Donald R. Deese, H. Pat Artis, Anneliese von Mayrhauser, Bernard Domanski, Sidney Finehirsh, Jason G. Shane, John Gaffney (Eds.):
Tenth International Computer Measurement Group Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 3-7, 1984, Proceedings.
Computer Measurement Group 1984 BibTeX
editor = {Donald R. Deese and
H. Pat Artis and
Anneliese von Mayrhauser and
Bernard Domanski and
Sidney Finehirsh and
Jason G. Shane and
John Gaffney},
title = {Tenth International Computer Measurement Group Conference, San
Francisco, CA, USA, December 3-7, 1984, Proceedings},
booktitle = {Int. CMG Conference},
publisher = {Computer Measurement Group},
year = {1984},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
- Frank R. Petroski:
Using Simulation as a Design Assessment Tool for a Real Time Air Traffic Control System.
1-8 BibTeX
- Shan Barkataki:
A CPE Project in a Fast Transaction Processing Environment.
9-14 BibTeX
- Anneliese von Mayrhauser:
Software Development Guidelines - a Measurement Approach.
15-19 BibTeX
- John E. Gaffney Jr.:
On Predicting Software Related Performance of Large-Scale Systems.
20-23 BibTeX
- Halim M. Khelalfa, Anneliese von Mayrhauser:
Models to Evaluate Trade-Offs Between Performance and Reliability.
24-29 BibTeX
- Vincent Fernandes, James C. Browne, Doug Neuse:
Some Performance Models of Distributed Systems.
30-37 BibTeX
- Ted Pollak:
Capacity Management - A Case History.
38-44 BibTeX
- James R. Kenevan, Anneliese von Mayrhauser:
Response Time Convexity for Interactive Computer Systems.
45-51 BibTeX
- Axel Lehmann:
A Multi-Stage Hierarchical Performance Evaluation Concept - Design, Application and Experiences.
52-63 BibTeX
- Alan M. Sherkow:
Mainframe Computing Facilities Usage Evaluation and Future Requirements Recommendation.
64-75 BibTeX
- Diana De Agro, Sheryl L. Preston:
The Linear Projection Model: An Event-Driven Forecasting Model.
76-80 BibTeX
- Rich Olcott:
DASD Management in a Multi-Processor Environment.
81-92 BibTeX
- James S. DeArmon:
Enhanced I/O Performance via System Paging Facilities.
93-102 BibTeX
- Kenneth C. Sevcik, Edward D. Lazowska:
Generating Queueing Network Models From High-Level System Specifications.
103-107 BibTeX
- William G. Bulgren, Victor L. Wallace, Ron Ireland, Someshwar C. Gupta:
A Comparison of Performance Models of a High Speed Computer Network.
108-114 BibTeX
- James A. Redmond:
A Performance Measurement Methodology Using Live Workloads in a Regular, Consistent and Standard Fashion.
115-125 BibTeX
- Steven Halladay:
An Architectural Overview of the Performance Analysis Process.
126-134 BibTeX
- Keith E. Silliman:
Capacity Planning in a VM/370 Environment with Emphasis on DASD.
135-148 BibTeX
- William R. Fairchild:
The Hidden Cost of DASD Errors.
149-153 BibTeX
- Michael A. Salsburg:
Using Simulation: Major Network Decisions.
154-158 BibTeX
- William J. Garrison:
Designing the Computer and Communications Network Simulator Network II.5.
159-167 BibTeX
- Subhash C. Agrawal, Ethan D. Bolker, Jeffrey P. Buzen, Tim Grieser, J. Munoz:
On Tuning the Fair Share Scheduler in VM Operating Systems.
168-174 BibTeX
- Bruce McNutt:
A Case Study of Access to VM Disk Volumes.
175-180 BibTeX
- Martin J. Garbo, Paris E. Bingham:
Disk System Modeling in a Cyber Environment.
181-188 BibTeX
- David S. Greenberg, Annie W. Shum:
Performance Analysis of I/O Subchannel Skews.
189-194 BibTeX
- Joseph J. Devai:
Practical Management Tools to Increase the Efficiency of Simulation.
195-199 BibTeX
- Kasumu O. Salawu:
Incremental Delay Analysis of Priority Scheduling in Closed Queueing Networks.
