
Pierre Charrier

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7EEChristophe Berthon, Pierre Charrier, Bruno Dubroca: An HLLC Scheme to Solve The M 1 Model of Radiative Transfer in Two Space Dimensions. J. Sci. Comput. 31(3): 347-389 (2007)
6 Alain Bachelot, Pierre Charrier, Agnès Pujols, Danièle Rouart: Parallel Algorithm for Solving Time Convolution Equations and Application to CEM. PPSC 1997
5 Pierre Charrier, L. Facq, Jean Roman: Block Data Distribution for Parallel Nested Dissection. PPSC 1995: 504-505
4 Pierre Charrier, Jean Roman, Pascal Vezolle: Implementation of 3D Symmetric Variational Boundary Equations on Distributed Memory Computers. PARCO 1993: 73-80
3 Pierre Charrier, Jean Roman: Partitioning and Mapping for Parallel Nested Dissection on Distributed Memory Architectures. CONPAR 1992: 295-306
2 Pierre Charrier, Jean Roman: Study of an Adaptive Blocking for a Parallel Nested Dissection Algorithm. PPSC 1991: 71-76
1 Pierre Charrier, Jean Roman: Étude De La Séparation Et De L'Élimination Sur Une Famille De Graphes Quotients Déduite D'Une Méthode De Dissections Emboîtées. ITA 22(2): 245-265 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Alain Bachelot [6]
2Christophe Berthon [7]
3Bruno Dubroca [7]
4L. Facq [5]
5Agnès Pujols [6]
6Jean Roman [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
7Danièle Rouart [6]
8Pascal Vezolle [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)