PDPTA 1996:
Hamid R. Arabnia (Ed.):
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA 1996, August 9-11, 1996, Sunnyvale, California, USA.
CSREA Press 1996, ISBN 0-9648666-4-1 BibTeX
editor = {Hamid R. Arabnia},
title = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed
Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA 1996, August 9-11,
1996, Sunnyvale, California, USA},
booktitle = {PDPTA},
publisher = {CSREA Press},
year = {1996},
isbn = {0-9648666-4-1},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
and Related Issues
- Chang-Nian Zhang, Meng Wang:
A Generalized Square-Multiply Algorithm and VLSI Array Implementation for RSA.
1-12 BibTeX
- Alexandros V. Gerbessiotis, Constantinos J. Siniolakis:
Selection on the Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Model with Applications to Priority Queues.
13-24 BibTeX
- Chong-Wei Xu, Xiaolin Ma, Wei-Kei Shiue:
A New Parallel Combination Generator.
25-28 BibTeX
- Darrell R. Ulm, Johnnie W. Baker:
Solving a 2D Knapsack Problem on an Associative Computer Augmented with a Linear Network.
29-32 BibTeX
- Abdulnour Toukmaji, Daniel Paul, John A. Board Jr.:
Distributed P trticle-Mesh Ewald: A Parallel Ewald Summation Method.
33-43 BibTeX
- G. Baerwolff, Hartmut Schwandt:
A Parallel Domain Decomposition Algorithm for 3D Turbulence Modeling.
44-55 BibTeX
- Zbigniew Kokosinski:
Generation of Integer Compositions on a Linear Array of Processors.
56-64 BibTeX
- J. H. Weston, Chang N. Zhang, Y.-F. Yan:
Some Space Considerations of Space-Time Mappings into Systolic Array.
65-68 BibTeX
- David S. L. Wei, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, Sy-Yen Kuo:
Efficient Selection and Sorting Schemes for Processing Large Distributed Files in Finite Projectives Plane.
69-78 BibTeX
- Zbigniew Kokosinski:
Unranking Combinations in Parallel.
79-82 BibTeX
- Zixue Cheng, Naka Tajima, Kazuhiko Satou, Tongjun Huang:
A Distributed Algorithm for Dice Tossing.
83-90 BibTeX
- S. A. M. Makki:
Construction of Breadth-First Search Trees in Distributed Environments.
91-99 BibTeX
- Sonetra Howard, Winser E. Alexander:
Real-Time Implementation of the Kalman Filter Using the Block Data Parallel Architecture.
100-108 BibTeX
- Saghir A. Shaikh, Silvian Goldenberg, Stephen A. Szygenda:
CON2FERS: A Concurrent Concurrent Fault and Design Error Simulator.
109-112 BibTeX
- Andy Marsh:
EUROMED - Coupling High Performance Computing and 3D Visualisation Techniques for Telemedical Diagnosis.
113-124 BibTeX
- Srinivas Aluru, Songrit Maneewongvatana:
Practical Paralle1 Algorithm for Constructing Line Arrangements.
125-135 BibTeX
- Kisong Yoon:
An Algorithm to enerate Sets of Node-Disjoint Paths in N-Dimensional Hypercube Network.
136-139 BibTeX
- Bo Hatfield, Lan Jin:
Parallel Computation of a Decision-Making Network Mapped into Multicomputer Architecture.
140-151 BibTeX
- A. S. Bavan, I. G. Mitchell:
A Neuro-Cognitive Model for Distributed Representation of Symbols.
152-157 BibTeX
- Easa T. Oskouei, Stephen H. Joseph:
A New Approach To Use Kalman Filter in Hypothesis Prediction.
158-168 BibTeX
- Sangyoon Lee, Chan-Ik Park, Chan-Mo Park:
An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Delaunay Triangulation on Distributed Memory Parallel Computers.
169-177 BibTeX
- Nikolay N. Mirenkov, Tatiana Mirenkova:
A VIM Film for Linear Algebra Algorithm.
178-188 BibTeX
- Shaharuddin Salleh, Bahrom Sanugi, Hishamuddin Jamaluddin, Albert Y. Zomaya:
A Mean-Field Annealing Model for Task Scheduling in Multiprocessor Systems.
189- BibTeX
Software Environments,
and Related Systems
- Tonghyun Lee, Chee-Hang Park:
Management of Replicated Shared Object for Distributed Collaborative Applications.
