2009 | ||
89 | EE | Michael F. Spear, Luke Dalessandro, Virendra J. Marathe, Michael L. Scott: A comprehensive strategy for contention management in software transactional memory. PPOPP 2009: 141-150 |
2008 | ||
88 | Siddhartha Chatterjee, Michael L. Scott: Proceedings of the 13th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, PPOPP 2008, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, February 20-23, 2008 ACM 2008 | |
87 | EE | Michael F. Spear, Michael Silverman, Luke Dalessandro, Maged M. Michael, Michael L. Scott: Implementing and Exploiting Inevitability in Software Transactional Memory. ICPP 2008: 59-66 |
86 | EE | Virendra J. Marathe, Michael F. Spear, Michael L. Scott: Scalable Techniques for Transparent Privatization in Software Transactional Memory. ICPP 2008: 67-74 |
85 | EE | Arrvindh Shriraman, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: Flexible Decoupled Transactional Memory Support. ISCA 2008: 139-150 |
84 | EE | Michael F. Spear, Luke Dalessandro, Virendra J. Marathe, Michael L. Scott: Ordering-Based Semantics for Software Transactional Memory. OPODIS 2008: 275-294 |
83 | EE | Michael F. Spear, Andrew Sveikauskas, Michael L. Scott: Transactional memory retry mechanisms. PODC 2008: 453 |
2007 | ||
82 | EE | Virendra J. Marathe, Michael F. Spear, Michael L. Scott: Transaction Safe Nonblocking Data Structures. DISC 2007: 488-489 |
81 | EE | Xipeng Shen, Michael L. Scott, Chengliang Zhang, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Chen Ding, Mitsunori Ogihara: Analysis of input-dependent program behavior using active profiling. Experimental Computer Science 2007: 5 |
80 | EE | Tongxin Bai, Xipeng Shen, Chengliang Zhang, William N. Scherer III, Chen Ding, Michael L. Scott: A Key-based Adaptive Transactional Memory Executor. IPDPS 2007: 1-8 |
79 | EE | Arrvindh Shriraman, Michael F. Spear, Hemayet Hossain, Virendra J. Marathe, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: An integrated hardware-software approach to flexible transactional memory. ISCA 2007: 104-115 |
78 | EE | Michael L. Scott, Michael F. Spear, Luke Dalessandro, Virendra J. Marathe: Transactions and privatization in Delaunay triangulation. PODC 2007: 336-337 |
77 | EE | Michael F. Spear, Virendra J. Marathe, Luke Dalessandro, Michael L. Scott: Privatization techniques for software transactional memory. PODC 2007: 338-339 |
76 | EE | Michael F. Spear, Arrvindh Shriraman, Hemayet Hossain, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: Alert-on-update: a communication aid for shared memory multiprocessors. PPOPP 2007: 132-133 |
75 | EE | Michael F. Spear, Arrvindh Shriraman, Luke Dalessandro, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: Nonblocking transactions without indirection using alert-on-update. SPAA 2007: 210-220 |
2006 | ||
74 | EE | Michael F. Spear, Virendra J. Marathe, William N. Scherer III, Michael L. Scott: Conflict Detection and Validation Strategies for Software Transactional Memory. DISC 2006: 179-193 |
73 | EE | William N. Scherer III, Doug Lea, Michael L. Scott: Scalable synchronous queues. PPOPP 2006: 147-156 |
2005 | ||
72 | EE | Virendra J. Marathe, William N. Scherer III, Michael L. Scott: Adaptive Software Transactional Memory. DISC 2005: 354-368 |
71 | EE | Bijun He, William N. Scherer III, Michael L. Scott: Preemption Adaptivity in Time-Published Queue-Based Spin Locks. HiPC 2005: 7-18 |
70 | EE | William N. Scherer III, Michael L. Scott: Advanced contention management for dynamic software transactional memory. PODC 2005: 240-248 |
69 | EE | Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Robert Stets, Galen C. Hunt, Umit Rencuzogullari, Gautam Altekar, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: Shared memory computing on clusters with symmetric multiprocessors and system area networks. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 23(3): 301-335 (2005) |
2004 | ||
68 | EE | Greg Semeraro, David H. Albonesi, Grigorios Magklis, Michael L. Scott, Steven G. Dropsho, Sandhya Dwarkadas: Hiding Synchronization Delays in a GALS Processor Microarchitecture. ASYNC 2004: 159-169 |
67 | EE | William N. Scherer III, Michael L. Scott: Nonblocking Concurrent Data Structures with Condition Synchronization. DISC 2004: 174-187 |
66 | EE | YongKang Zhu, Grigorios Magklis, Michael L. Scott, Chen Ding, David H. Albonesi: The Energy Impact of Aggressive Loop Fusion. IEEE PACT 2004: 153-164 |
