
George Cybenko

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41EEGeorge Cybenko, Valentino Crespi: Learning Hidden Markov Models using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization CoRR abs/0809.4086: (2008)
40EEGeorge Cybenko, Vincent H. Berk: Process Query Systems. IEEE Computer 40(1): 62-70 (2007)
39EEJason I. Hong, Mahadev Satyanarayanan, George Cybenko: Guest Editors' Introduction: Security & Privacy. IEEE Pervasive Computing 6(4): 15-17 (2007)
38EEGeorge Cybenko, Vincent H. Berk, Ian D. Gregorio-De Souza, Chad Behre: Practical Autonomic Computing. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 3-14
37EEGeorge Cybenko: Why Johnny Can't Evaluate Security Risk. IEEE Security & Privacy 4(1): 5 (2006)
36EEGuofei Jiang, George Cybenko, James A. Hendler: Semantic Interoperability and Information Fluidity. Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 15(1): 1-22 (2006)
35EEChristopher Roblee, Vincent H. Berk, George Cybenko: Implementing Large-Scale Autonomic Server Monitoring Using Process Query Systems. ICAC 2005: 123-133
34EEJohn Yen, Robert Popp, George Cybenko, Latanya Sweeney, Paul Rosenzweig: Homeland Security. IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(5): 76-86 (2005)
33EEGeorge Cybenko: The One-Eyed Man Is King. IEEE Security & Privacy 3(4): 4-5 (2005)
32EEDiego Hernando, Valentino Crespi, George Cybenko: Efficient computation of the hidden Markov model entropy for a given observation sequence. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(7): 2681-2685 (2005)
31 George Cybenko, Annarita Giani, Paul Thompson: Cognitive Hacking. Advances in Computers 60: 36-75 (2004)
30EEGuofei Jiang, George Cybenko: Functional Validation in Grid Computing. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 8(2): 119-130 (2004)
29EEGeorge Cybenko: From the Editors: Don't Bring a Knife to a Gunfight. IEEE Security & Privacy 2(2): 5 (2004)
28EEGeorge Cybenko: Security Alchemy. IEEE Security & Privacy 2(6): 5 (2004)
27EEJaved A. Aslam, Zack J. Butler, Florin Constantin, Valentino Crespi, George Cybenko, Daniela Rus: Tracking a moving object with a binary sensor network. SenSys 2003: 150-161
26EEGeorge Cybenko: A Critical Need, An Ambitious Mission, A New Magazine. IEEE Security & Privacy 1(1): 5-9 (2003)
25EEGeorge Cybenko: From the Editor: Sapphire/Slammer Redux. IEEE Security & Privacy 1(2): 6 (2003)
24EEGeorge Cybenko: Boiling Frogs? IEEE Security & Privacy 1(4): 5 (2003)
23EEGeorge Cybenko: From the Editors: Privacy Is the Issue. IEEE Security & Privacy 1(6): 5-7 (2003)
22EEValentino Crespi, George Cybenko, Guofei Jiang: The theory of trackability with applications to sensor networks. TOSN 4(3): (2003)
21EEGeorge Cybenko, Annarita Giani, Paul Thompson: Cognitive Hacking: A Battle for the Mind. IEEE Computer 35(8): 50-56 (2002)
20 David Kotz, George Cybenko, Robert S. Gray, Guofei Jiang, Ronald A. Peterson, Martin O. Hofmann, Daria A. Chacón, Kenneth R. Whitebread, James A. Hendler: Performance Analysis of Mobile Agents for Filtering Data Streams on Wireless Networks. MONET 7(2): 163-174 (2002)
19 Robert S. Gray, George Cybenko, David Kotz, Ronald A. Peterson, Daniela Rus: D'Agents: Applications and performance of a mobile-agent system. Softw., Pract. Exper. 32(6): 543-573 (2002)
18EEDavid Kotz, Guofei Jiang, Robert S. Gray, George Cybenko, Ronald A. Peterson: Performance analysis of mobile agents for filtering data streams on wireless networks. MSWiM 2000: 85-94
17EEBrian E. Brewington, George Cybenko: How dynamic is the Web? Computer Networks 33(1-6): 257-276 (2000)
16EEBrian E. Brewington, George Cybenko: Keeping Up with the Changing Web. IEEE Computer 33(5): 52-58 (2000)
15EERobert S. Gray, David Kotz, George Cybenko, Daniela Rus: D'Agents: Security in a Multiple-Language, Mobile-Agent System. Mobile Agents and Security 1998: 154-187
14 George Cybenko: High Performance Wireless Computing. ISHPC 1997: 71
13 David Kotz, Robert S. Gray, Saurab Nog, Daniela Rus, Sumit Chawla, George Cybenko: AGENT TCL: Targeting the Needs of Mobile Computers. IEEE Internet Computing 1(4): 58-67 (1997)
12 George Cybenko: Large-Scope Computing: The Industrial Challenges. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 21 (1996)
11 David W. Krumme, George Cybenko, K. N. Venkataraman: Gossiping in Minimal Time. SIAM J. Comput. 21(1): 111-139 (1992)
10EEDavid K. Bradley, George Cybenko, John L. Larson, F. Ahmad, J. Golab, M. Straka: Supercomputer workload decomposition and analysis. ICS 1991: 458-467
9 Allan Tuchman, David Jablonowski, George Cybenko: Run-Time Visualization of Program Data. IEEE Visualization 1991: 255-261
8 Allan Tuchman, George Cybenko, David Jablonowski, Brian Bliss, Sanjay Sharma: Vista: A System for Remote Data Visualization. PPSC 1991: 575-580
7 M. Berry, George Cybenko, John L. Larson: Scientific benchmark characterizations. Parallel Computing 17(10-11): 1173-1194 (1991)
6 George Cybenko: Complexity Theory of Neural Networks and Classification Problems. EURASIP Workshop 1990: 26-44
5EEGeorge Cybenko, Lyle D. Kipp, Lynn Pointer, David J. Kuck: Supercomputer performance evaluation and the Perfect Benchmarks. ICS 1990: 254-266
4 George Cybenko: Dynamic Load Balancing for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 7(2): 279-301 (1989)
3 George Cybenko, Tom Allen: Recursive Binary Partitions-Abstract. PPSC 1987: 212
2 George Cybenko, David W. Krumme, K. N. Venkataraman: Fixed Hypercube Embedding. Inf. Process. Lett. 25(1): 35-39 (1987)
1 George Cybenko, David W. Krumme, K. N. Venkataraman: Simultaneous Broadcasting in Multiprocessor Networks. ICPP 1986: 555-558

