
Calvin J. Ribbens

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25EEPilsung Kang, Yang Cao, Naren Ramakrishnan, Calvin J. Ribbens, Srinidhi Varadarajan: Modular implementation of adaptive decisions in stochastic simulations. SAC 2009: 995-1001
24EEHari K. Pyla, Bharath Ramesh, Calvin J. Ribbens, Srinidhi Varadarajan: ScALPEL: A Scalable Adaptive Lightweight Performance Evaluation Library for application performance monitoring CoRR abs/0903.0035: (2009)
23EERajesh Sudarsan, Calvin J. Ribbens: ReSHAPE: A Framework for Dynamic Resizing and Scheduling of Homogeneous Applications in a Parallel Environment. ICPP 2007: 44
22EEMehmet Belgin, Calvin J. Ribbens, Godmar Back: An operation stacking framework for large ensemble computations. ICS 2007: 83-92
21EEPilsung Kang, Mike Heffner, Joy Mukherjee, Naren Ramakrishnan, Srinidhi Varadarajan, Calvin J. Ribbens, Danesh K. Tafti: The Adaptive Code Kitchen: Flexible Tools for Dynamic Application Composition. IPDPS 2007: 1-8
20EERajesh Sudarsan, Calvin J. Ribbens: Efficient Multidimensional Data Redistribution for Resizable Parallel Computations. ISPA 2007: 182-194
19EERajesh Sudarsan, Calvin J. Ribbens: Efficient Multidimensional Data Redistribution for Resizable Parallel Computations CoRR abs/0706.2146: (2007)
18EERajesh Sudarsan, Calvin J. Ribbens: ReSHAPE: A Framework for Dynamic Resizing and Scheduling of Homogeneous Applications in a Parallel Environment CoRR abs/cs/0703137: (2007)
17EECalvin J. Ribbens, Srinidhi Varadarajan, Malarvizhi Chinnusamy, Gautam Swaminathan: Balancing Computational Science and Computer Science Research on a Terascale Computing Facility. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 60-67
16EEPrachi Bora, Calvin J. Ribbens, Sandeep Prabhakar, Gautam Swaminathan, Malarvizhi Chinnusamy, Ashwin Jeyakumar, Beatriz Diaz-Acosta: Issues in Runtime Algorithm Selection for Grid Environments. CLADE 2003: 80
15 Naren Ramakrishnan, Layne T. Watson, Dennis G. Kafura, Calvin J. Ribbens, Clifford A. Shaffer: Programming environments for multidisciplinary Grid communities. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14(13-15): 1241-1273 (2002)
14 Scott R. Kohn, Gary Kumfert, Jeffrey F. Painter, Calvin J. Ribbens: Divorcing Language Dependencies from a Scientific Software Library. PPSC 2001
13EENaren Ramakrishnan, Calvin J. Ribbens: Mining and visualizing recommendation spaces for elliptic PDEs with continuous attributes. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 26(2): 254-273 (2000)
12EEAmit Goel, Constantinos Phanouriou, Frederick A. Kamke, Calvin J. Ribbens, Clifford A. Shaffer, Layne T. Watson: WBCSim: A Prototype Problem Solving Environment for Wood-Based Composites Simulations. Eng. Comput. (Lond.) 15(2): 198-210 (1999)
11 Mark Embree, Calvin J. Ribbens: On the Scalability of Parallel Krylov Subspace Methods. PPSC 1997
10 George G. Pitts, Calvin J. Ribbens, Layne T. Watson: Domain Decomposition and High Order Finite Differences for Elliptic PDEs. PPSC 1993: 727-731
9EEAmal Chakraborty, Donald C. S. Allison, Calvin J. Ribbens, Layne T. Watson: The Parallel Complexity of Embedding Algorithms for the Solution of Systems of Nonlinear Equations. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 4(4): 458-465 (1993)
8 Donald C. S. Allison, Kashmira M. Irani, Calvin J. Ribbens, Layne T. Watson: Shared Memory Parallel Algorithms for Homotopy Curve Tracking. ICPP (3) 1991: 17-20
7 Christopher Beattie, Calvin J. Ribbens: Parallel Solution of a Generalized Symmetric Matrix Eigenvalue Problem. PPSC 1991: 16-21
6 Kashmira M. Irani, Calvin J. Ribbens, Layne T. Watson: Parallel HOMPACK: A Case Study in Parallel Mathematical Software. PPSC 1991: 643-648
5 Amal Chakraborty, Donald C. S. Allison, Calvin J. Ribbens, Layne T. Watson: Note on unit tangent vector computation for homotopy curve tracking on a hypercube. Parallel Computing 17(12): 1385-1395 (1991)
4EEAmal Chakraborty, Donald C. S. Allison, Calvin J. Ribbens, Layne T. Watson: Parallel Unit Tangent Vector Computation for Homotopy Curve Tracking on a Hypercube. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1990: 103-108
3 Amal Chakraborty, Donald C. S. Allison, Calvin J. Ribbens, Layne T. Watson: Low Dimensional Homotopy Curve Tracking on a Hypercub. ICPP (3) 1990: 44-51
2 Amal Chakraborty, Donald C. S. Allison, Calvin J. Ribbens, Layne T. Watson: Parallel Homotopy Curve Tracking on a Hypercube. PPSC 1989: 149-153
1 Calvin J. Ribbens: Parallelization of Adaptive Grid Domain Mappings. PPSC 1987: 196-200

Coauthor Index

1Donald C. S. Allison [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [9]
2Godmar Back [22]
3Christopher Beattie [7]
4Mehmet Belgin [22]
5Prachi Bora [16]
6Yang Cao [25]
7Amal Chakraborty [2] [3] [4] [5] [9]
8Malarvizhi Chinnusamy [16] [17]
9Beatriz Diaz-Acosta [16]
10Mark Embree [11]
11Amit Goel [12]
12Mike Heffner [21]
13Kashmira M. Irani [6] [8]
14Ashwin Jeyakumar [16]
15Dennis G. Kafura [15]
16Frederick A. Kamke [12]
17Pilsung Kang [21] [25]
18Scott R. Kohn [14]
19Gary Kumfert [14]
20Joy Mukherjee [21]
21Jeffrey F. Painter [14]
22Constantinos Phanouriou [12]
23George G. Pitts [10]
24Sandeep Prabhakar [16]
25Hari K. Pyla [24]
26Naren Ramakrishnan [13] [15] [21] [25]
27Bharath Ramesh [24]
28Clifford A. Shaffer [12] [15]
29Rajesh Sudarsan [18] [19] [20] [23]
30Gautam Swaminathan [16] [17]
31Danesh K. Tafti [21]
32Srinidhi Varadarajan [17] [21] [24] [25]
33Layne T. Watson [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [12] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)