2008 |
127 | | John R. Goodall,
Gregory J. Conti,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Visualization for Computer Security, 5th International Workshop, VizSec 2008, Cambridge, MA, USA, September 15, 2008. Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
126 | EE | John R. Goodall,
Gregory J. Conti,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
VizSEC 2007, Proceedings of the Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security, Sacramento, California, USA, October 29, 2007
Springer 2008 |
125 | EE | James Shearer,
Michael Ogawa,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Toby Kohlenberg:
Pixelplexing: Gaining Display Resolution Through Time.
PacificVis 2008: 159-166 |
124 | EE | Zeqian Shen,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
MobiVis: A Visualization System for Exploring Mobile Data.
PacificVis 2008: 175-182 |
123 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma:
StarGate: A Unified, Interactive Visualization of Software Projects.
PacificVis 2008: 191-198 |
122 | EE | Steve Haroz,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Katrin Heitmann:
Multiple Uncertainties in Time-Variant Cosmological Particle Data.
PacificVis 2008: 207-214 |
121 | EE | Chris Muelder,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
A Treemap Based Method for Rapid Layout of Large Graphs.
PacificVis 2008: 231-238 |
120 | EE | Hongfeng Yu,
Chaoli Wang,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Massively parallel volume rendering using 2-3 swap image compositing.
SC 2008: 48 |
119 | EE | James Shearer,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Toby Kohlenberg:
BGPeep: An IP-Space Centered View for Internet Routing Data.
VizSEC 2008: 95-110 |
118 | EE | Chaoli Wang,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
A Statistical Approach to Volume Data Quality Assessment.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(3): 590-602 (2008) |
117 | EE | Chris Muelder,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Rapid Graph Layout Using Space Filling Curves.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(6): 1301-1308 (2008) |
116 | EE | Carlos D. Correa,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Size-based Transfer Functions: A New Volume Exploration Technique.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(6): 1380-1387 (2008) |
115 | EE | Chaoli Wang,
Hongfeng Yu,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Importance-Driven Time-Varying Data Visualization.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 14(6): 1547-1554 (2008) |
114 | EE | Stoney Jackson,
Premkumar T. Devanbu,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Stable, flexible, peephole pretty-printing.
Sci. Comput. Program. 72(1-2): 40-51 (2008) |
2007 |
113 | | Seok-Hee Hong,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
APVIS 2007, 6th International Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualization 2007, Sydney, Australia, 5-7 February 2007
IEEE 2007 |
112 | EE | Runzhen Huang,
Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Multi-scale morphological volume segmentation and visualization.
APVIS 2007: 121-128 |
111 | EE | Michael Ogawa,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Christian Bird,
Premkumar T. Devanbu,
Alex Gourley:
Visualizing social interaction in open source software projects.
APVIS 2007: 25-32 |
110 | EE | Chris Muelder,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Visualization of sanitized email logs for spam analysis.
APVIS 2007: 9-16 |
109 | EE | Yue Wang,
James Shearer,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
VICA: A Voronoi Interface for Visualizing Collaborative Annotations.
CDVE 2007: 21-32 |
108 | EE | Hiroshi Akiba,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
A Tri-Space Visualization Interface for Analyzing Time-Varying Multivariate Volume Data.
EuroVis 2007: 115-122 |
107 | EE | Zeqian Shen,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Path Visualization for Adjacency Matrices.
EuroVis 2007: 83-90 |
106 | EE | Shih-Ming Tseng,
Ke Zhang,
Shyhtsun Felix Wu,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Soon Tee Teoh,
Xiaoliang Zhao:
Analysis of BGP Origin AS Changes Among Brazil-Related Autonomous Systems.
IPOM 2007: 49-60 |
105 | EE | Hongfeng Yu,
Chaoli Wang,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Parallel hierarchical visualization of large time-varying 3D vector fields.
