
Forest Baskett

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13EEMonica S. Lam, Forest Baskett: Guest Editors' Introduction: Cutting-Edge Designs. IEEE Micro 20(2): 14-15 (2000)
12EENorris Parker Smith, Forest Baskett, Irving Wladawski: Are Tereflops Commercial Flops? SC 1995
11 Forest Baskett: Proceedings of the 17st Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, SIGGRAPH 1990, 1990, Dallas, TX, USA ACM 1990
10 Forest Baskett, T. A. Jermoluk, D. Solomon: The 4D-MP Graphics Superworkstation: Computing + Graphics = 40 MIPS + 40 MFLOPS and 100, 000 Lighted Polygons per Second. COMPCON 1988: 468-471
9 John L. Hennessy, Norman P. Jouppi, Forest Baskett, Thomas R. Gross, John Gill: Hardware/Software Tradeoffs for Increased Performance. ASPLOS 1982: 2-11
8 John L. Hennessy, Norman P. Jouppi, John Gill, Forest Baskett, Alex Strong, Thomas R. Gross, Christopher Rowen, Judson Leonard: The MIPS Machine. COMPCON 1982: 2-7
7 Forest Baskett, John H. Howard, John T. Montague: Task Communication in DEMOS. SOSP 1977: 23-31
6 Forest Baskett, Alan Jay Smith: Interference in Multiprocessor Computer Systems with Interleaved Memory. Commun. ACM 19(6): 327-334 (1976)
5 Jerome H. Friedman, Forest Baskett, Leonard J. Shustek: An Algorithm for Finding Nearest Neighbors. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(10): 1000-1006 (1975)
4EESamuel H. Fuller, Forest Baskett: An Analysis of Drum Storage Units. J. ACM 22(1): 83-105 (1975)
3EEForest Baskett, K. Mani Chandy, Richard R. Muntz, Fernando G. Palacios: Open, Closed, and Mixed Networks of Queues with Different Classes of Customers. J. ACM 22(2): 248-260 (1975)
2 Stephen W. Sherman, Forest Baskett, James C. Browne: Trace-Driven Modeling and Analysis of CPU Scheduling in Multiprogramming System. Commun. ACM 15(12): 1063-1069 (1972)
1 Forest Baskett: The Dependence of Computer System Queues upon Processing Time Distribution and Central Processor Scheduling. SOSP 1971: 109-113

Coauthor Index

1James C. Browne [2]
2K. Mani Chandy [3]
3Jerome H. Friedman [5]
4Samuel H. Fuller [4]
5John Gill [8] [9]
6Thomas R. Gross [8] [9]
7John L. Hennessy [8] [9]
8John H. Howard [7]
9T. A. Jermoluk [10]
10Norman P. Jouppi [8] [9]
11Monica S. Lam [13]
12Judson Leonard [8]
13John T. Montague [7]
14Richard R. Muntz [3]
15Fernando G. Palacios [3]
16Chris Rowen (Christopher Rowen) [8]
17Stephen W. Sherman [2]
18Leonard J. Shustek [5]
19Alan Jay Smith [6]
20Norris Parker Smith [12]
21D. Solomon [10]
22Alex Strong [8]
23Irving Wladawski [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)