65 | EE | Chunqiang Tang, DeQing Chen, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: Integrating Remote Invocation and Distributed Shared State. IPDPS 2004 |
64 | EE | Steven G. Dropsho, Greg Semeraro, David H. Albonesi, Grigorios Magklis, Michael L. Scott: Dynamically Trading Frequency for Complexity in a GALS Microprocessor. MICRO 2004: 157-168 |
63 | EE | Athanasios E. Papathanasiou, Michael L. Scott: Energy Efficient Prefetching and Caching (Awarded Best Paper!). USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track 2004: 255-268 |
62 | EE | Christopher Stewart, Kai Shen, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott, Jian Yin: Profile-Driven Component Placement for Cluster-Based Online Services. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 5(10): (2004) |
2003 | ||
61 | Michael L. Scott, Larry L. Peterson: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 2003, SOSP 2003, Bolton Landing, NY, USA, October 19-22, 2003 ACM 2003 | |
60 | EE | Michael L. Scott, DeQing Chen, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Chunqiang Tang: Distributed Shared State. FTDCS 2003: 122-127 |
59 | EE | Chunqiang Tang, DeQing Chen, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: Efficient Distributed Shared State for Heterogeneous Machine Architectures. ICDCS 2003: 560-569 |
58 | EE | Grigorios Magklis, Michael L. Scott, Greg Semeraro, David H. Albonesi, Steve Dropsho: Profile-Based Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling for a Multiple Clock Domain Microprocessor. ISCA 2003: 14-25 |
57 | EE | DeQing Chen, Chunqiang Tang, Brandon Sanders, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: Exploiting high-level coherence information to optimize distributed shared state. PPOPP 2003: 131-142 |
56 | EE | Athanasios E. Papathanasiou, Michael L. Scott: Energy Efficiency through Burstiness. WMCSA 2003: 44-53 |
55 | EE | David H. Albonesi, Rajeev Balasubramonian, Steve Dropsho, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Eby G. Friedman, Michael C. Huang, Volkan Kursun, Grigorios Magklis, Michael L. Scott, Greg Semeraro, Pradip Bose, Alper Buyuktosunoglu, Peter W. Cook, Stanley Schuster: Dynamically Tuning Processor Resources with Adaptive Processing. IEEE Computer 36(12): 49-58 (2003) |
54 | EE | Grigorios Magklis, Greg Semeraro, David H. Albonesi, Steve Dropsho, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: Dynamic Frequency and Voltage Scaling for a Multiple-Clock-Domain Microprocessor. IEEE Micro 23(6): 62-68 (2003) |
2002 | ||
53 | EE | Greg Semeraro, Grigorios Magklis, Rajeev Balasubramonian, David H. Albonesi, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: Energy-Efficient Processor Design Using Multiple Clock Domains with Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling. HPCA 2002: 29-42 |
52 | EE | DeQing Chen, Chunqiang Tang, Xiangchuan Chen, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: Multi-Level Shared State for Distributed Systems. ICPP 2002: 131-140 |
51 | EE | Steve Dropsho, Alper Buyuktosunoglu, Rajeev Balasubramonian, David H. Albonesi, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Greg Semeraro, Grigorios Magklis, Michael L. Scott: Integrating Adaptive On-Chip Storage Structures for Reduced Dynamic Power. IEEE PACT 2002: 141- |
50 | EE | Greg Semeraro, David H. Albonesi, Steve Dropsho, Grigorios Magklis, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: Dynamic frequency and voltage control for a multiple clock domain microarchitecture. MICRO 2002: 356-367 |
49 | EE | Michael L. Scott: Non-blocking timeout in scalable queue-based spin locks. PODC 2002: 31-40 |
2001 | ||
48 | EE | Michael L. Scott, William N. Scherer III: Scalable queue-based spin locks with timeout. PPOPP 2001: 44-52 |
2000 | ||
47 | EE | Robert Stets, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Umit Rencuzogullari, Michael L. Scott: The Effect of Network Total Order, Broadcast, and Remote-Write Capability on Network-Based Shared Memory Computing. HPCA 2000: 265-276 |
46 | EE | DeQing Chen, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Eduardo Pinheiro, Michael L. Scott: InterWeave: A Middleware System for Distributed Shared State. LCR 2000: 207-220 |
1999 | ||
45 | EE | Galen C. Hunt, Michael L. Scott: Intercepting and Instrumenting COM Applications. COOTS 1999: 45-56 |
44 | EE | Sandhya Dwarkadas, Kourosh Gharachorloo, Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Daniel J. Scales, Michael L. Scott, Robert Stets: Comparative Evaluation of Fine- and Coarse-Grain Approaches for Software Distributed Shared Memory. HPCA 1999: 260-269 |