Coauthor Index

1F. Ahmad [10]
2Tom Allen [3]
3Javed A. Aslam [27]
4Chad Behre [38]
5Vincent H. Berk [35] [38] [40]
6M. Berry [7]
7Brian Bliss [8]
8David K. Bradley [10]
9Brian E. Brewington [16] [17]
10Zack J. Butler [27]
11Daria A. Chacón [20]
12Sumit Chawla [13]
13Florin Constantin [27]
14Valentino Crespi [22] [27] [32] [41]
15Annarita Giani [21] [31]
16J. Golab [10]
17Robert S. Gray [13] [15] [18] [19] [20]
18James A. Hendler (Jim Hendler) [20] [36]
19Diego Hernando [32]
20Martin O. Hofmann [20]
21Jason I. Hong [39]
22David Jablonowski [8] [9]
23Guofei Jiang [18] [20] [22] [30] [36]
24Lyle D. Kipp [5]
25David Kotz [13] [15] [18] [19] [20]
26David W. Krumme [1] [2] [11]
27David J. Kuck [5]
28John L. Larson [7] [10]
29Saurab Nog [13]
30Ronald A. Peterson [18] [19] [20]
31Lynn Pointer [5]
32Robert Popp [34]
33Christopher Roblee [35]
34Paul Rosenzweig [34]
35Daniela Rus [13] [15] [19] [27]
36Mahadev Satyanarayanan (M. Satyanarayanan) [39]
37Sanjay Sharma [8]
38Ian D. Gregorio-De Souza [38]
39M. Straka [10]
40Latanya Sweeney [34]
41Paul Thompson [21] [31]
42Allan Tuchman [8] [9]
43K. N. Venkataraman [1] [2] [11]
44Kenneth R. Whitebread [20]
45John Yen [34]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)