2. ICSE 1976:
San Francisco,
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering,
13-15 October 1976,
San Francisco,
California. IEEE Computer Society,
Catalog No. 76CH1125-4C
Requirements Definition
Program Synthesis Techniques
Operating Systems
Requirements Engineering
- Carl G. Davis, Charles R. Vick:
The Software Development System (Abstract).
60 BibTeX
- Thomas E. Bell, T. A. Thayer:
Software Requirements: Are They Really a Problem?
61-68 BibTeX
- Mack W. Alford:
A Requirements Engineering Methodology for Real-Time Processing Requirements (Abstract).
69 BibTeX
- Thomas E. Bell, David C. Bixler, Margaret E. Dyer:
An Extendable Approach to Computer-Aided Software Requirements Engineering (Abstract).
70 BibTeX
- P. C. Belford, A. F. Bond, D. G. Henderson, L. S. Sellers:
Specifications: A Key to Effective Software Development.
71-79 BibTeX
- S. N. Gaulding, J. D. Lawson:
Process Design Engineering: A Methodology for Real-Time Software Development.
80-85 BibTeX
- R. G. Koppang:
Process Design System: An Integrated Set of Software Development Tools.
86-90 BibTeX
- K. G. Salter:
A Methodology for Decomposing System Requirements Into Data Processing Requirements.
91-101 BibTeX
- D. W. Cooper:
Adaptive Testing.
102-105 BibTeX
- J. P. Benson, R. A. Melton:
A Laboratory for the Development and Evaluation of BMD Software Quality Enhancement Techniques.
106-109 BibTeX
- Edward E. Balkovich, G. P. Engelberg:
Research Towards a technology to Support the Specification of Data Processing System Performance Requirements.
110-115 BibTeX
Operating Systems and Networks
Performance Evaluation
Programmer's Workbench
Software Design and Development
- David Gries:
An Illustration of Current Ideas on the Derivation of Correctness Proofs and Correct Programs (Abstract).
200 BibTeX
Design Principles of Large Programs
Programming Languages
Software Modeling
Design Specifiaction and Management
Programming Languages and Systems
Software Design
Software Engineering in the Department of Defense
Software Verification and Validation
Program Proving and Verification
Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering
Software Fault Tolerance
- Peter G. Neumann, Richard J. Feiertag, Karl N. Levitt, Lawrence Robinson:
Software Development and Proofs of Multi-Level Security.
421-428 BibTeX
- S. S. Yau, R. C. Cheung, D. C. Cochrane:
An Approach to Error-Resistant Software Design.
429-436 BibTeX
- David Lorge Parnas, Harald Würges:
Response to Undesired Events in Software Systems.
437-446 BibTeX
- T. Anderson, R. Kerr:
Recovery Blocks in Action: A System Supporting High Reliability.
447-457 BibTeX
- John H. Wensley, Milton W. Green, Karl N. Levitt, Robert E. Shostak:
The Design, Analysis, and Verification of the SIFT Fault-Tolerant System.
458-469 BibTeX
Validation and Testing
Data Bases
Case Studies
- Peter Alsberg, J. D. Day:
A Principle for Resilient Sharing of Distributed Resources.
562-570 BibTeX
- Reinhard Wilhelm, Knut Ripken, Joachim Ciesinger, Harald Ganzinger, Walter Lahner, R. Nollmann:
Design Evaluation of the Compiler Generating System MUGI.
571-576 BibTeX
- J. Mohan, M. Geller:
An Environmental Simulator for the FDNY Computer Aided Dispatch System.
577-584 BibTeX
- K. S. Shankar, C. Sekar Chandersekaran:
Dat Flow, Abstraction Levels and Specifications for Communications Switching Systems.
585-591 BibTeX
- Barry W. Boehm, J. R. Brown, M. Lipow:
Quantitative Evaluation of Software Quality.
592-605 BibTeX
- Udo Voges:
Aspects of Design, Test and Validation of the Software for a Computerized Reactor Protection System.
606-610 BibTeX
- Wolfgang D. Ehrenberger, G. Rauch, K. Okroy:
Program Analysis - A Method for the Verification of Software for the Control of a Nuclear Reactor.
611-616 BibTeX
Software Automated Tools
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:21:32 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)