2007 |
32 | EE | Seetharami R. Seelam,
Andre Kerstens,
Patricia J. Teller:
Throttling I/O Streams to Accelerate File-IO Performance.
HPCC 2007: 718-731 |
31 | EE | Michela Taufer,
Andre Kerstens,
Trilce Estrada,
David A. Flores,
Richard Zamudio,
Patricia J. Teller,
R. Armen,
Charles L. Brooks III:
Moving Volunteer Computing towards Knowledge-Constructed, Dynamically-Adaptive Modeling and Scheduling.
IPDPS 2007: 1-8 |
30 | EE | Ron Oldfield,
Sarala Arunagiri,
Patricia J. Teller,
Seetharami R. Seelam,
Maria Ruiz Varela,
Rolf Riesen,
Philip C. Roth:
Modeling the Impact of Checkpoints on Next-Generation Systems.
MSST 2007: 30-46 |
29 | EE | Michela Taufer,
Andre Kerstens,
Trilce Estrada,
David A. Flores,
Patricia J. Teller:
SimBA: A Discrete Event Simulator for Performance Prediction of Volunteer Computing Projects.
PADS 2007: 189-197 |
28 | EE | Guillermo A. Lopez,
Michela Taufer,
Patricia J. Teller:
Evaluation of IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic compliance across a wide range of heterogeneous computers.
Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference 2007: 1-4 |
27 | EE | Seetharami R. Seelam,
Patricia J. Teller:
Virtual I/O scheduler: a scheduler of schedulers for performance virtualization.
VEE 2007: 105-115 |
2006 |
26 | EE | Seetharami R. Seelam,
Patricia J. Teller:
Fairness and Performance Isolation: an Analysis of Disk Scheduling Algorithms.
CLUSTER 2006 |
25 | EE | Maria Gabriel Aguilera,
Patricia J. Teller,
Michela Taufer,
F. Wolf:
A systematic multi-step methodology for performance analysis of communication traces of distributed applications based on hierarchical clustering.
IPDPS 2006 |
24 | EE | James C. Browne,
Calvin Lin,
Kevin Kane,
Yoonsik Cheon,
Patricia J. Teller:
Unification of verification and validation methods for software systems: progress report and initial case study formulation.
IPDPS 2006 |
23 | EE | Seetharami R. Seelam,
Jayaraman Suresh Babu,
Patricia J. Teller:
Rate-Controlled Scheduling of Expired Writes for Volatile Caches.
QEST 2006: 51-62 |
22 | EE | David A. Flores,
Trilce Estrada,
Michela Taufer,
Patricia J. Teller,
Andre Kerstens:
Poster reception - SimBA: a discrete event simulator for performance prediction of volunteer computing projects.
SC 2006: 168 |
21 | EE | Trilce Estrada,
David A. Flores,
Michela Taufer,
Patricia J. Teller,
Andre Kerstens,
David P. Anderson:
The Effectiveness of Threshold-Based Scheduling Policies in BOINC Projects.
e-Science 2006: 88 |
20 | EE | Patricia J. Teller,
Seetharami R. Seelam:
Insights into providing dynamic adaptation of operating system policies.
Operating Systems Review 40(2): 83-89 (2006) |
2005 |
19 | EE | Roberto Araiza,
Maria Gabriela Aguilera,
Thientam Pham,
Patricia J. Teller:
Towards a cross-platform microbenchmark suite for evaluating hardware performance counter data.
Richard Tapia Celebration of Diversity in Computing Conference 2005: 36-39 |
18 | EE | Michela Taufer,
Patricia J. Teller,
David P. Anderson,
Charles L. Brooks III:
Metrics for Effective Resource Management in Global Computing Environments.
e-Science 2005: 204-211 |
2004 |
17 | EE | Diana Villa,
Jaime Acosta,
Patricia J. Teller,
Bret R. Olszewski,
Trevor Morgan:
A Framework for Profiling Multiprocessor Memory Performance.
