
Edward C. Uberbacher

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24EEMarvin Frazier, David Thomassen, Aristides Patrinos, Gary Johnson, Carl Edward Oliver, Edward C. Uberbacher: Stepping Up the Pace of Discovery: the Genomes to Life Program. CSB 2003: 2-9
23EEEdward C. Uberbacher, David Thomassen, Aristides Patrinos, Gary Johnson, Carl Edward Oliver, Marvin Frazier: Computing for the DOE Genomes to Life Program. CSB 2003: 32
22EEJane Razumovskaya, Victor Olman, Dong Xu, Edward C. Uberbacher, Nathan Verberkmoes, Ying Xu: A Computational Method for Assessing Peptide-Identification Reliability in Tandem Mass Spectrometry Analysis with SEQUEST. CSB 2003: 421-423
21 Chandrasegaran Narasimhan, Philip F. LoCascio, Edward C. Uberbacher: Background rareness-based iterative multiple sequence alignment algorithm for regulatory element detection. Bioinformatics 19(15): 1952-1963 (2003)
20 Dong Xu, Michael A. Unseren, Ying Xu, Edward C. Uberbacher: Sequence-structure specificity of a knowledge based energy function at the secondary structure level. Bioinformatics 16(3): 269-285 (2000)
19EEYing Xu, Dong Xu, Edward C. Uberbacher: A new method for modeling and solving the protein fold recognition problem (extended abstract). RECOMB 1998: 285-292
18 Ying Xu, Dong Xu, Edward C. Uberbacher: An Efficient Computational Method for Globally Optimal Threading. Journal of Computational Biology 5(3): 597- (1998)
17EEYing Xu, Victor Olman, Edward C. Uberbacher: A segmentation algorithm for noisy images: Design and evaluation. Pattern Recognition Letters 19(13): 1213-1224 (1998)
16 Ying Xu, Richard J. Mural, Edward C. Uberbacher: Inferring Gene Structures in Genomic Sequences Using Pattern Recognition and Expressed Sequence Tags. ISMB 1997: 344-353
15EEYing Xu, Edward C. Uberbacher: Reference-based gene model prediction on DNA contigs (extended abstract). RECOMB 1997: 330-336
14EEYing Xu, Edward C. Uberbacher: 2D image segmentation using minimum spanning trees. Image Vision Comput. 15(1): 47-57 (1997)
13 Ying Xu, Edward C. Uberbacher: Automated Gene Identification in Large-Scale Genomic Sequences. Journal of Computational Biology 4(3): 325-338 (1997)
12 Ying Xu, Edward C. Uberbacher: Gene Prediction by Pattern Recognition and Homology Search. ISMB 1996: 241-251
11 Xiaojun Guan, Edward C. Uberbacher: Alignments of DNA and protein sequences containing frameshift errors. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 12(1): 31-40 (1996)
10 Ying Xu, Edward C. Uberbacher: A polynomial-time algorithm for a class of protein threading problems. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 12(6): 511-517 (1996)
9EESherri Matis, Ying Xu, Manesh J. Shah, Xiaojun Guan, J. Ralph Einstein, Richard J. Mural, Edward C. Uberbacher: Detection of RNA Polymerase II Promoters and Polyadenylation Sites in Human DNA Sequence. Computers & Chemistry 20(1): 135-140 (1996)
8 Ying Xu, Richard J. Mural, Edward C. Uberbacher: An Iterative Algorithm for Correcting Sequencing Errors in DNA Coding Regions. Journal of Computational Biology 3(3): 333-344 (1996)
7EESherri Matis, Howard Doyle, Ignazio Marino, Richard J. Mural, Edward C. Uberbacher: Use of Neural Networks for Prediction of Graft Failure following Liver Transplantation. CBMS 1995: 133-
6EEXiaojun Guan, Richard J. Mural, Edward C. Uberbacher: Sequence comparison on a cluster of workstations using the PVM system. IPPS 1995: 190-195
5 Mark Craven, Richard J. Mural, Loren J. Hauser, Edward C. Uberbacher: Predicting Protein Folding Classes without Overly Relying on Homology. ISMB 1995: 98-106
4 Ying Xu, Richard J. Mural, Edward C. Uberbacher: Correcting sequencing errors in DNA coding regions using a dynamic programming approach. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 11(2): 117-124 (1995)
3 Yin Xu, J. Ralph Einstein, Richard J. Mural, Manesh J. Shah, Edward C. Uberbacher: An Improved System for Exon Recognition and Gene Modeling in Human DNA Sequence. ISMB 1994: 376-
2 Ying Xu, Richard J. Mural, Edward C. Uberbacher: Constructing gene models from accurately predicted exons: an application of dynamic programming. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 10(6): 613-623 (1994)
1 Xiaojun Guan, Richard J. Mural, Reinhold Mann, Edward C. Uberbacher: On Parallel Search of DNA Sequence Databases. PPSC 1991: 332-337

Coauthor Index

1Mark Craven [5]
2Howard Doyle [7]
3J. Ralph Einstein [3] [9]
4Marvin Frazier [23] [24]
5Xiaojun Guan [1] [6] [9] [11]
6Loren J. Hauser [5]
7Gary Johnson [23] [24]
8Philip F. LoCascio [21]
9Reinhold Mann [1]
10Ignazio Marino [7]
11Sherri Matis [7] [9]
12Richard J. Mural [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [16]
13Chandrasegaran Narasimhan [21]
14Carl Edward Oliver [23] [24]
15Victor Olman [17] [22]
16Aristides Patrinos [23] [24]
17Jane Razumovskaya [22]
18Manesh J. Shah [3] [9]
19David Thomassen [23] [24]
20Michael A. Unseren [20]
21Nathan Verberkmoes [22]
22Dong Xu [18] [19] [20] [22]
23Yin Xu [3]
24Ying Xu [2] [4] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)