
Nicolas Rouquette

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5EEDamian Dechev, Peter Pirkelbauer, Nicolas Rouquette, Bjarne Stroustrup: Semantically Enhanced Containers for Concurrent Real-Time Systems. ECBS 2009: 48-57
4EEDamian Dechev, Nicolas Rouquette, Peter Pirkelbauer, Bjarne Stroustrup: Verification and semantic parallelization of goal-driven autonomous software. Autonomics 2008: 33
3EEBarry W. Boehm, Jesal Bhuta, David Garlan, Eric Gradman, LiGuo Huang, Alexander Lam, Raymond J. Madachy, Nenad Medvidovic, Kenneth Meyer, Steven Meyers, Gustavo Pérez, Kirk Reinholtz, Roshanak Roshandel, Nicolas Rouquette: Using Empirical Testbeds to Accelerate Technology Maturity and Transition: The SCRover Experience. ISESE 2004: 117-126
2EEMartin S. Feather, Julia R. Dunphy, Nicolas Rouquette: "Pushbutton" Analysis Via Integration Of Industrial Tools With Formal Validation. WIFT 1998: 140-
1 Leonard Charest, Nicolas Rouquette, Richard Doyle, Jay Wyatt, Charles Robertson: MESA: An Interactive Modeling and Simulation Environment for Intelligent Systems Automations. HICSS (3) 1994: 517-525

Coauthor Index

1Jesal Bhuta [3]
2Barry W. Boehm [3]
3Leonard Charest [1]
4Damian Dechev [4] [5]
5Richard Doyle [1]
6Julia R. Dunphy [2]
7Martin S. Feather [2]
8David Garlan [3]
9Eric Gradman [3]
10LiGuo Huang [3]
11Alexander Lam [3]
12Raymond J. Madachy [3]
13Nenad Medvidovic [3]
14Kenneth Meyer [3]
15Steven Meyers [3]
16Gustavo Pérez [3]
17Peter Pirkelbauer [4] [5]
18Kirk Reinholtz [3]
19Charles Robertson [1]
20Roshanak Roshandel [3]
21Bjarne Stroustrup [4] [5]
22Jay Wyatt [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)