ICPADS 2004: 530- |
16 | EE | Ricardo Portillo,
Diana Villa,
Patricia J. Teller,
Bret R. Olszewski:
Mining Performance Data from Sampled Event Traces.
MASCOTS 2004: 484-493 |
2003 |
15 | EE | Vikram S. Adve,
James C. Browne,
Brian Ensink,
John R. Rice,
Patricia J. Teller,
Mary K. Vernon,
Stephen J. Wright:
An Approach to Optimizing Adaptive Parabolic PDE Solvers for the Grid.
IPDPS 2003: 210 |
2002 |
14 | EE | Vikram S. Adve,
Afolami Akinsanmi,
James C. Browne,
Det Buaklee,
Guoshen Deng,
Vinh Vi Lam,
Trevor Morgan,
John R. Rice,
Gregory J. Rodin,
Patricia J. Teller,
Gregory F. Tracy,
Mary K. Vernon,
Stephen J. Wright:
Model-Based Control of Adaptive Applications: An Overview.
IPDPS 2002 |
2000 |
13 | EE | Vikram S. Adve,
Rajive Bagrodia,
James C. Browne,
Ewa Deelman,
Aditya Dube,
Elias N. Houstis,
John R. Rice,
Rizos Sakellariou,
David Sundaram-Stukel,
Patricia J. Teller,
Mary K. Vernon:
POEMS: End-to-End Performance Design of Large Parallel Adaptive Computational Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 26(11): 1027-1048 (2000) |
1999 |
12 | EE | Ann Q. Gates,
Patricia J. Teller:
DynaMICs: An Automated and Independent Software-FaultDetection Approach.
HASE 1999: 11-19 |
11 | EE | Richard L. Oliver,
Patricia J. Teller:
Are all scientific workloads equal?
IPCCC 1999: 284-290 |
10 | EE | Patricia J. Teller,
M. E. Maxwell,
Ann Q. Gates:
Towards the design of a snoopy coprocessor for dynamic software-fault detection.
IPCCC 1999: 310-317 |
1998 |
9 | EE | Ewa Deelman,
Aditya Dube,
Adolfy Hoisie,
Yong Luo,
Richard L. Oliver,
David Sundaram-Stukel,
Harvey J. Wasserman,
Vikram S. Adve,
Rajive Bagrodia,
James C. Browne,
Elias N. Houstis,
Olaf M. Lubeck,
John R. Rice,
Patricia J. Teller,
Mary K. Vernon:
Poems: end-to-end performance design of large parallel adaptive computational systems.
WOSP 1998: 18-30 |
1995 |
8 | | Patricia J. Teller:
Unscheduled Traces and Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Simulation.
ICPP (1) 1995: 159-162 |
7 | EE | Qidong Xu,
Patricia J. Teller:
Unified vs. split TLBs and caches in shared-memory MP systems.
IPPS 1995: 398-403 |
6 | EE | Shaun Cooper,
Patricia J. Teller:
Configuring a large LAN for TCP/IP, Appletalk, and IPX.
LCN 1995: 264- |
5 | EE | Patricia J. Teller,
Ted Dunning:
Mobile Robots Teach Machine-Level Programming.
SC 1995 |
1994 |
4 | | Patricia J. Teller,
Allan Gottlieb:
Locating Multiprocessor TLBs at Memory.
HICSS (1) 1994: 554-563 |
1993 |
3 | | G. Chen,
Allan Gottlieb,
Patricia J. Teller:
Optimization Techniques for Directory-Based Cache Coherence Protocols for Large-Scale Multiprocessors.
PARCO 1993: 671-674 |
1990 |
2 | | Patricia J. Teller:
Translation-Lookaside Buffer Consistency.
IEEE Computer 23(6): 26-36 (1990) |
1985 |
1 | | Jan Edler,
Allan Gottlieb,
Clyde P. Kruskal,
Kevin P. McAuliffe,
Larry Rudolph,
Marc Snir,
Patricia J. Teller,
James Wilson:
Issues Related to MIMD Shared-memory Computers: The NYU Ultracomputer Approach.
ISCA 1985: 126-135 |