
Richard L. Oliver

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5EEJeanine Cook, Richard L. Oliver, Eric E. Johnson: Toward reducing processor simulation time via dynamic reduction of microarchitecture complexity. SIGMETRICS 2002: 252-253
4EERichard L. Oliver, Patricia J. Teller: Are all scientific workloads equal? IPCCC 1999: 284-290
3EEEwa Deelman, Aditya Dube, Adolfy Hoisie, Yong Luo, Richard L. Oliver, David Sundaram-Stukel, Harvey J. Wasserman, Vikram S. Adve, Rajive Bagrodia, James C. Browne, Elias N. Houstis, Olaf M. Lubeck, John R. Rice, Patricia J. Teller, Mary K. Vernon: Poems: end-to-end performance design of large parallel adaptive computational systems. WOSP 1998: 18-30
2 Arthur I. Karshmer, Richard L. Oliver: Special Computer Interfaces for the Visually Handicapped: F.O.B. The Manufacturer. EWHCI 1993: 272-280
1EEBarry L. Kurtz, Richard L. Oliver, Edward M. Collins: The design, implementation, and use of DSTutor: a tutoring system for denotational semantics. SIGCSE 1991: 169-177

Coauthor Index

1Vikram S. Adve [3]
2Rajive Bagrodia [3]
3James C. Browne [3]
4Edward M. Collins [1]
5Jeanine Cook [5]
6Ewa Deelman [3]
7Aditya Dube [3]
8Adolfy Hoisie [3]
9Elias N. Houstis [3]
10Eric E. Johnson [5]
11Arthur I. Karshmer [2]
12Barry L. Kurtz [1]
13Olaf M. Lubeck [3]
14Yong Luo [3]
15John R. Rice [3]
16David Sundaram-Stukel [3]
17Patricia J. Teller [3] [4]
18Mary K. Vernon [3]
19Harvey J. Wasserman [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)