
Robert W. Numrich

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18EERobert W. Numrich: Computational forces in the Linpack benchmark. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 68(9): 1283-1290 (2008)
17EERobert W. Numrich: A metric space for computer programs and the principle of computational least action. The Journal of Supercomputing 43(3): 281-298 (2008)
16 Robert W. Numrich: Computational Force: A Unifying Concept for Scalability Analysis. PARCO 2007: 107-112
15EERobert W. Numrich: Dimensional Analysis Applied to a Parallel QR Algorithm. PPAM 2007: 148-155
14EERobert W. Numrich: A note on scaling the Linpack benchmark. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 67(4): 491-498 (2007)
13EEJohn Reid, Robert W. Numrich: Co-arrays in the next Fortran Standard. Scientific Programming 15(1): 9-26 (2007)
12EEJarek Nieplocha, Doug Baxter, Vinod Tipparaju, Craig Edward Rasmussen, Robert W. Numrich: Symmetric Data Objects and Remote Memory Access Communication for Fortran-95 Applications. Euro-Par 2005: 720-729
11EERobert W. Numrich: A Parallel Numerical Library for Co-array Fortran. PPAM 2005: 960-969
10EERobert W. Numrich: Parallel numerical algorithms based on tensor notation and Co-Array Fortran syntax. Parallel Computing 31(6): 588-607 (2005)
9EECraig Edward Rasmussen, Matthew J. Sottile, Jarek Nieplocha, Robert W. Numrich, Eric Jones: Co-array Python: A Parallel Extension to the Python Language. Euro-Par 2004: 632-637
8 Robert W. Numrich, John Reid, Kieun Kim: Writing a Multigrid Solver Using Co-array Fortran. PARA 1998: 390-399
7 Robert W. Numrich, Jon L. Steidel, Brian H. Johnson, Benoît Dupont de Dinechin, Gary Elsesser, Greg Fischer, Tom MacDonald: Definition of the F-- Extension to Fortran 90. LCPC 1997: 292-306
6 Robert W. Numrich, Jon L. Steidel: Simple Parallel Extensions to Fortran 90. PPSC 1997
5 Robert W. Numrich: The Computational Action Norm and the Principle of Computational Least Action. PPSC 1997
4EERobert W. Numrich: F^{--}: A Parallel Extension to Cray Fortran. Scientific Programming 6(3): 275-284 (1997)
3 Robert W. Numrich, Paul L. Springer, John C. Peterson: Measurement of Communication Rates on the Cray T3D Interprocessor Network. HPCN 1994: 150-157
2 Robert W. Numrich: Memory Contention for Shared Memory Vector Multiprocessors. SC 1992: 316-325
1 Robert W. Numrich, Paul R. Borman: Parallel Distributed Supercomputing in a Heterogeneous Environment Using High-Speed Communication Links. PPSC 1991: 484-490

Coauthor Index

1Doug Baxter [12]
2Paul R. Borman [1]
3Benoît Dupont de Dinechin [7]
4Gary Elsesser [7]
5Greg Fischer [7]
6Brian H. Johnson [7]
7Eric Jones [9]
8Kieun Kim [8]
9Tom MacDonald [7]
10Jarek Nieplocha [9] [12]
11John C. Peterson [3]
12Craig Edward Rasmussen [9] [12]
13John Reid [8] [13]
14Matthew J. Sottile [9]
15Paul L. Springer [3]
16Jon L. Steidel [6] [7]
17Vinod Tipparaju [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)