SC 2007: 24 |
104 | EE | Chris Muelder,
L. Chen,
R. Thomason,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Tony Bartoletti:
Intelligent Classification and Visualization of Network Scans.
VizSEC 2007: 237-253 |
103 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma:
Machine Learning to Boost the Next Generation of Visualization Technology.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 27(5): 6-9 (2007) |
102 | EE | T. J. Jankun-Kelly,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Michael Gertz:
A Model and Framework for Visualization Exploration.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(2): 357-369 (2007) |
101 | EE | Nathaniel Fout,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Transform Coding for Hardware-accelerated Volume Rendering.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(6): 1600-1607 (2007) |
100 | EE | Yan Li,
Jinhui Yu,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Jiaoying Shi:
3D paper-cut modeling and animation.
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 18(4-5): 395-403 (2007) |
2006 |
99 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma:
Cyber security through visualization.
APVIS 2006: 3-7 |
98 | EE | Zeqian Shen,
Michael Ogawa,
Soon Tee Teoh,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
BiblioViz: a system for visualizing bibliography information.
APVIS 2006: 93-102 |
97 | EE | Hiroshi Akiba,
Nathaniel Fout,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Simultaneous Classification of Time-Varying Volume Data Based on the Time Histogram.
EuroVis 2006: 171-178 |
96 | EE | Steve Haroz,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Natural Visualizations.
EuroVis 2006: 43-50 |
95 | EE | Yue Wang,
Soon Tee Teoh,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Tree Visualization Systems for Knowledge Discovery.
EuroVis 2006: 67-74 |
94 | EE | Daniel Lewis,
Steve Haroz,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Layout of Multiple Views for Volume Visualization: A User Study.
ISVC (2) 2006: 215-226 |
93 | EE | James P. Ahrens,
Hank Childs,
John Clyne,
Wes Bethel,
Jian Huang,
Scott Klasky,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Kenneth Moreland,
Michael E. Papka,
Valerio Pascucci,
Han-Wei Shen,
Debroah Silver:
Ultra-scale visualization - Workshop on ultra-scale visualization.
SC 2006: 235 |
92 | EE | Tiankai Tu,
Hongfeng Yu,
Jacobo Bielak,
Omar Ghattas,
Julio C. López,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
David R. O'Hallaron,
Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman,
Nathan Stone,
Ricardo Taborda-Rios,
John Urbanic:
Analytics challenge - Remote runtime steering of integrated terascale simulation and visualization.
SC 2006: 297 |
91 | EE | Tiankai Tu,
Hongfeng Yu,
Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman,
Jacobo Bielak,
Omar Ghattas,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
David R. O'Hallaron:
Scalable systems software - From mesh generation to scientific visualization: an end-to-end approach to parallel supercomputing.
SC 2006: 91 |
90 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma:
Guest Editor's Introduction: Visualization for Cybersecurity.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 26(2): 26-27 (2006) |
89 | EE | Zeqian Shen,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Tina Eliassi-Rad:
Visual Analysis of Large Heterogeneous Social Networks by Semantic and Structural Abstraction.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 12(6): 1427-1439 (2006) |
88 | EE | Eric B. Lum,
James Shearer,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Interactive multi-scale exploration for volume classification.
The Visual Computer 22(9-11): 622-630 (2006) |
2005 |
87 | | Kwan-Liu Ma,
Stephen C. North,
William Yurcik:
IEEE Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security (VizSEC 2005), 26 October 2005, Minneapolis, MN, USA
IEEE Computer Society 2005 |
86 | EE | Nathaniel Fout,
Hiroshi Akiba,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Aaron E. Lefohn,
Joe Kniss:
High-Quality Rendering of Compressed Volume Data Formats.
EuroVis 2005: 77-84 |
85 | EE | Ke Zhang,
Soon Tee Teoh,
Shih-Ming Tseng,
Rattapon Limprasittiporn,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Shyhtsun Felix Wu,
Chen-Nee Chuah:
Performing BGP Experiments on a Semi-realistic Internet Testbed Environment.
