Volume 26,
Number 1,
January 2000
Volume 26,
Number 2,
February 2000
Volume 26,
Number 3,
March 2000
Architecture-Independent Languages and Software Tools for Parallel Processing
- Domenico Talia, Pradip K. Srimani, Mehdi Jazayeri:
Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Issues on Architecture-Independent Languages and Software tools for Parallel Processing.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
- Bradford L. Chamberlain, Sung-Eun Choi, E. Christopher Lewis, Calvin Lin, Lawrence Snyder, Derrick Weathersby:
ZPL: A Machine Independent Programming Language for Parallel Computers.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
- Scott B. Baden, Stephen J. Fink:
A Programming Methodology for Dual-Tier Multicomputers.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
- Thomas Bräunl:
Parallaxis-III: Architecture-Independent Data Parallel Processing.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
- Junjie Gu, Zhiyuan Li:
Efficient Interprocedural Array Data-Flow Analysis for Automatic Program Parallelization.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
- Alessandro Marongiu, Paolo Palazzari:
Automatic Mapping of System of N-Dimensional Affine Precurrence Equations (SARE) onto Distributed Memory Parallel Systems.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
- Sergei Gorlatch:
Toward Formally-Based Design of Message Passing Programs.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
Volume 26,
Number 4,
April 2000
Architecture-Independent Languages and Software Tools for Parallel Processing
Volume 26,
Number 5,
May 2000
Architecture-Independent Languages and Software Tools for Parallel Processing
Fifth International Conference on Software Reuse
Regular Papers
Volume 26,
Number 6,
June 2000
Volume 26,
Number 7,
July 2000
Formal Methods for Object Systems
Regular Papers
Volume 26,
Number 8,
August 2000
Special Section on the 1999 Formal Methods Conference (FM '99)
Regular Papers
Volume 26,
Number 9,
September 2000
Current Trends in Exception Handling
Regular Papers
Volume 26,
Number 10,
October 2000
Current Trends in Exception Handling (Part II)
Regular Papers
Correspondence Papers
Volume 26,
Number 11,
November 2000
Workshop on Software and Performance - Part I
- Albert Mo Kim Cheng, Paul C. Clements, C. Murray Woodside:
Guest Editors' Introduction-Workshop on Software and Performance.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
- Vikram S. Adve, Rajive Bagrodia, James C. Browne, Ewa Deelman, Aditya Dube, Elias N. Houstis, John R. Rice, Rizos Sakellariou, David Sundaram-Stukel, Patricia J. Teller, Mary K. Vernon:
POEMS: End-to-End Performance Design of Large Parallel Adaptive Computational Systems.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
- Dorina C. Petriu, Christiane Shousha, Anant Jalnapurkar:
Architecture-Based Performance Analysis Applied to a Telecommunication System.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
- Daniel A. Menascé, Hassan Gomaa:
A Method for Design and Performance Modeling of Client/Server Systems.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
- Sridhar Ramesh, Harry G. Perros:
A Multilayer Client-Server Queueing Network Model with Synchronous and Asynchronous Messages.
Electronic Edition (IEEE Computer Society DL) BibTeX
Regular Papers
Volume 26,
Number 12,
December 2000
Workshop on Software and Performance - Part II
Regular Papers
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:30:43 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)