199-202 BibTeX
- Carl Dionne, Marc Feeley, Jocelyn Desbien:
A Taxonomy of Distributed Debuggers Based on Execution Replay.
203-214 BibTeX
- Sascha Groh:
Designing on Efficient Resource Management for Parallel Distributed Systems by the Use of a Graph Replacement System.
215-225 BibTeX
- Ronald Moore, Stefan Zickenheiner, Bernd Klauer, Frank Henritzi, Andreas Bleck, Klaus Waldschmidt:
Neural Compiler Technology for a Parallel Architecture.
226-229 BibTeX
- Stephen Siu, Mauricio De Simone, Dhrubajyoti Goswami, Ajit Singh:
Design Patterns for Parallel Programming.
230-240 BibTeX
- Gilbert H. Young, Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Xue-Jie Zhang:
Generalized Task System for Parallel Computation.
241-244 BibTeX
- Yung-Syau Chen, Jean-Luc Gaudiot:
An Application of Extended Sisal 2.0.
245-251 BibTeX
- Tarek S. Abdelrahman, Sum Huynh:
Exploiting Task-Level Parallelism Using pTask.
252-263 BibTeX
- Linda J. Moore, Frank A. Scarpino:
A Software Debug Aid for High Performance Processors: A Multi-Tasking Feasibility Study.
264-275 BibTeX
- Alasdair Rawsthorne, Jason Souloglou, Alex Starr, Ian Watson:
How Effectivee are Parallel Programmers?
276-284 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Golubski, Dietmar Lammers:
The MOM System and Its Language.
285-288 BibTeX
- Davide Pasetto, Marco Vanneschi:
Design and Evaluation of Parallel Applications Using a Structured Parallel Language.
289-300 BibTeX
- Guido Wirtz:
A Visual Toolset for Message-Passing Parallel Programming.
301-312 BibTeX
- B. Ostrovsky, D. A. Perreault:
SPASM: Software-Protocol-Assisted Shared Memor.
313-324 BibTeX
- Hae-Jin Kim, Kee-Wook Rim:
Experiences with the Development of a Multicomputer Operating System, MISIX.
325-328 BibTeX
- Amal Zerrouki, Jacques Ehrlich, Nicolas Demassieux, Denis Roux, Arnaud Galisson:
A Generic Smart Sensor Model for Real-time Distributed Data Acquisition Systems.
329-340 BibTeX
- Erik H. D'Hollander, Fubo Zhang:
PVM Code Generator for the Fortran Parallel Transformer.
341- BibTeX
Interconnection Topologies,
and Networks
- Jeffrey T. Draper:
The Red Rover Algorithm for Deadlock-Free Routing on Bidirectional Rings.
345-354 BibTeX
- Steven M. P. Yip, Nicholas Bambos:
Algorithmic Speed Up of All Pairs Shortest Paths Computation with Reconfigurable Optical Interconnection.
355-366 BibTeX
- Julian A. B. Dines, John F. Snowdon, Marc P. Y. Desmulliez, D. T. Nielson, Dima B. Barsky, Alexander V. Shafarenko, Chris R. Jesshope:
Optical Interconnection hardware for scalable systems.
367-374 BibTeX
- Thomas M. Warschko, Joachim M. Blum, Walter F. Tichy:
The ParaStaion Project: Using Workstations as Building Blocks for Parallel Computing.
375-386 BibTeX
- Abdel Elah Al-Ayyoub, Khaled Day:
Comparative Study of Cartesian Product Networks.
387-390 BibTeX
- D. Birsan, A. Wagner:
PIDER: An Agent-Based Message Passing Kernel for Multicomputers.
391-402 BibTeX
- Felix P. Muga II, David S. L. Wei:
On Isomorphism of the Wrapped Butterfly Network and the Degree Four Cayley Graph.
403-406 BibTeX
- Nobuyuki Nezu, Huizhu Lu:
An Asynchronous Address Updating Scheme for Expanding Torus Networks.
407-415 BibTeX
- W. Melody Moh, Joanna Wang, Teng-Sheng Moh:
Modified 100 VG-AnyLAN Protocols for Multimedia Application.
416-419 BibTeX
- W. Melody Moh, Cheng-Hsin Tan:
Policing of MPEG Video Over ATM Using Neural Networks.
420-431 BibTeX
- Mohammad Alowayed, K. M. Georg:
Software Based Recovery Protocols in Wormhole Networks.