200-203 BibTeX
- Jim Wheaton:
Performance Comparisons of Indexed VTOCS vs OSVTOCS.
204-207 BibTeX
- Santiago M. Alviar:
Design, Measurement, and Analysis of Performance Experiments on Selected Sorting Algorithms.
208-214 BibTeX
- Jerome W. Blaylock, Susan C. Fisher:
Capacity Planning on Both Amdahl 470 and Sperry 1100 Systems Using BEST/1.
215-222 BibTeX
- Ted C. Keller:
Some Experiences Using Queuing Theory.
223-226 BibTeX
- Andrew P. Levine:
An Expert System for Computer Performance Modeling: Design Issues.
227-233 BibTeX
- Robert L. Ennis, James H. Griesmer, Se June Hong, Maurice Karnaugh, John K. Kastner, David A. Klein, Keith R. Milliken, Marshall I. Schor, Hugo M. Van Woerkom:
Automation of MVS Operations, an Expert Systems Approach.
134-139 BibTeX
- Steven Baturin, Stephen Fiorelli, Jack Speight:
DECSYSTEM-20 Performance Evaluation.
240-247 BibTeX
- G. Michael Van Ty Smith:
Performance and Capacity Analyses in the IDMS Environment.
248-261 BibTeX
- Jim Wheaton:
Interactive User Productivity in a Scientific Environment.
262-266 BibTeX
- Brian Day:
A TSO Workload Characterization Study or Sub-Second Response Time Revisited.
267-282 BibTeX
- Jim Dwyer:
Modeling Large IMS Systems Using Commercial Analytic Queueing Model Software Products.
283-289 BibTeX
- Bernard Domanski:
Comparing IMS Measurement Packages.
290-300 BibTeX
- R. Smith, J. Saltz:
Performance Analysis of Strategies for Moving Mesh Control.
301-308 BibTeX
- Marilyn Z. Smith:
Benchmarking a Compiler.
309-312 BibTeX
- Tachen Leo Lo, Jack Peng:
Polling Analysis of Multipoint Network Performance.
313-323 BibTeX
- R. M. Klibaner:
Improved Delay Calculations at Merger Nodes.
324-331 BibTeX
- Darwyn R. Peachey, Carey L. Williamson, Richard B. Bunt:
Taming the Unix Scheduler.
332-336 BibTeX
- Maria Calzarossa, Gian Paolo Rossi, Giuseppe Serazzi, D. Boretti:
A Tool for Performance Comparisons of Unix-Based Systems.
337-342 BibTeX
- Robert W. McNitt, Kimberly A. Sleeper, Ashok K. Thareja:
On the Effectiveness of Hardware Line Monitors in Estimating Queueing Delays in SNA Networks.
343-349 BibTeX
- Thomas W. McDonald:
Implications of the Personal Computer on Capacity Planning and Performance Tuning of an SNA Network.
350-359 BibTeX
- William F. Dines Jr., Mark B. Friedman:
Performance Measurement of Buffered Tape.
360-365 BibTeX
- Rajive Bagrodia:
Performance Analysis of Distributed Software Using Message Based Simulation.
366-372 BibTeX
- Edward Hunter:
A Performance Study of the Ethernet Under Berkeley UNIX 4.2BSD.
373-382 BibTeX
- Virginia Aldrich, Arch Hughes:
Experiences with Performance and Configuration Measurements on Data General's Comprehensive Electronic Office Product.
383-389 BibTeX
- Denis J. Burt:
Benchmarking: Practical Evaluation of Current System Capacity.
390-394 BibTeX
- Ronald D. Emrick:
Impact of Microcomputers on Traditional Information Management Resources.
395-397 BibTeX
- Herman P. Hoplin:
Workstation Information Integration and Performance Evaluation: A Boon to User Productivity.
398-402 BibTeX
- Glen Becker:
Management Concern What Happens When Your IMS System Outgrows IBM's Largest Machine?
403-405 BibTeX
- Leilani E. Allen:
Workload Acceptance Procedures: A Viable Option for "Out of Capacity" Situations.
406-411 BibTeX
- Donald Young:
Regional Office Performance Measurement at State Farm.
412-421 BibTeX
- Jerry L. Rosenberg, Ellen M. Friedman:
Capacity Planning in a Decentralized Environment.
422-424 BibTeX
- John P. Pilch:
Defining the Performance Management Function.
