang Chen [29]
11Duncan G. Elliott [7] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14] [16] [18] [20] [21] [26] [29]
12Saeed Fouladi Fard [23] [24] [25] [27] [28] [30] [31] [32]
13Vincent C. Gaudet [26] [29]
14Christian Giasson [26]
15Paul Goud [26]
16Robert Hang [26]
17Sheryl Howard [26]
18Michael Hume [21]
19Craig S. Joly [21]
20Jason Klaus [29]
21John C. Koob [11] [20] [21] [29]
22Albert L.-C. Kwong [6]
23Daniel A. Leder [20] [21]
24Fabrizio Lombardi [8]
25L. McIlrath [20]
26Fred J. Meyer [8]
27Ashwin S. Rao [21]
28Anthony Rapley [26]
29Michael Redeker [7] [13] [14]
30Daniel Salamon [15]
31Y.-F. Nicole Sat [5]
32Christian Schlegel [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [30] [31] [32]
33Xiaoling Sun [18]
34Raymond J. Sung [11] [20]
35Ramkrishna Swamy [29]
36Jesús Hernández Tapia [16]
37Sue Ann Ung [14] [21]
38C. Wickman [10]
39Yunan Xiang [14]
40Siavash Sheikh Zeinoddin [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)