432-441 BibTeX
- Jang Sun Lee, Sang-Gue Oh, Sanjay Ranka, P. Bruce Berra:
User-Controllable I/O for Parallel Computers.
442-453 BibTeX
- Huan-Chao Keh, Po-Yu Chou, Tzong-Heng Chi, Tso-Chen Hsiung:
Multicast in Incrementally Extensible Hypercube (IEH) Graphs.
454-465 BibTeX
- Rami Khasawneh:
Implementation of R-DQRAP in a HFC Internetwork.
466-473 BibTeX
- Keqin Li, Yi Pan:
Characterizations of Communication Overhead for Scalable Random Parallel Algorithms on Multicomputer Systems.
474-485 BibTeX
- Fadi N. Sibai:
Construction and Properties of the Recursive Diamond Multicomputer.
486-489 BibTeX
- Fadi N. Sibai, Hisham I. Raslan:
A Processor Allocation Strategy for Full-Cube Multicomputers.
490-500 BibTeX
- Heribert C. Burg:
Randomized Routing Using Difference Sets.
501-504 BibTeX
- Fabrizio Petrini, Marco Vanneschi:
Minimal vs. non Minimal Adaptive Routing on k-ary n-cubes.
505-515 BibTeX
- Tsai Chi Huang, Roy W. Melton, Joseph I. Chamdani, Cecil O. Alford:
Relating Communication Protocol Processin to Processor Performance.
516-526 BibTeX
- Sung-In Jung, Jae Kyoung Lee, Hae-Jin Kim:
XNIFsoft: The Design and Implementation of Ein lator for Crossbar Network Router in Cluster System.
527-538 BibTeX
- Z. George Mou:
Comparison of Multiprocessor Networks with the Same Cost.
539-548 BibTeX
- Chi-Hsiang Yeh, Behrooz Parhami:
Cyclic Petersen Networks: Efficient Fixed-Degree Interconnection Networks for Large-Scale Multicomputer System.
549-560 BibTeX
- Hamid R. Arabnia, Jeffrey W. Smith:
Emulation of a Parallel System Interconnection Network Implemented with Sockets.
561-564 BibTeX
- Wei-Jing Guan, Wei K. Tsai, Douglas M. Blough, Fan Chen:
A New Design of Enhanced Mesh Networks for Multicomputer Systems.
565- BibTeX
Special-purpose Systems,
and Related Issues
- Barry M. Cook, Roger M. A. Peel:
A Parallel Processing Architecture Supported by Intelligent Memory Modules.
577-588 BibTeX
- Chitlur Nagabhushan, Olga Kosheleva, Sergio D. Cabrera, Glenn A. Gibson:
Design of Radix-2 and Radix-4 FFT Processors Using a Modular Architecture Family.
589-599 BibTeX
- Frank Henritzi, Andreas Bleck, Ronald Moore, Bernd Klauer, Klaus Waldschmidt:
ADARC: A New Multi-Instruction Issue Approach.
600-609 BibTeX
- Gilbert H. F. Young, Vincent S. Y. Yiu:
IRI System: Multicomputer Architecture for Parallel and Distributed Processing.
610-618 BibTeX
- S. Belayneh, H. Sinha, David R. Kaeli:
Improving Multiprocessor Scalability Using Lockup Free Caches.
619-622 BibTeX
- Shusuke Okamoto, Masahiro Sowa:
Hybrid Processor Based on VLIW and PN-Superscalar.
623-632 BibTeX
- Andy Marsh:
DISH - A Reconfigurable Distributed-Shared-Hybrid Parallel Computing Platform.
633-636 BibTeX
- Rudi van Drunen, Cees van Teylingen, Marcel Kroontje, Herman J. C. Berendsen:
The Amfisbaena: A Parallel Sup computer System Based on i860 as a Generic Platform for Molecular Dynamics Simulation.
637-644 BibTeX
- Farzad Ghannadian, Toshiro Kubota, Joseph I. Chamdani, Philip R. Bingham, Cecil O. Alford:
Crossbar Controller for the Adaptive Multistage Crossbar Network.
645- BibTeX
Load Balancing,
and Fault Tolerance
- Nordine Melab, Marie-Paule Lecouffe, Nathalie Devesa, Bernard Toursel:
An Adaptive Load Information Collection Policy.
649-658 BibTeX
- A. Abdelmageed Elsadek, B. Earl Wells:
Heuristic Model for Task Allocation in a Heterogeneous Distributed Computing System.
