
Jit Biswas

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17EEJit Biswas, Aung Aung Phyo Wai, Victor Foo Siang Fook, Chris D. Nugent, Maurice D. Mulvenna, David Craig, Peter J. Passmore, Daqing Zhang, Jer En Lee, Philip Lin Kiat Yap: Design of a Smart Continence Management System Based on Initial User Requirement Assessment. ICOST 2008: 62-72
16EEJianfeng Chen, Tran Huy Dat, Koksoon Phua, Jit Biswas, Maniyeri Jayachandran: Using Keyword Spotting and Replacement for Speech Anonymization. ICME 2007: 548-551
15EEVictor Foo Siang Fook, Jhy Haur Tee, Kon Sang Yap, Aung Aung Phyo Wai, Maniyeri Jayachandran, Jit Biswas, Peng Hin Lee: Smart Mote-Based Medical System for Monitoring and Handling Medication Among Persons with Dementia. ICOST 2007: 54-62
14EEViet Thang Pham, Qiang Qiu, Aung Aung Phyo Wai, Jit Biswas: Application of ultrasonic sensors in a smart environment. Pervasive and Mobile Computing 3(2): 180-207 (2007)
13EEJit Biswas, Felix Naumann, Qiang Qiu: Assessing the Completeness of Sensor Data. DASFAA 2006: 717-732
12EEJit Biswas, Victor Foo Siang Fook, Qiang Qiu, Maniyeri Jayachandran, Aung Aung Phyo Wai, Pham Viet Thang, That Mon Htwe: Data Collection and Feature Extraction for a Smart Ward Application. ETFA 2006: 110-115
11EEVictor Foo Siang Fook, Siew Choo Tay, Maniyeri Jayachandran, Jit Biswas, Daqing Zhang: An Ontology-based Context Model in Monitoring and Handling Agitation Behaviour for Persons with Dementia. PerCom Workshops 2006: 560-564
10EESantos Kumar Das, P. Venkataram, Jit Biswas: MPLS-BGP based LSP setup techniques. LCN 2003: 279-280
9EEH.-K. Tan, R. Radhakrishna Pillai, Chen-Khong Tham, Lawrence W. C. Wong, Jit Biswas: Impact of ATM cell delay on multimedia applications. Computer Communications 23(13): 1215-1222 (2000)
8EER. Radhakrishna Pillai, Su Kwe Long, Jit Biswas, Chen-Khong Tham: Call performance studies on the ATM forum UNI signalling implementations. Computer Communications 22(5): 463-469 (1999)
7 R. Radhakrishna Pillai, Jit Biswas, Utpal Mukherji: Throughput performance of distributed applications in switched networks in presence of end-system bottlenecks. Telecommunication Systems 12(4): 369-387 (1999)
6EER. Radhakrishna Pillai, Jit Biswas: PVC management system for the Singapore national high-speed ATM testbed. Computer Communications 20(15): 1365-1373 (1997)
5EEJit Biswas, R. Radhakrishna Pillai: A Model and APIs for Service Management on an ATM Network. J. Network Syst. Manage. 5(3): (1997)
4EEJit Biswas, James C. Browne: Data Structures for Parallel Resource Management. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 19(7): 672-686 (1993)
3 Paul A. Suhler, Jit Biswas, Kim M. Korner, James C. Browne: TDFL: A Task-Level Dataflow Language. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 9(2): 103-115 (1990)
2 Jit Biswas, James C. Browne: Simultaneous Update of Priority Structures. ICPP 1987: 124-131
1 Jit Biswas, David W. Matula: Two Flow Routing Algorithms for the Maximum Concurrent-Flow Problem. FJCC 1986: 629-636

Coauthor Index

1James C. Browne [2] [3] [4]
2Jianfeng Chen [16]
3David Craig [17]
4Santos Kumar Das [10]
5Tran Huy Dat [16]
6Victor Foo Siang Fook [11] [12] [15] [17]
7That Mon Htwe [12]
8Maniyeri Jayachandran [11] [12] [15] [16]
9Kim M. Korner [3]
10Jer En Lee [17]
11Peng Hin Lee [15]
12Su Kwe Long [8]
13David W. Matula [1]
14Utpal Mukherji [7]
15Maurice D. Mulvenna [17]
16Felix Naumann [13]
17Chris D. Nugent [17]
18Peter J. Passmore [17]
19Viet Thang Pham [14]
20Koksoon Phua [16]
21R. Radhakrishna Pillai [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
22Qiang Qiu [12] [13] [14]
23Paul A. Suhler [3]
24H.-K. Tan [9]
25Siew Choo Tay [11]
26Jhy Haur Tee [15]
27Chen-Khong Tham [8] [9]
28Pham Viet Thang [12]
29P. Venkataram [10]
30Aung Aung Phyo Wai [12] [14] [15] [17]
31Lawrence W. C. Wong [9]
32Kon Sang Yap [15]
33Philip Lin Kiat Yap [17]
34Daqing Zhang [11] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)