43 | EE | Galen C. Hunt, Michael L. Scott: The Coign Automatic Distributed Partitioning System. OSDI 1999: 187-200 |
42 | Robert Stets, Galen C. Hunt, Michael L. Scott: Component-Based APIs for Versioning and Distributed Applications. IEEE Computer 32(7): 54-61 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
41 | Maged M. Michael, Michael L. Scott: Nonblocking Algorithms and Preemption-Safe Locking on Multiprogrammed Shared Memory Multiprocessors. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 51(1): 1-26 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
40 | EE | Maged M. Michael, Michael L. Scott: Relative Performance of Preemption-Safe Locking and Non-Blocking Synchronization on Multiprogrammed Shared Memory Multiprocessors. IPPS 1997: 267-273 |
39 | EE | Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Galen C. Hunt, Robert Stets, Nikos Hardavellas, Michal Cierniak, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Wagner Meira Jr., Sandhya Dwarkadas, Michael L. Scott: VM-Based Shared Memory on Low-Latency, Remote-Memory-Access Networks. ISCA 1997: 157-169 |
38 | EE | Maged M. Michael, Ashwini K. Nanda, Beng-Hong Lim, Michael L. Scott: Coherence Controller Architectures for SMP-Based CC-NUMA Multiprocessors. ISCA 1997: 219-228 |
37 | Robert Stets, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Nikos Hardavellas, Galen C. Hunt, Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Michael L. Scott: Cashmere-2L: Software Coherent Shared Memory on a Clustered Remote-Write Network. SOSP 1997: 170-183 | |
36 | EE | Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Robert W. Wisniewski, Michael L. Scott: Scheduler-Conscious Synchronization. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 15(1): 3-40 (1997) |
1996 | ||
35 | EE | Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Michael L. Scott: Using Memory-Mapped Network Interfaces to Improve the Performance of Distributed Shared Memory. HPCA 1996: 166-177 |
34 | Maged M. Michael, Michael L. Scott: Simple, Fast, and Practical Non-Blocking and Blocking Concurrent Queue Algorithms. PODC 1996: 267-275 | |
33 | EE | Galen C. Hunt, Maged M. Michael, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Michael L. Scott: An Efficient Algorithm for Concurrent Priority Queue Heaps. Inf. Process. Lett. 60(3): 151-157 (1996) |
1995 | ||
32 | Maged M. Michael, Michael L. Scott: Implementation of Atomic Primitives on Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessors. HPCA 1995: 222-231 | |
31 | Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Michael L. Scott: Software Cache Coherence for Large Scale Multiprocessors. HPCA 1995: 286-295 | |
30 | EE | Michael Marchetti, Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Ricardo Bianchini, Michael L. Scott: Using simple page placement policies to reduce the cost of cache fills in coherent shared-memory systems. IPPS 1995: 480-485 |
29 | Robert W. Wisniewski, Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Michael L. Scott: High Performance Synchronization Algorithms for Multiprogrammed Multiprocessors. PPOPP 1995: 199-206 | |
28 | EE | Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Michael L. Scott, Ricardo Bianchini: Lazy Release Consistency for Hardware-Coherent Multiprocessors. SC 1995 |
27 | Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Michael L. Scott: High Performance Software Coherence for Current and Future Architectures. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 29(2): 179-195 (1995) | |
1994 | ||
26 | Robert W. Wisniewski, Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Michael L. Scott: Scalable Spin Locks for Multiprogrammed Systems. IPPS 1994: 583-589 | |
25 | EE | Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, Rabin A. Sugumar, Greg Faanes, James E. Smith, Michael L. Scott: Cache performance in vector supercomputers. SC 1994: 255-264 |
24 | Lawrence A. Crowl, Mark Crovella, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Michael L. Scott: The Advantages of Multiple Parallelizations in Combinatorial Search. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 21(1): 110-123 (1994) | |
1993 | ||
