2008 |
55 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Emmanuel Letier,
Anthony Finkelstein:
Generating and Evaluating Choices for Fixing Inconsistencies in UML Design Models.
ASE 2008: 99-108 |
2007 |
54 | | R. E. Kurt Stirewalt,
Alexander Egyed,
Bernd Fischer:
22nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2007), November 5-9, 2007, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
ACM 2007 |
53 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
Fixing Inconsistencies in UML Design Models.
ICSE 2007: 292-301 |
52 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
UML/Analyzer: A Tool for the Instant Consistency Checking of UML Models.
ICSE 2007: 793-796 |
51 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Hausi A. Müller,
Dewayne E. Perry,
Dennis B. Smith,
Scott R. Tilley:
Summery of the 2nd International Workshop on Incorporating COTS Software into Software Systems (IWICSS): Tools and Techniques.
ICSE Companion 2007: 142-143 |
50 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Gernot Binder,
Paul Grünbacher:
STRADA: A Tool for Scenario-Based Feature-to-Code Trace Detection and Analysis.
ICSE Companion 2007: 41-42 |
49 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Paul Grünbacher,
Matthias Heindl,
Stefan Biffl:
Value-Based Requirements Traceability: Lessons Learned.
RE 2007: 115-118 |
48 | EE | Howard E. Shrobe,
Robert Laddaga,
Robert Balzer,
Neil M. Goldman,
Dave Wile,
Marcelo Tallis,
Tim Hollebeek,
Alexander Egyed:
Self-Adaptive Systems for Information Survivability: PMOP and AWDRAT.
SASO 2007: 332-335 |
2006 |
47 | | Howard E. Shrobe,
Robert Laddaga,
Robert Balzer,
Neil M. Goldman,
Dave Wile,
Marcelo Tallis,
Tim Hollebeek,
Alexander Egyed:
AWDRAT: A Cognitive Middleware System for Information Survivability.
AAAI 2006 |
46 | EE | Matthias Heindl,
Franz Reinisch,
Stefan Biffl,
Alexander Egyed:
Value-Based Selection of Requirements Engineering Tool Support.
EUROMICRO-SEAA 2006: 266-273 |
45 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
Instant consistency checking for the UML.
ICSE 2006: 381-390 |
44 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Robert Balzer:
Integrating COTS Software into Systems through Instrumentation and Reasoning.
Autom. Softw. Eng. 13(1): 41-64 (2006) |
43 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
David S. Wile:
Support for Managing Design-Time Decisions.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 32(5): 299-314 (2006) |
2005 |
42 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Stefan Biffl,
Matthias Heindl,
Paul Grünbacher:
Determining the cost-quality trade-off for automated software traceability.
ASE 2005: 360-363 |
41 | EE | Vladimir Jakobac,
Alexander Egyed,
Nenad Medvidovic:
Improving System Understanding via Interactive, Tailorable, Source Code Analysis.
FASE 2005: 253-268 |
40 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Wuwei Shen,
Kun Wang:
Maintaining Life Perspectives During the Refinement of UML Class Structures.
FASE 2005: 310-325 |
39 | EE | Yves Bontemps,
Alexander Egyed:
4th international workshop on scenarios and state machines: models, algorithms and tools (SCESM'05).
ICSE 2005: 697 |
38 | EE | Vladimir Jakobac,
Nenad Medvidovic,
Alexander Egyed:
Separating architectural concerns to ease program understanding.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005) |
37 | EE | Yves Bontemps,
Alexander Egyed:
Scenarios and state machines: models, algorithms, and tools: a summary of the 4th workshop.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(5): 1-4 (2005) |
36 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Hausi A. Müller,
Dewayne E. Perry:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Integrating COTS into the Development Process.
IEEE Software 22(4): 16-18 (2005) |
35 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Paul Grünbacher:
Supporting Software Understanding with Automated Requirements Traceability.
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 15(5): 783-810 (2005) |
2004 |
34 | EE | Sven Johann,
Alexander Egyed:
Instant and Incremental Transformation of Models.
ASE 2004: 362-365 |
33 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
Dynamic Deployment of Executing and Simulating Software Components.
Component Deployment 2004: 113-128 |
32 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
Consistent Adaptation and Evolution of Class Diagrams during Refinement.
FASE 2004: 37-53 |
31 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Dewayne E. Perry:
First International Workshop on Incorporating COTS into Software Systems.
ICCBSS 2004: 6-7 |
30 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
Resolving uncertainties during trace analysis.
SIGSOFT FSE 2004: 3-12 |
29 | EE | David S. Wile,
Alexander Egyed:
An Externalized Infrastructure for Self-Healing Systems.
WICSA 2004: 285-290 |
28 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
Architecture differencing for self management.