ICDCS Workshops 2005: 130-136 |
84 | EE | Dirk Bartz,
Hans Hagen,
Victoria Interrante,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Bernhard Preim:
Illustrative Rendering Techniques for Visualization: Future of Visualization or Just Another Technique?.
IEEE Visualization 2005: 120 |
83 | EE | Fan-Yin Tzeng,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Opening the Black Box - Data Driven Visualization of Neural Network.
IEEE Visualization 2005: 49 |
82 | EE | Runzhen Huang,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
A Three-Level Graph Based Interactive Volume Segmentation System.
ISVC 2005: 143-150 |
81 | EE | Soon Tee Teoh,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Hifocon: Object and Dimensional Coherence and Correlation in Multidimensional Visualization.
ISVC 2005: 235-242 |
80 | EE | Chris Muelder,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Tony Bartoletti:
Interactive Visualization for Network and Port Scan Detection.
RAID 2005: 265-283 |
79 | EE | Nathaniel Fout,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
James P. Ahrens:
Time-varying, multivariate volume data reduction.
SAC 2005: 1224-1230 |
78 | EE | Jonathan McPherson,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Michael Ogawa:
Discovering parametric clusters in social small-world graphs.
SAC 2005: 1231-1238 |
77 | EE | Fan-Yin Tzeng,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Intelligent Feature Extraction and Tracking for Visualizing Large-Scale 4D Flow Simulations.
SC 2005: 6 |
76 | EE | Chris Muelder,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Tony Bartoletti:
A Visualization Methodology for Characterization of Network Scans.
VizSEC 2005: 4 |
75 | EE | Hiroshi Akiba,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
John Clyne:
End-to-End Data Reduction and Hardware Accelerated Rendering Techniques for Visualizing Time-Varying Non-uniform Grid Volume Data.
Volume Graphics 2005: 31-39 |
74 | EE | Fan-Yin Tzeng,
Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
An Intelligent System Approach to Higher-Dimensional Classification of Volume Data.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 11(3): 273-284 (2005) |
73 | EE | Eduard Gröller,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Klaus Mueller:
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Section on IEEE Visualization Applications.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 11(5): 483-484 (2005) |
72 | EE | Hongfeng Yu,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
A study of I/O methods for parallel visualization of large-scale data.
Parallel Computing 31(2): 167-183 (2005) |
71 | EE | Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Expressive line selection by example.
The Visual Computer 21(8-10): 811-820 (2005) |
2004 |
70 | | Hongfeng Yu,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Joel Welling:
I/O Strategies for Parallel Rendering of Large Time-Varying Volume Data.
EGPGV 2004: 31-40 |
69 | EE | Gregory L. Schussman,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Anisotropic Volume Rendering for Extremely Dense, Thin Line Data.
IEEE Visualization 2004: 107-114 |
68 | EE | Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Lighting Transfer Functions Using Gradient Aligned Sampling.
IEEE Visualization 2004: 289-296 |
67 | EE | David Crawford,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Min-Yu Huang,
Scott Klasky,
Stéphane Ethier:
Visualizing Gyrokinetic Simulations.
IEEE Visualization 2004: 59-66 |
66 | EE | Soon Tee Teoh,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
One-For-All: Visualization of the Information Visualization Symposia.
INFOVIS 2004 |
65 | EE | Brett Wilson,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Rendering complexity in computer-generated pen-and-ink illustrations.
NPAR 2004: 129-137 |
64 | EE | Hongfeng Yu,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Joel Welling:
A Parallel Visualization Pipeline for Terascale Earthquake Simulations.
SC 2004: 49 |
63 | | Fan-Yin Tzeng,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
A Cluster-Space Visual Interface for Arbitrary Dimensional Classification of Volume Data.
VisSym 2004: 17-24, 338 |
62 | | Eric B. Lum,
Brett Wilson,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
High-Quality Lighting for Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering.
