
Arthur B. Pyster

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20EEDavid Klapholtz, James McDonald, Arthur B. Pyster: The Graduate Software Engineering Reference Curriculum (GSwERC). CSEE&T 2009: 290-291
19EEGordon Davies, Lillian N. Cassel, Arthur B. Pyster, Michael E. Caspersen, Heikki Topi: Acm education board and masters level programs. SIGCSE 2009: 487-488
18EEArthur B. Pyster, Richard Turner, Devanandam Henry, Kahina Lasfer, Lawrence Bernstein, Kristen Baldwin: The Current State of Software Engineering Masters Degree Programs. CSEE&T 2008: 103-109
17EELillian N. Cassel, Michael E. Caspersen, Gordon Davies, Renée McCauley, Andrew D. McGettrick, Arthur B. Pyster, Robert H. Sloan: Curriculum update from the ACM education board: CS2008 and a report on masters degrees. SIGCSE 2008: 530-531
16EEArthur B. Pyster: What Beyond CMMI Is Needed to Help Assure Program and Project Success? ISPW 2005: 75-82
15EEArthur B. Pyster, Richard H. Thayer: Guest Editors' Introduction: Software Engineering Project Management 20 Years Later. IEEE Software 22(5): 18-21 (2005)
14EERoss J. Anderson, Terry Bollinger, Doug Brown, Enrique Draier, Philip Machanick, Gary McGraw, Nancy R. Mead, Arthur B. Pyster, Howard Schmidt, Timothy J. Shimeall: Roundtable on Information Security Policy. IEEE Software 17(5): (2000)
13 Arthur B. Pyster: "Synthesis" - A Reuse/Prototyping Process for Software Development. IFIP Congress 1989: 977-980
12 Arthur B. Pyster, Bruce H. Barnes: The Software Productivity Consortium Reuse Program. COMPCON 1988: 242-249
11EEBarry W. Boehm, M. H. Penedo, E. Don Stuckle, Ronald D. Williams, Arthur B. Pyster: A Software Development Environment for Improving Productivity. IEEE Computer 17(6): 30-44 (1984)
10 Richard H. Thayer, Arthur B. Pyster: Guest Editorial: Software Engineering Project Management. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 10(1): 2-3 (1984)
9 Barry W. Boehm, James F. Elwell, Arthur B. Pyster, E. Don Stuckle, Ronald D. Williams: The TRW Software Productivity System. ICSE 1982: 148-156
8 Richard H. Thayer, Arthur B. Pyster, Roger C. Wood: Validating Solutions to Major Problems in Software Engineering Project Management. IEEE Computer 15(8): 65-77 (1982)
7 Richard H. Thayer, Arthur B. Pyster, Roger C. Wood: Major Issues in Software Engineering Project Management. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 7(4): 333-342 (1981)
6EERamachandran Krishnaswamy, Arthur B. Pyster: On the Correctness of Semantic-Syntax-Directed Translations. J. ACM 27(2): 338-355 (1980)
5 Reginald Meeson, Arthur B. Pyster: Overhead in FORTRAN Preprocessors. Softw., Pract. Exper. 9(12): 987-999 (1979)
4 Arthur B. Pyster, H. William Buttelmann: Semantic-Syntax-Directed Translation Information and Control 36(3): 320-361 (1978)
3 Arthur B. Pyster: Context-dependent Tree Automata Information and Control 38(1): 81-102 (1978)
2 Arthur B. Pyster, Amitava Dutta: Error-checking Compilers and Portability. Softw., Pract. Exper. 8(1): 99-108 (1978)
1EEArthur B. Pyster: Using assertions to improve language translators. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1977: 665-668

Coauthor Index

1Ross J. Anderson [14]
2Kristen Baldwin [18]
3Bruce H. Barnes [12]
4Lawrence Bernstein [18]
5Barry W. Boehm [9] [11]
6Terry Bollinger [14]
7Doug Brown [14]
8H. William Buttelmann [4]
9Michael E. Caspersen [17] [19]
10Lillian N. Cassel (Lillian (Boots) Cassel) [17] [19]
11Gordon Davies [17] [19]
12Enrique Draier [14]
13Amitava Dutta [2]
14James F. Elwell [9]
15Devanandam Henry [18]
16David Klapholtz [20]
17Ramachandran Krishnaswamy [6]
18Kahina Lasfer [18]
19Philip Machanick [14]
20Renée McCauley [17]
21James McDonald [20]
22Andrew D. McGettrick [17]
23Gary McGraw [14]
24Nancy R. Mead [14]
25Reginald Meeson [5]
26M. H. Penedo [11]
27Howard Schmidt [14]
28Timothy J. Shimeall [14]
29Robert H. Sloan [17]
30E. Don Stuckle [9] [11]
31Richard H. Thayer [7] [8] [10] [15]
32Heikki Topi [19]
33Richard Turner [18]
34Ronald D. Williams [9] [11]
35Roger C. Wood [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)