659-674 BibTeX
- Guevara Noubir, Henri J. Nussbaumer:
Using Error Control Codes to Reduce the Communication Complexity of Voting in NMR Systems.
675-686 BibTeX
- Christopher P. Fuhrman, Henri J. Nussbaumer:
New Comparison Model in System-Level Diagnosis.
687-690 BibTeX
- Takahiro Koita, Kazuki Joe, Akira Fukuda:
A Data Block Mapping Method to Reduce Cache Coherence Overhead.
691-701 BibTeX
- Jie Liu, John Marsaglia, Vikram A. Saletore:
Parallel Loop Scheduling With Data Prefetching On Distributed-Memory Machine.
702-712 BibTeX
- Richard Krajcoviech, Margaréta Kotocová:
Executable File as Communication Link in Scheduling Process.
713-724 BibTeX
- Brenton Chapin, Arun Jagota:
Good Rings in Grids with Bad Nodes.
725-733 BibTeX
- Shahram Latifi, Nader Bagherzadeh:
Hamiltonicity of the Clustered-Star Graph with Embedding Applications.
734-744 BibTeX
- Andreas Haidt, Jürgen Quittek:
Dynamic Mapping with Self-Organizing Maps.
745-756 BibTeX
- Chin Lu, John C. S. Lui, Peter W. K. Lie, Mike M. K. Tang, Doris S. Y. Lau, Joy H. K. Li:
Distributed Scheduling Framework - A Load Distribution Facility on Mach.
757-768 BibTeX
- Richard F. Freund, Brent R. Carter, Daniel W. Watson, Elaine G. Keith, Francesca Mirabile:
Generational Scheduling for Heterogeneous Computing System.
769-778 BibTeX
- Gilbert H. Young:
Complexity of Task Assignment in Distributed Systems.
779-782 BibTeX
- M. Bozyigit, M. Al-Mulhem, S. K. Naseer, K. S. Al-Tawil:
A Linux Incorporated Process Migration.
783-788 BibTeX
- Flaviu Cristian, Shivakant Mishra:
A Toolkit of Services for Implementing Fault-Tolerant Distributed Protocols.
789-800 BibTeX
- Jinsong Ouzang, Gernot Heiser:
Libra: A Library for Reliable Distributed Applications.
801-810 BibTeX
- Byung-Uk Jun, Ali R. Hurson, Djamshid Tavangarian:
Parallel Scheduling of Logic Programs in a Multiprocessor Environment.
811-822 BibTeX
- Honbo Zhou:
Scheduling DAGs on a Bounded Number of Processors.
823-834 BibTeX
- Pham Hong Hanh, Valery Simonenko:
Adaptation of Atgorithms for Job-Resource Assignment in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems.
835- BibTeX
Imaging Applications
- Mark Spieth, J. P. Hulskamp:
A Single Processor Parellel Convolution Algorithm for 8-Bit Images.
847-853 BibTeX
- N. H. L. Kuijpers, G. Paar, Johan J. Lukkien:
Stereo Vision and 3D Reconstruction on a Distributed Memory System.
854-866 BibTeX
- Jamel Lakhal, Luc Litzler:
A Parallelization of the Deriche Filter: A Theoretical Study and an Implementation on the MasPar System.
867-878 BibTeX
- Stanislav Sedukhin, Igor S. Sedukhin:
Parallel Rendering with the Network Linda System.
879-889 BibTeX
- S. A. Amin, David J. Evans, R. Pascalis:
A Transputer Implementation of Systolic Arrays Design for Multidimensional Convolution.
890-901 BibTeX
- Rolf Muralt, Benoit A. Gennart, Bernard Krummenacher, Roger D. Hersch:
Performance of a Multiprocessor Multidisk CD-ROM Image Server.
902-913 BibTeX
- Andrew Oswald, Jay Ball:
A Parallel Quadtree Approach to Fractal Image Compression.
914- BibTeX
Numerical Applications
Transputer Research and Applications
- Ting-Yu Yang, Gardiner S. Stiles, Ben A. Abbott:
Guaranteed Message Delivery Time on Real-Time Transputer Systems.
961-970 BibTeX
- Cemal Köse, Alan Chalmers:
Load Balancinf for Interactive Volume Visualization.
971-981 BibTeX
- Ibrahima Sakho, Woo Suck Han:
Finite Element Analysis of Laminated and Sandwich Plates on Transputer Based Parallel Computer.
982-992 BibTeX
- Ben Abbott, Monica Joshi:
Network Access to PC-Based Transputers.