VisSym 2004: 25-34 |
61 | EE | Soon Tee Teoh,
Ke Zhang,
Shih-Ming Tseng,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Shyhtsun Felix Wu:
Combining visual and automated data mining for near-real-time anomaly detection and analysis in BGP.
VizSEC 2004: 35-44 |
60 | EE | Jonathan McPherson,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Paul Krystosk,
Tony Bartoletti,
Marvin Christensen:
PortVis: a tool for port-based detection of security events.
VizSEC 2004: 73-81 |
59 | EE | Soon Tee Teoh,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Shyhtsun Felix Wu,
T. J. Jankun-Kelly:
Detecting Flaws and Intruders with Visual Data Analysis.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 24(5): 27-35 (2004) |
2003 |
58 | EE | Soon Tee Teoh,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Shyhtsun Felix Wu,
Daniel Massey,
Xiaoliang Zhao,
Dan Pei,
Lan Wang,
Lixia Zhang,
Randy Bush:
Visual-Based Anomaly Detection for BGP Origin AS Change (OASC) Events.
DSOM 2003: 155-168 |
57 | | Aleksander Stompel,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Eric B. Lum,
James P. Ahrens,
John Patchett:
SLIC: Scheduled Linear Image Compositing for Parallel Volume Rendering.
IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics 2003: 33-40 |
56 | | Shigeru Muraki,
Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Masato Ogata,
Xuezhen Liu:
A PC Cluster System for Simultaneous Interactive Volumetric Modeling and Visualization.
IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics 2003: 95-102 |
55 | | Fan-Yin Tzeng,
Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
A Novel Interface for Higher-Dimensional Classification of Volume Data.
IEEE Visualization 2003: 505-512 |
54 | | Soon Tee Teoh,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Shyhtsun Felix Wu:
A Visual Exploration Process for the Analysis of Internet Routing Data.
IEEE Visualization 2003: 523-530 |
53 | | Runzhen Huang,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Patrick S. McCormick,
William Ward:
Visualizing Industrial CT Volume Data for Nondestructive Testing Applications.
IEEE Visualization 2003: 547-554 |
52 | EE | T. J. Jankun-Kelly,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
MoireGraphs: Radial Focus+Context Visualization and Interaction for Graphs with Visual Nodes.
INFOVIS 2003 |
51 | EE | Soon Tee Teoh,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
PaintingClass: interactive construction, visualization and exploration of decision trees.
KDD 2003: 667-672 |
50 | EE | Runzhen Huang,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
RGVis: Region Growing Based Techniques for Volume Visualization.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2003: 355-363 |
49 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma,
Aleksander Stompel,
Jacobo Bielak,
Omar Ghattas,
Eui Joong Kim:
Visualizing Very Large-Scale Earthquake Simulations.
SC 2003: 48 |
48 | EE | Soon Tee Teoh,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
StarClass: Interactive Visual Classification using Star Coordinates.
SDM 2003 |
47 | EE | Yi-Bo Zhu,
Chen-Jia Li,
I. Fan Shen,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Aleksander Stompel:
A new form of traditional art: visual simulation of Chinese shadow play.
46 | EE | Gabriel G. Rosa,
Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Kenji Ono:
An Interactive Volume Visualization System for Transient Flow Analysis.
Volume Graphics 2003: 137-144 |
45 | EE | Masato Ogata,
Shigeru Muraki,
Xuezhen Liu,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
The Design and Evaluation of a Pipelined Image Compositing Device for Massively Parallel Volume Rendering.
Volume Graphics 2003: 61-68 |
44 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma,
Eric B. Lum,
Shigeru Muraki:
Recent advances in hardware-accelerated volume rendering.