425-426 BibTeX
- Ray Van Raamsdonk:
Computer Resource Forecasting at BCSC.
427-434 BibTeX
- H. Pat Artis:
The Relationship Between Installation Accounting and Performance Management and Capacity Planning.
435-436 BibTeX
- John A. Alfano:
Relating Computer Center User Requirements to a Budget.
437-441 BibTeX
- D. P. Davis:
Managing MDS Resources at PNB.
442-450 BibTeX
- Gregory W. Hislop:
Staff Development for Installation Management.
451-455 BibTeX
- George J. Febish:
MIS Decision Analysis Methodology.
455-459 BibTeX
- Paul R. Robichaux:
Organizational System Dependency Analysis (OSDA).
460-461 BibTeX
- Margaret E. Berry:
The Best of Both Worlds: An Integrated Approach to Capacity Planning and Software Performance Engineering.
462-466 BibTeX
- Ralph S. Terkowitz:
Performance Management During Application Development.
467-470 BibTeX
- Barbara K. Lee:
Implementing a Quality Circle Program for Computer Professionals.
471-473 BibTeX
- Harold Lorin:
Some Current Issues in Software Management.
474-480 BibTeX
- Gordon R. Stauffer:
Performance Tracking in a Complex Environment.
481-484 BibTeX
- Linda A. Aho, Paul R. Robichaux:
Organizational Planning Technique: A Graphical Analysis of Computer Performance.
485-493 BibTeX
- Larry K. Chu:
BEST/1 Modeling Experience and Credibility at SPNB.
494-505 BibTeX
- John Wandzilak:
Problems Facing Workload Forecasting.
506-509 BibTeX
- Shirley I. Linde:
Survey of Share Inc. Managers' Reporting Needs.
510-516 BibTeX
- Dale E. Brown:
The Case for Capacity Management: A Presentation to Management.
517-523 BibTeX
- Michael V. Miller:
CICS Transaction Service Level Reporting.
524-526 BibTeX
- K. V. Pandit, J. G. Thomason:
Establishing Credible Computing Activity Reports.
527-530 BibTeX
- Carol B. Kaplan, Paul R. Robichaux:
Planning Information Systems for User Satisfaction.
531-533 BibTeX
- William R. Wike:
Service Management.
534-540 BibTeX
- James R. Cook:
Communications Network Management - End User Issues.
541-553 BibTeX
- Glen Becker:
How to Speak the Performance Lingo (Or At Least Understand It).
555-562 BibTeX
- Arnold O. Allen:
Getting Started in Analytic Modeling.
563-571 BibTeX
- Jerry L. Hintze:
A Tutorial on Multiple Regression Analysis.
572-585 BibTeX
- William M. Conner:
An Introduction to Capacity Planning.
586-590 BibTeX
- Sue Felix:
Using CPU Measurement Data for Capacity Planning: How to Calculate Capture Ratios.
591-593 BibTeX
- Paula T. Guttman:
Methods for the Deployment of IBM 3880 Model 13 Cached Storage Controllers.
594-604 BibTeX
- H. Pat Artis:
How JES2 Job Classes and Initiators Structures Work.
605-607 BibTeX
- Lee Copeland:
Write Your Own Component without Mixing up MICS.
608-610 BibTeX
- John E. Gaffney Jr.:
On the Estimation of Software Function Size - An Important Performance Indicator - and Application of Expert System Technology.
611-616 BibTeX
- Gene Dronek:
Relating Benchmarks to Unix Performance Projections or What do you do with 20 pounds of benchmark data?
617-624 BibTeX
- Ellen M. Friedman, Jerry L. Rosenberg:
Workload Characterization for CICS/VS: The Modelling Implications.
625-630 BibTeX
- Norman Rudikoff:
Installation Change Control within a Large System Operating Environment.
631-639 BibTeX
- Bijay Roy, Bill Hamilton:
Capacity Planning Queueing Model for an ACP/TPF Message Routing System.
640-642 BibTeX
- Edward D. Lazowska, Kenneth C. Sevcik:
Capacity Planning Using Queueing Network Models: A Tutorial.
643-645 BibTeX
- Ben Duhl, Steven Halladay, Prakash S. Mankekar:
Disk Backup Performance Considerations.