WOSS 2004: 44-48 |
27 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Paul Grünbacher:
Identifying Requirements Conflicts and Cooperation: How Quality Attributes and Automated Traceability Can Help.
IEEE Software 21(6): 50-58 (2004) |
26 | EE | Paul Grünbacher,
Alexander Egyed,
Nenad Medvidovic:
Reconciling software requirements and architectures with intermediate models.
Software and System Modeling 3(3): 235-253 (2004) |
2003 |
25 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Martin Glinz,
Ingolf Krüger,
Tarja Systä,
Sebastián Uchitel,
Albert Zündorf:
Second Workshop on Scenarios and State Machines: Models, Algorithms, and Tools.
ICSE 2003: 783-784 |
24 | EE | Nenad Medvidovic,
Alexander Egyed,
Paul Grünbacher:
Stemming Architectural Erosion by Coupling Architectural Discovery and Recovery.
STRAW 2003: 61-68 |
23 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
Compositional and Relational Reasoning during Class Abstraction.
UML 2003: 121-137 |
22 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
A Scenario-Driven Approach to Trace Dependency Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 29(2): 116-132 (2003) |
21 | EE | Nenad Medvidovic,
Paul Grünbacher,
Alexander Egyed,
Barry W. Boehm:
Bridging models across the software lifecycle.
Journal of Systems and Software 68(3): 199-215 (2003) |
2002 |
20 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Paul Grünbacher:
Automating Requirements Traceability: Beyond the Record & Replay Paradigm.
ASE 2002: 163-171 |
19 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
Automated abstraction of class diagrams.
ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol. 11(4): 449-491 (2002) |
2001 |
18 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Robert Balzer:
Unfriendly COTS Integration-Instrumentation and Interfaces for Improved Plugability.
ASE 2001: 223-231 |
17 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
Scalable Consistency Checking Between Diagrams-The ViewIntegra Approach.
ASE 2001: 387-390 |
16 | | Alexander Egyed:
A Scenario-Driven Approach to Traceability.
ICSE 2001: 123-132 |
15 | EE | Paul Grünbacher,
Alexander Egyed,
Nenad Medvidovic:
Reconciling Software Requirements and Architectures: The CBSP Approach.
RE 2001: 202-211 |
14 | | Nenad Medvidovic,
Paul Grünbacher,
Alexander Egyed,
Barry W. Boehm:
Software Model Connectors: Bridging Models across the Software Lifecycle.
SEKE 2001: 387-396 |
13 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
David S. Wile:
Statechart Simulator for Modeling Architectural Dynamics.
WICSA 2001: 87- |
2000 |
12 | EE | Alexander Egyed:
Semantic Abstraction Rules for Class Diagrams.
ASE 2000: 301-304 |
11 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Nenad Medvidovic:
A Formal Approach to Heterogeneous Software Modeling.
FASE 2000: 178-192 |
10 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Nikunj R. Mehta,
Nenad Medvidovic:
Software Connectors and Refinement in Family Architectures.
IW-SAPF 2000: 96-106 |
9 | | Alexander Egyed,
Nenad Medvidovic,
Cristina Gacek:
Component-based perspective on software mismatch detection and resolution.
IEE Proceedings - Software 147(6): 225-236 (2000) |
1999 |
8 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Cristina Gacek:
Automatically Detecting Mismatches During Component-based and Model-based Development.
ASE 1999: 191-198 |
7 | EE | Alexander Egyed,
Philippe Kruchten:
Rose/Architecture: A Tool to Visualize Architecture.
HICSS 1999 |
6 | | Alexander Egyed,
Nenad Medvidovic:
Extending Architectural Representation in UML with View Integration.
UML 1999: 2-16 |
5 | | Barry W. Boehm,
Daniel Port,
Alexander Egyed,
Marwan Abi-Antoun:
The MBASE Life Cycle Architecture Milestone Package.
WICSA 1999: 511-528 |
1998 |
4 | | Barry W. Boehm,
Alexander Egyed:
Software Requirements Negotiation: Some Lessons Learned.
ICSE 1998: 503-506 |
3 | | Barry W. Boehm,
Alexander Egyed,
Daniel Port,
Archita Shah,
Julie Kwan,
Raymond J. Madachy:
A Stakeholder Win-Win Approach to Software Engineering Education.
Ann. Software Eng. 6: 295-321 (1998) |
2 | | Barry W. Boehm,
Alexander Egyed,
Julie Kwan,
Daniel Port,
Archita Shah,
Raymond J. Madachy:
Using the WinWin Spiral Model: A Case Study.
IEEE Computer 31(7): 33-44 (1998) |
1997 |
1 | EE | Barry W. Boehm,
Alexander Egyed,
Julie Kwan,
Raymond J. Madachy:
Developing Multimedia Applications with the WinWin Spiral Model.
ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 1997: 20-39 |