Computers & Graphics 27(5): 725-734 (2003) |
43 | EE | T. J. Jankun-Kelly,
Oliver Kreylos,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Bernd Hamann,
Kenneth I. Joy,
John Shalf,
E. Wes Bethel:
Deploying Web-Based Visual Exploration Tools on the Grid.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 23(2): 40-50 (2003) |
42 | EE | Eric B. Lum,
Aleksander Stompel,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Using Motion to Illustrate Static 3D Shape--Kinetic Visualization.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 9(2): 115-126 (2003) |
2002 |
41 | EE | Soon Tee Teoh,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
RINGS: A Technique for Visualizing Large Hierarchies.
Graph Drawing 2002: 268-275 |
40 | EE | T. J. Jankun-Kelly,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Michael Gertz:
A Model for the Visualization Exploration Process.
IEEE Visualization 2002 |
39 | EE | Soon Tee Teoh,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Shyhtsun Felix Wu,
Xiaoliang Zhao:
Case Study: Interactive Visualization for Internet Security.
IEEE Visualization 2002 |
38 | EE | Eric B. Lum,
Aleksander Stompel,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Kinetic Visualization - A Technique for Illustrating 3D Shape and Structure.
IEEE Visualization 2002 |
37 | EE | Brett Wilson,
Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Interactive Multi-volume Visualization.
International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2002: 102-110 |
36 | EE | Brett Wilson,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Ji Qiang,
Robert Ryne:
Interactive Visualization of Particle Beams for Accelerator Design.
International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2002: 352-361 |
35 | EE | Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Hardware-accelerated parallel non-photorealistic volume rendering.
NPAR 2002: 67- |
34 | EE | Gregory L. Schussman,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Scalable Self-Orienting Surfaces: A Compact, Texture-Enhanced Representation for Interactive Visualization of 3D Vector Fields.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 356-365 |
33 | EE | Ikuko Takanashi,
Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Shigeru Muraki:
ISpace: Interactive Volume Data Classification Techniques Using Independent Component Analysis.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 366-374 |
32 | EE | Aleksander Stompel,
Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Visualization of Multidimensional, Multivariate Volume Data Using Hardware-Accelerated Non-Photorealistic Rendering Techniques.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2002: 394-402 |
31 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma,
Gregory L. Schussman,
Brett Wilson,
Kwok Ko,
Ji Qiang,
Robert Ryne:
Advanced visualization technology for terascale particle accelerator simulations.
SC 2002: 1-11 |
30 | EE | Brett Wilson,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Patrick S. McCormick:
A hardware-assisted hybrid rendering technique for interactive volume visualization.
VolVis 2002: 123-130 |
29 | EE | Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
John Clyne:
A Hardware-Assisted Scalable Solution for Interactive Volume Rendering of Time-Varying Data.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 8(3): 286-301 (2002) |
2001 |
28 | EE | Jeremy S. Meredith,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Multiresolution view-dependent splat based volume rendering of large irregular data.
IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Large-Data Visualization and Graphics 2001: 93-99 |
27 | EE | Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
John Clyne:
Texture Hardware Assisted Rendering of Time-Varying Volume Data.
IEEE Visualization 2001 |
26 | EE | Eric B. Lum,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Non-Photorealistic Rendering Using Watercolor Inspired Textures and Illumination.
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications 2001: 322-331 |
25 | EE | Shigeru Muraki,
Masato Ogata,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
Kenji Koshizuka,
Kagenori Kajihara,
Xuezhen Liu,
Yasutada Nagano,
Kazuro Shimokawa:
Next-generation visual supercomputing using PC clusters with volume graphics hardware devices.
SC 2001: 51 |
24 | EE | Gunther H. Weber,
Oliver Kreylos,
Terry J. Ligocki,
John Shalf,
Hans Hagen,
Bernd Hamann,
Kenneth I. Joy,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
High-quality Volume Rendering of Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data.
VMV 2001: 121-128 |
23 | EE | T. J. Jankun-Kelly,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
A Study of Transfer Function Generation for Time-Varying Volume Data.