646-653 BibTeX
- Larry E. Watson:
Capacity Planning for TANDEM Transaction Processing Systems.
654-663 BibTeX
- Brian E. Clark:
Performance Measurement for System/38, IBM's Advanced Architecture System.
664 BibTeX
- David G. Halbig:
Implementation of Global Enqueue Systems - A Tutorial.
665-678 BibTeX
- George L. Grossman, Robert G. Long:
Performance Evaluation of Buffered Tape Subsystems.
679-680 BibTeX
- Ray Wicks:
MVS I/O Subsystems.
681-682 BibTeX
- Glen Becker:
Modelling the Memory Impact of TSO and Batch Growth.
683-690 BibTeX
- Ernie Burke:
MVS Problem Avoidance.
691-697 BibTeX
- Robert H. Johnson:
IBM 3880 Control units: Performance, Configuration and Error Recovery.
698-716 BibTeX
- Mark B. Friedman:
Performance and Tuning of Cached I/O Subsystems.
717-727 BibTeX
- Thomas Beretvas, William H. Tetzlaff:
Paging Enhancements in VM/SP HPO.
728-737 BibTeX
- Alan Tominberg:
An Investigation of the Effects of the Path Control and Data Link Control Layers in SNA.
738-740 BibTeX
- John P. Pilch:
Modeling Benchmark Workloads.
741-741 BibTeX
- James A. Stanton:
Managing MVS Installations as a Business.
743-749 BibTeX
- Marilyn T. Kanas:
Recruiting a CPE Professional.
750-752 BibTeX
- Anthony M. Abowd:
Understanding Financial Issues in Computer Planning - A Management Tutorial.
753-754 BibTeX
- Anthony F. Brunetto:
Benchmarking Decisions - A Management Tutorial.
755-761 BibTeX
- Peter E. Berkeley:
Is Computer Operations the Weak Link in Organizational Computing?
762-766 BibTeX
- David R. Vincent:
An Introduction to Information Economics.
767-769 BibTeX
- Henry Nanjo, Ray Choy, Catherine H. Liu:
An Information System Cost Analysis Approach.
770-779 BibTeX
- C. Warren Axelrod:
Computer Effectiveness: Bridging the Management/Technology Gap.
781-782 BibTeX
- James W. Cortada:
Strategic Data Processing: Considerations for Management (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., 1984), book abstract.
783-785 BibTeX
- Edward D. Lazowska, John Zahorjan, G. Scott Graham, Kenneth C. Sevcik:
Quantitative System Performance Computer System Analysis Using Queueing Network Models.
786-788 BibTeX
- H. W. Barry Merrill:
Merrill's Expanded Guide to Computer Performance Evaluation Using the SAS System.
789-792 BibTeX
- Domenico Ferrari, Giuseppe Serazzi, Alessandro Zeigner:
Measurement and Tuning of Computer Systems.
793-794 BibTeX
- Robert L. Leitheiser, James C. Wetherbe:
End-User Computing and the Changing Role of the MIS Function.
795-798 BibTeX
- George J. Klir:
Architecture of Systems Problem Solving (Plenum Press, New York, 1985), book abstract.
799-802 BibTeX
- Ashok K. Agrawala:
Performance '83 (abstract).
803 BibTeX
- Marilyn J. Bohl:
Introduction to IBM Direct Access Storage Devices and Information Processing.
804-810 BibTeX
- Charles H. Sauer, Edward A. MacNair:
Simulation of Computer Communication Systems.
811-813 BibTeX
- Edward A. MacNair, Charles H. Sauer:
Elements of Practical Performance Modeling.
814-816 BibTeX
- Bernard Domanski:
System Performance Management and Capacity Planning.
817-823 BibTeX
- Keith R. Milliken:
An Introduction to Expert Systems.
824-825 BibTeX
- Luis-Felipe Cabrera:
An Introduction to UNIX Systems and Their Performance - A Tutorial.
826-834 BibTeX
- Jeffrey P. Buzen:
A Simple Model of Transaction Processing.
835-839 BibTeX
- Thomas V. McKernan:
Capacity Planning from an Executive Management Perspective.
841-843 BibTeX
- Alexander Thomasian, Kameshwar Gargeya:
Speeding up Computer System Simulations Using Hierarchical Modeling.
845-850 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:02:35 2009
by Michael Ley (