
Edward Colbert

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4EEJewel Ward, Johan Bollen, Jeffrey Pearson, Shing-Cheung Chan, Hui-Hsien Chi, Marie Chi, Kristine Guevara, Hsiao-han Huang, Genesan Kim, Maks Krivokon, Bo H. Lee, Pei-Han Li, Fenny Muliawan, Vu Nguyen, Barry W. Boehm, A. Winsor Brown, Edward Colbert, Alexander Lam, Mayur K. Patel: Mining and analyzing digital archive usage data to support collection development decisions. JCDL 2005: 417
3EEEdward Colbert, Bruce Lewis: Building Real-Time Embedded Systems with MetaH and UML [Abstract]. TOOLS (34) 2000: 445-446
2EEBruce Lewis, Edward Colbert, Steve Vestal: Developing Evolvable, Embedded, Time-Critical Systems with MetaH. TOOLS (34) 2000: 447-456
1 Edward Colbert: Abstract Better and Enjoy Life. JOOP 7(1): 50-51 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Barry W. Boehm [4]
2Johan Bollen [4]
3A. Winsor Brown [4]
4Shing-Cheung Chan [4]
5Hui-Hsien Chi [4]
6Marie Chi [4]
7Kristine Guevara [4]
8Hsiao-han Huang [4]
9Genesan Kim [4]
10Maks Krivokon [4]
11Alexander Lam [4]
12Bo H. Lee [4]
13Bruce Lewis [2] [3]
14Pei-Han Li [4]
15Fenny Muliawan [4]
16Vu Nguyen [4]
17Mayur K. Patel [4]
18Jeffrey Pearson [4]
19Steve Vestal [2]
20Jewel Ward (Jewel H. Ward) [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)