Volume Graphics 2001 |
22 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma:
Guest Editor's Introduction: Large-Scale Data Visualization.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(4): 22-23 (2001) |
21 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma,
Steven Parker:
Massively Parallel Software Rendering for Visualizing Large-Scale Data Sets.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 21(4): 72-83 (2001) |
20 | EE | T. J. Jankun-Kelly,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Visualization Exploration and Encapsulation via a Spreadsheet-Like Interface.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 7(3): 275-287 (2001) |
2000 |
19 | EE | Gregory L. Schussman,
Kwan-Liu Ma,
David P. Schissel,
Todd Evans:
Visualizing DIII-D Tokamak magnetic field lines.
IEEE Visualization 2000: 501-504 |
18 | EE | T. J. Jankun-Kelly,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
A spreadsheet interface for visualization exploration.
IEEE Visualization 2000: 69-76 |
17 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma,
David M. Camp:
High Performance Visualization of Time-Varying Volume Data over a Wide-Area Network Status.
SC 2000 |
16 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma:
Visualizing Visualizations: User Interfaces for Managing and Exploring Scientific Visualization Data.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(5): 16-19 (2000) |
15 | EE | David L. Kao,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Guest Editors' Introduction: The Life Cycle of a Visualization Case Study.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 20(5): 29-31 (2000) |
1999 |
14 | | Han-Wei Shen,
Ling-Jan Chiang,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
A Fast Volume Rendering Algorithm for Time-Varying Fields Using a Time-Space Partitioning (TSP) Tree.
IEEE Visualization 1999: 371-377 |
13 | | Kwan-Liu Ma:
Image Graphs - A Novel Approach to Visual Data Exploration.
IEEE Visualization 1999: 81-88 |
1997 |
12 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma,
Victoria Interrante:
Extracting feature lines from 3D unstructured grids.
IEEE Visualization 1997: 285-292 |
11 | EE | Tzi-cker Chiueh,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
A Parallel Pipelined Renderer for Time-Varying Volume Data.
ISPAN 1997: 9-15 |
10 | EE | Shyh-Kuang Ueng,
Christopher A. Sikorski,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Out-of-Core Streamline Visualization on Large Unstructured Meshes.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 3(4): 370-380 (1997) |
1996 |
9 | EE | Han-Wei Shen,
Christopher R. Johnson,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Visualizing Vector Fields Using Line Integral Convolution and Dye advection.
VVS 1996: 63- |
8 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma,
John Van Rosendale,
Willem Vermeer:
3D Shock Wave Visualization on Unstructured Grids.
VVS 1996: 87- |
7 | EE | Shyh-Kuang Ueng,
Christopher A. Sikorski,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Efficient Streamline, Streamribbon, and Streamtube Constructions on Unstructured Grids.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 2(2): 100-110 (1996) |
1995 |
6 | EE | Shyh-Kuang Ueng,
K. Sikorski,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Fast Algorithms for Visualizing Fluid Motion in Steady Flow on Unstructured Grids.
IEEE Visualization 1995: 313-320 |
1994 |
5 | | Kwan-Liu Ma,
Z. C. Zheng:
3D Visualization of Unsteady 2D Airplane Wake Vortices.
IEEE Visualization 1994: 124-131 |
1993 |
4 | EE | Kwan-Liu Ma,
James S. Painter:
Parallel volume visualization on workstations.
Computers & Graphics 17(1): 31-37 (1993) |
1992 |
3 | EE | Michael F. Cohen,
James S. Painter,
Mihir Mehta,
Kwan-Liu Ma:
Volume Seedlings.
SI3D 1992: 139-145 |
1991 |
2 | | Kwan-Liu Ma,
K. Sikorski:
A Distributed Solution and Visualization for 3D Flow Simulation.
PPSC 1991: 287-294 |
1990 |
1 | | Kwan-Liu Ma,
Robert R. Kessler:
TICL-A Type Inference System for Common Lisp.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 20(6): 593-623 (1990) |