
Ray Bareiss

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15EERay Bareiss, Martin Griss: A story-centered, learn-by-doing approach to software engineering education. SIGCSE 2008: 221-225
14EESteven Fraser, Ray Bareiss, Barry W. Boehm, Mark Hayes, Laura Hill, Gabby Silberman, Dave A. Thomas: Meeting the challenge of software engineering education for working professionals in the 21st century. OOPSLA Companion 2003: 262-264
13EEChristopher L. Johnson, Larry Birnbaum, Ray Bareiss, Tom Hinrichs: Improved Performance Support through an Integrated Task-Based Video Case Library. ICCBR 2001: 675-689
12EEChristopher R. Johnson, Larry Birnbaum, Ray Bareiss, Tom Hinrichs: War stories: harnessing organizational memories to support task performance. Intelligence 11(1): 16-31 (2000)
11EEChristopher R. Johnson, Lawrence Birnbaum, Ray Bareiss, Tom Hinrichs: Integrating Organizational Memory and Performance Support. IUI 1999: 127-134
10EELawrence Birnbaum, Ray Bareiss, Tom Hinrichs, Christopher R. Johnson: Interface Design Based on Standardized Task Models. IUI 1998: 65-72
9EERay Bareiss, Susan M. Williams: ASK Jasper: Performance Support for Students. CHI Conference Companion 1996: 183-184
8EEChip Cleary, Ray Bareiss: Practical Methods for Automating Linking in Structured Hypermedia Systems. Hypertext 1996: 31-41
7 Richard Osgood, Ray Bareiss: Automated Index Generation for Constructing Large-Scale Conversational Hypermedia Systems. AAAI 1993: 309-314
6EERay Bareiss, Richard Osgood: Applying AI Models to the Design of Exploratory Hypermedia Systems. Hypertext 1993: 94-105
5EESmadar Kedar, Catherine Baudin, Lawrence Birnbaum, Richard Osgood, Ray Bareiss: Ask how it works: an intelligent interactive manual for devices. INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings 1993: 171-172
4 Ray Bareiss: A Reply to Reich's Book Review of Exemplar-Based Knowledge Acquisition. Machine Learning 6: 105-106 (1991)
3 Bruce W. Porter, Ray Bareiss, Robert C. Holte: Concept Learning and Heuristic Classification in WeakTtheory Domains. Artif. Intell. 45(1-2): 229-263 (1990)
2 Ray Bareiss, Bruce W. Porter, Kenneth S. Murray: Supporting Start-to-Finish Development of Knowledge Bases. Machine Learning 4: 259-283 (1989)
1 Ray Bareiss, Bruce W. Porter, Craig C. Wier: Protos: An Exemplar-Based Learning Apprentice. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29(5): 549-561 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Catherine Baudin [5]
2Lawrence Birnbaum (Larry Birnbaum) [5] [10] [11] [12] [13]
3Barry W. Boehm [14]
4Chip Cleary [8]
5Steven Fraser [14]
6Martin Griss [15]
7Mark Hayes [14]
8Laura Hill [14]
9Tom Hinrichs [10] [11] [12] [13]
10Robert C. Holte (Robert Holte) [3]
11Christopher L. Johnson [13]
12Christopher R. Johnson [10] [11] [12]
13Smadar Kedar [5]
14Kenneth S. Murray [2]
15Richard Osgood [5] [6] [7]
16Bruce W. Porter [1] [2] [3]
17Gabby Silberman [14]
18Dave A. Thomas [14]
19Craig C. Wier [1]
20Susan M. Williams [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)