23 | EE | Geoffrey Fox, Sanjay Ranka, Michael L. Scott, Allen D. Malony, James C. Browne, Marina C. Chen, Alok N. Choudhary, Thomas Cheatham, Janice E. Cuny, Rudolf Eigenmann, Amr F. Fahmy, Ian T. Foster, Dennis Gannon, Tomasz Haupt, Carl Kesselman, Charles Koelbel, Wei Li, Monica S. Lam, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Jim Openshaw, David A. Padua, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, Joel H. Saltz, Alan Sussman, Gil Weigand, Katherine A. Yelick: Common runtime support for high-performance parallel languages. SC 1993: 752-757 |
22 | W. E. Garrett, Michael L. Scott, Ricardo Bianchini, Leonidas I. Kontothanassis, R. A. McCallum, J. A. Thomas, Robert W. Wisniewski, S. Luk: Linking Shared Segments. USENIX Winter 1993: 13-28 | |
21 | EE | Eliseu M. Chaves Jr., Prakash Das, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Brian D. Marsh, Michael L. Scott: Kernel-Kernel communication in a shared-memory multiprocessor. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 5(3): 171-191 (1993) |
1992 | ||
20 | Brian D. Marsh, Chris Brown, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Michael L. Scott, Tim Becker, Cesar Quiroz, Prakash Das, Jonas Karlsson: The Rochester Checkers Player: Multimodel Parallel Programming for Animate Vision. IEEE Computer 25(2): 12-19 (1992) | |
19 | Brian D. Marsh, Chris Brown, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Michael L. Scott, Tim Becker, Prakash Das, Jonas Karlsson, Cesar Quiroz: Operating System Support for Animate Vision. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 15(2): 103-117 (1992) | |
18 | William J. Bolosky, Michael L. Scott: Evaluation of Multiprocessor Memory Systems Using Off-Line Optimal Behavior. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 15(4): 382-398 (1992) | |
1991 | ||
17 | William J. Bolosky, Michael L. Scott, Robert P. Fitzgerald, Robert J. Fowler, Alan L. Cox: NUMA Policies and Their Relation to Memory Architecture. ASPLOS 1991: 212-221 | |
16 | John M. Mellor-Crummey, Michael L. Scott: Synchronization without Contention. ASPLOS 1991: 269-278 | |
15 | John M. Mellor-Crummey, Michael L. Scott: Scalable Reader-Writer Synchronization for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. PPOPP 1991: 106-113 | |
14 | Brian D. Marsh, Michael L. Scott, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Evangelos P. Markatos: First-Class User-Level Theads. SOSP 1991: 110-121 | |
13 | EE | John M. Mellor-Crummey, Michael L. Scott: Algorithms for Scalable Synchronization on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 9(1): 21-65 (1991) |
12 | Michael L. Scott: The Lynx Distributed Programming Language: Motivation, Design and Experience. Comput. Lang. 16(3/4): 209-233 (1991) | |
1990 | ||
11 | Sue-Ken Yap, Michael L. Scott: PENGUIN: A language for reactive graphical user interface programming. INTERACT 1990: 619-624 | |
10 | Michael L. Scott, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Brian D. Marsh: Multi-Model Parallel Programming in Psyche. PPOPP 1990: 70-78 | |
1989 | ||
9 | William J. Bolosky, Robert P. Fitzgerald, Michael L. Scott: Simple But Effective Techniques for NUMA Memory Management. SOSP 1989: 19-31 | |
8 | Michael L. Scott, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Brian D. Marsh, Timothy G. Becker, Cezary Dubnicki, Evangelos P. Markatos, Neil G. Smithline: Implementation Issues for the Psyche Multiprocessor Operating System. Computing Systems 3(1): 101-138 (1989) | |
7 | EE | Raphael A. Finkel, Michael L. Scott, Yeshayahu Artsy, Hung-Yang Chang: Experience with Charlotte: Simplicity and Function in a Distributed Operating System. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(6): 676-685 (1989) |
1988 | ||
6 | Peter C. Dibble, Michael L. Scott, Carla Schlatter Ellis: Bridge: A High-Performance File System for Parallel Processors. ICDCS 1988: 154-161 | |
5 | Michael L. Scott, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Brian D. Marsh: Design Rationale for Psyche a General-Purpose Multiprocessor Operating System. ICPP (2) 1988: 255-262 | |
4 | Thomas J. LeBlanc, Michael L. Scott, Christopher M. Brown: Large-Scale Parallel Programming: Experience with the BBN Butterfly Parallel Processor. PPOPP/PPEALS 1988: 161-172 | |
3 | EE | Michael L. Scott, Raphael A. Finkel: A Simple Mechanism for Type Security Across Compilation Units. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(8): 1238-1239 (1988) |
1987 | ||
2 | Michael L. Scott: Language Support for Loosely Coupled Distributed Programs. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(1): 88-103 (1987) | |
1986 | ||
1 | Michael L. Scott: The Interface Between Distributed Operating System and High-Level Programming Language. ICPP 1986: 242-249 |