993-1001 BibTeX
- Brett D. Hancey, Stephen E. Clarke, Ben A. Abbott:
Paralkl Real-Time Control of a Six-Wheeled Robotic Vehicle.
1002-1009 BibTeX
- Lawrence J. Dickson:
Occam Road Map for the DOS PC.
1010-1019 BibTeX
- Shiping Chen, Tom Hintz:
An Event-Based Monitoring Tool for Parallel and Distributed Applications on Transputer Networks.
1020-1026 BibTeX
- F. Araque, Manuel I. Capel, A. Palma, Jose M. Mantas Ruiz:
Paradigms for Parallel Distributed Programming.
1027-1038 BibTeX
- Alan S. Wagner:
Performance-Oriented Development of processor Farm Applications.
1039-1050 BibTeX
- A. G. Al-Bakkar, G. J. Porter, Stanley S. Ipson:
A Solution to the Transputer Data Distribution Problem.
1051-1062 BibTeX
- Sam Harrison, Chris Brown:
Dynamic Creation of Virtual Links Within T9000 Networks.
1063-1074 BibTeX
- Xianzhi Liao, Lan Jin:
A Method of Dynamit Scheduling of Concurrent Jobs for Avoiding Deadlock in a Distributed Computer System.
1075-1080 BibTeX
- Lan Jin, Weiyu Chang:
Planning Message Passing in Distributed Computing on a Transputer-Based Multicompute.
1081-1092 BibTeX
- E. A. Illingworth, A. S. Bavan:
An Investigation into the use of An Asynchronous Harness on Transputer Based Systems.
1093-1096 BibTeX
- I. M. Ikram, Peter G. Clayton, E. P. Wentworth:
A Parallel Programming Environment for Simulating Complex Systems.
1097-1105 BibTeX
- Do Park, Jaehong Shim, Kyunghee Choi, K. Chung, Dongyoon Kim, Seungkyu Park, Manpyo Hong:
A Real-Time Micro Kernel Implemented on Transputer.
1106-1117 BibTeX
- Marco Danelutto, G. Di Caprio, A. Masini:
Parallelizing A Model Checker.
1118-1128 BibTeX
- Bruno Bacci, Susanna Pelagatti:
Optimal Implementation of MAP Computations onto a Transputer Grid.
1129-1139 BibTeX
- Fabrizio Baiardi, D. Guerri, R. Pietro:
Locality in Load Balancing Policies for Massively Parallel Systems.
1140-1151 BibTeX
- S. Vedat Demiralp:
Configuring Distributed Occam Programs Using Doc.
1152- BibTeX
Genetic Programming and Algorithms
Program Analysis Techniques Advanced Compilers For Prallel and Vector Computers
Performance Measurement/Evaluation and Speedup
- Daniel Grosu:
Some Performance Metrics for Heterogeneous Distributed Systems.
1261-1267 BibTeX
- Bertil Folliot, Pierre-Guillaume Raverdy:
Adaptive Partitioning and Dynamic Allocation for Large Computing Systems.
1268-1279 BibTeX
- Daniel O. Awduche, Arthur S. Gaylord:
Quality of Service Considerations for Performance Monitoring in Large Distributed Systems.
1280-1283 BibTeX
- Gardiner S. Stiles, F. H. Lee, C. Gyulai, Viswanathan Swaminathan:
The Speedup of Parallel Randomized Approximation Algorithms.
1284-1295 BibTeX
- Ioan Dancea:
The Influence of Software Architecture on the Performance of Farming Parallelization.
1296-1307 BibTeX
- Mark J. Clement, J. Kelly Flanagan, Michael R. Steed:
Cost Optimal Analysis for Workstation Clusters.
1308-1318 BibTeX
- Tarek S. Abdelrahman, Kenneth L. Ma:
Evaluation of Dynamic Data Distributions on NUMA Shared Memory Multiprocessors.
1319-1322 BibTeX
- Bu-Sung Lee, Wentong Cai, Alfred Heng, Seow Woon Tai:
Performance of Task Allocation Algorithms in a Distributed Computing Environment.
1323-1333 BibTeX
- Sridhar Muppidi, Udo W. Pooch:
Architecture for Performance Instrument in Distributed Systems.
1334-1345 BibTeX
- Xiandeng Huang, Christoph Steigner:
Automated Performance Measurement of Parallel Programs.
1346-1349 BibTeX
- Keqin Li:
Predicting the Performance of Partitionable Multiprocessors.
