
Roland Glowinski

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20EEGiovanna Guidoboni, Roland Glowinski, Nicola Cavallini, Suncica Canic, Sergey Lapin: A kinematically coupled time-splitting scheme for fluid-structure interaction in blood flow. Appl. Math. Lett. 22(5): 684-688 (2009)
19EERobert Azencott, Roland Glowinski, A. M. Ramos: A controllability approach to shape identification. Appl. Math. Lett. 21(8): 861-865 (2008)
18EERoland Glowinski, Tommi Kärkkäinen, T. Valkonen, Andriy Ivannikov: Non-smooth SOR for L 1-Fitting: Convergence Study and Discussion of Related Issues. J. Sci. Comput. 37(2): 103-138 (2008)
17EEKirsi Majava, Roland Glowinski, Tommi Kärkkäinen: Solving a non-smooth eigenvalue problem using operator-splitting methods. Int. J. Comput. Math. 84(6): 825-846 (2007)
16EEStefan Turek, Ludmila Rivkind, Jaroslav Hron, Roland Glowinski: Numerical Study of a Modified Time-Stepping theta-Scheme for Incompressible Flow Simulations. J. Sci. Comput. 28(2-3): 533-547 (2006)
15EERoland Glowinski, LieJune Shiau, Ying Ming Kuo, George Nasser: The numerical simulation of friction constrained motions (II): Multiple degrees of freedom models. Appl. Math. Lett. 18(10): 1108-1115 (2005)
14EERoland Glowinski, LieJune Shiau, Ying Ming Kuo, George Nasser: The numerical simulation of friction constrained motions (I): one degree of freedom models. Appl. Math. Lett. 17(7): 801-807 (2004)
13EEEdward J. Dean, Roland Glowinski, Jacques-Louis Lions: An operator splitting approach to multilevel methods. Appl. Math. Lett. 15(4): 505-511 (2002)
12EELorenzo Héctor Juárez, Roland Glowinski, B. Montgomery Pettitt: Numerical simulation of the sedimentation of a tripole-like body in an incompressible viscous fluid. Appl. Math. Lett. 15(6): 743-747 (2002)
11EELorenzo Héctor Juárez, Roland Glowinski, T. W. Pan: Numerical Simulation of the Sedimentation of Rigid Bodies in an Incompressible Viscous Fluid by Lagrange Multiplier/Fictitious Domain Methods Combined with the Taylor-Hood Finite Element Approximation. J. Sci. Comput. 17(1-4): 683-694 (2002)
10 Marie-Odile Bristeau, Jocelyne Erhel, Roland Glowinski, Jacques Périaux: A Time Dpendent Approach to the Solution of the Helmholtz Equation at High Wave Numbers. PPSC 1993: 258-261
9 Marie-Odile Bristeau, Jocelyne Erhel, Roland Glowinski, Jacques Périaux: A Time Dependent Approach to the Solution of the Helmholtz Equation at High Wave Numbers. PPSC 1993: 739-742
8 Lawrence C. Cowsar, Edward J. Dean, Roland Glowinski, Patrick Le Tallec, C. H. Li, Jacques Périaux, M. F. Wheeler: Decomposition Principles and their Applications in Scientific Computing. PPSC 1991: 213-237
7EET. E. Tezduyar, Roland Glowinski, J. Liou, Tung Nguyen, Steve Poole: Block-iterative finite element computations for incompressible flow problems. ICS 1988: 284-294
6 Roland Glowinski, Jacques-Louis Lions: Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Part 1, International Symposium, Versailles, December 17-21, 1973, Proceedings Springer 1974
5 Roland Glowinski, Jacques-Louis Lions: Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Part 2, International Symposium, Versailles, December 17-21, 1973, Proceedings Springer 1974
4 Roland Glowinski, A. Marrocco: On the Solution of a Class of Non-Linear Dirichlet Problems by a Penalty-Duality Method and Finite Elements of Order One. Optimization Techniques 1974: 327-333
3 Roland Glowinski, A. Marrocco: Etude numérique du champ magnétique dans un alternateur tétrapolaire par la méthode des éléments finis. Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1973: 392-409
2 D. Bégis, Roland Glowinski: Application de la méthode des éléments finis à la résolution d'un problème de domaine optimal. Computing Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1973: 403-434
1 Alain Bensoussan, Roland Glowinski, Jacques-Louis Lions: Mèthode de Décomposition Appliquée au Contrôle Opimal de Systèmes Distribués. Optimization Techniques 1973: 141-151

Coauthor Index

1Robert Azencott [19]
2D. Bégis [2]
3Alain Bensoussan [1]
4Marie-Odile Bristeau [9] [10]
5Suncica Canic [20]
6Nicola Cavallini [20]
7Lawrence C. Cowsar [8]
8Edward J. Dean [8] [13]
9Jocelyne Erhel [9] [10]
10Giovanna Guidoboni [20]
11Jaroslav Hron [16]
12Andriy Ivannikov [18]
13Lorenzo Héctor Juárez [11] [12]
14Tommi Kärkkäinen [17] [18]
15Ying Ming Kuo [14] [15]
16Sergey Lapin [20]
17C. H. Li [8]
18Jacques-Louis Lions [1] [5] [6] [13]
19J. Liou [7]
20Kirsi Majava [17]
21A. Marrocco [3] [4]
22George Nasser [14] [15]
23Tung Nguyen [7]
24T. W. Pan [11]
25Jacques Périaux [8] [9] [10]
26B. Montgomery Pettitt [12]
27Steve Poole [7]
28A. M. Ramos [19]
29Ludmila Rivkind [16]
30LieJune Shiau [14] [15]
31Patrick Le Tallec [8]
32T. E. Tezduyar [7]
33Stefan Turek [16]
34T. Valkonen [18]
35M. F. Wheeler [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)