
Hrabri Rajic

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3EEPeter Tröger, Hrabri Rajic, Andreas Haas, Piotr Domagalski: Standardization of an API for Distributed Resource Management Systems. CCGRID 2007: 619-626
2EEJay Hoeflinger, Bob Kuhn, Wolfgang E. Nagel, Paul Petersen, Hrabri Rajic, Sanjiv Shah, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Michael Voss, Renee Woo: An Integrated Performance Visualizer for MPI/OpenMP Programs. WOMPAT 2001: 40-52
1 Hrabri Rajic, Sanjiv Shah: Maximum Performance Code Restructuring for Hierarchical Memory RISC Computers. PPSC 1991: 549-554

Coauthor Index

1Piotr Domagalski [3]
2Andreas Haas [3]
3Jay Hoeflinger [2]
4Bob Kuhn [2]
5Wolfgang E. Nagel [2]
6Paul Petersen [2]
7Sanjiv Shah [1] [2]
8Peter Tröger [3]
9Jeffrey S. Vetter [2]
10Michael Voss [2]
11Renee Woo [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)