1350-1353 BibTeX
- David Hawking:
Document Retrieval Performance on Parallel Systems.
1354- BibTeX
Computing on Bus-based Architectures
- Abdul Ahad S. Awwal, A. T. M. Shafiqul Khalid, Syed M. Munir:
Efficient Higher Order Optical Parallel Computation.
1367-1373 BibTeX
- Horng-Ren Tsai, Shi-Jinn Horng, Shung-Shing Lee, Tzong-Wann Kao:
Optimal Finding the All-Pair Shortest Path for Interval Graphs on a Reconfigurable Array of Processors with Wider Bus Networks.
1374-1385 BibTeX
- Horng-Ren Tsai, Shi-Jinn Horng, Shung-Shing Lee, Shun-Shan Tsai, Tzong-Wann Kao:
Efficient Parallel Algorithms for the Algebraic Path Problems on a Hyper-bus Broadcast Network.
1386-1397 BibTeX
- Hakin Kimm:
Inversion Number Algorithm on a Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System.
1398-1408 BibTeX
- Marcio Merino Fernandes, Luís Carlos Trevelin:
Analytical Performance Modelling of the CPER Multiprocessor.
1409-1420 BibTeX
- Darrell R. Ulm, Johnnie W. Baker:
Virtual Parallelism by Self Simulation of the multiple Instruction Stream Associate Model.
1420-1430 BibTeX
- Yi Pan, Keqin Li:
Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipeline Bus System - Concepts and Applications.
1431-1442 BibTeX
- Sandy Pavel, Selim G. Akl:
on the Power of Arrays with Optical Pipeline Buses.
1443-1454 BibTeX
- Tirumale Ramesh:
Clustered Reconfigurable Bus Architecture.
1455- BibTeX
Languages and Their Implementations
- Sanjeev Krishnan, Laxmikant V. Kalé:
Automating Runtime Optimizations for Load Balancing in Irregular Problems.
1465-1476 BibTeX
- Tim Rühl, Henri E. Bal, Raoul Bhoedjang, Koen Langendoen, Gregory D. Benson:
Experience with a Portability Layer for Implementing Parallel Prgroamming Systems.
1477-1488 BibTeX
- Raju Pandey, James C. Browne:
A Compositional Approach to Concurrent Programming.
1489-1500 BibTeX
- Ajita John, James C. Browne:
Extraction of Parallelism from Constraint Specifications.
1501-1512 BibTeX
- Gregory D. Benson, Ronald A. Olsson:
Towards Microkernel Support for the SR Concurrent Programming Language.
1513-1524 BibTeX
- Robert J. Shaw, Ronald A. Olsson:
Addressing the Shortcomings of Traditional Formal Reasoning Methods for Concurrent Programs: New Tools and Techniques for Source Code Correctnes.
1525-1548 BibTeX
- David P. Helmbold, Charles E. McDowell:
A Class of Synchronization Operations that Permit Efficient Race Detection.
1537-1548 BibTeX
- Yong-Kee Jun, Charles E. McDowell:
On-the-fly Detection of the First Races in Programs with Nested Parallelism.
1549-1560 BibTeX
- Robert M. Gebala, Carole M. McNamee, Ronald A. Olsson:
An Interpreter for an Imperative Concurrent Programming Language.
1561- BibTeX
Late Papers
- Thien T. Bui, Hassan Hosseini, Lixin Tao:
A Visual Performance Debugger for Virtual Architecture Programs.
1573-1584 BibTeX
- Hassan Hosseini, Lixin Tao, Thien T. Bui:
Coarse Grain Automatic Data Redistribution in Multiphase Parallel Programs.
1585-1592 BibTeX
- Vlad P. Shmerko, Svetlana N. Yanushkevich, K. Malecki:
A Class of Logic design Problems solved based on Parallel Computations of Butterfly Configurations.
1589-1592 BibTeX
- Elise de Doncker, Ajay K. Gupta, Patricia Ealy, Jay Ball:
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Solver for Large Sparse Systems on MPI.
1593-1600 BibTeX
- Dan Grigoras, Adrian Fanaru:
Methods for Designing Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems.
1601-1609 BibTeX
- Valery V. Gritsak, Yulia P. Okolita:
A Categorical Model of Neurosystem.
1610-1613 BibTeX
- Viral Shah, Sourav Bhattacharya:
Fault Message Propagation and its Impact on Rollback Recovery Mechanisms.
1614- BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:33:05 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)