
C. Leung

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6 S. Kallel, C. Leung: An Adaptive Incremental Redundancy Selective-Repeat ARQ Scheme for Finite Buffer Receivers. INFOCOM 1991: 791-796
5 Norman C. Beaulieu, C. Leung: The Optimal Hard-Limiting Detector for Data Signals in Different Noise Environments. ICC 1986: 1033-1037
4 A. D. Kot, C. Leung: Optimal Weighted Partial Decision Combining for Faded Channel Diversity. ICC 1986: 1156-1160
3 James C. Browne, Alfred G. Dale, C. Leung, Roy M. Jenevein: A Parallel Multi-Stage I/O Architecture with Self-Managing Disk Cache for Database Management Applications. IWDM 1985: 331-346
2EEC. Leung: Some Open Problems In Cryptography. ACM Annual Conference (1) 1978: 471-475
1 C. Leung, David Misunas, A. Neczwid, Jack B. Dennis: A Computer Simulation Facility for Packet Communication Architecture. ISCA 1976: 58-63

Coauthor Index

1Norman C. Beaulieu [5]
2James C. Browne [3]
3Alfred G. Dale [3]
4Jack B. Dennis [1]
5Roy M. Jenevein [3]
6S. Kallel [6]
7A. D. Kot [4]
8David Misunas [1]
9A. Neczwid [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)