
Amirhossein Alimohammad

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9EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: A Novel Technique for Efficient Hardware Simulation of Spatiotemporally Correlated MIMO Fading Channels. ICC 2008: 718-724
8EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: On the efficiency and accuracy of hybrid pseudo-random number generators for FPGA-based simulations. IPDPS 2008: 1-8
7EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: A single-FPGA multipath MIMO fading channel simulator. ISCAS 2008: 308-311
6EETyler L. Brandon, John C. Koob, Leendert van den Berg, Zhengang Chen, Amirhossein Alimohammad, Ramkrishna Swamy, Jason Klaus, Stephen Bates, Vincent C. Gaudet, Bruce F. Cockburn, Duncan G. Elliott: A 600-Mb/s encoder and decoder for low-density parity-check convolutional codes. ISCAS 2008: 3090-3093
5EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: An Accurate and Compact Rayleigh and Rician Fading Channel Simulator. VTC Spring 2008: 409-413
4EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: A Compact and Accurate Gaussian Variate Generator. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(5): 517-527 (2008)
3EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: A Compact Fading Channel Simulator Using Timing-Driven Resource Sharing. ASAP 2007: 154-159
2EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: A Flexible Filter Processor for Fading Channel Simulation. FCCM 2007: 339-342
1EEAmirhossein Alimohammad, Saeed Fouladi Fard, Bruce F. Cockburn, Christian Schlegel: An Improved SOS-Based Fading Channel Emulator. VTC Fall 2007: 931-935

Coauthor Index

1Stephen Bates [6]
2Leendert van den Berg [6]
3Tyler L. Brandon [6]
4Zhengang Chen [6]
5Bruce F. Cockburn [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
6Duncan G. Elliott [6]
7Saeed Fouladi Fard [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
8Vincent C. Gaudet [6]
9Jason Klaus [6]
10John C. Koob [6]
11Christian Schlegel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9]
12Ramkrishna Swamy [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)