
James Andrew McCammon

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19EEPeter A. Sims, Chung F. Wong, Danka Vuga, James Andrew McCammon, Bartholomew M. Sefton: Relative contributions of desolvation, inter- and intramolecular interactions to binding affinity in protein kinase systems. Journal of Computational Chemistry 26(7): 668-681 (2005)
18EEPeter A. Sims, Chung F. Wong, James Andrew McCammon: Charge optimization of the interface between protein kinases and their ligands. Journal of Computational Chemistry 25(11): 1416-1429 (2004)
17 Todd J. Dolinsky, Jens E. Nielsen, James Andrew McCammon, Nathan A. Baker: PDB2PQR: an automated pipeline for the setup of Poisson-Boltzmann electrostatics calculations. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Web-Server-Issue): 665-667 (2004)
16EERichard H. Henchman, James Andrew McCammon: Extracting hydration sites around proteins from explicit water simulations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 23(9): 861-869 (2002)
15EENathan A. Baker, David Sept, Michael J. Holst, James Andrew McCammon: The adaptive multilevel finite element solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation on massively parallel computers. IBM Journal of Research and Development 45(3): 427-438 (2001)
14EETjerk P. Straatsma, James Andrew McCammon: Load balancing of molecular dynamics simulation with NWChem. IBM Systems Journal 40(2): 328-341 (2001)
13EEMichael J. Potter, Paul D. Kirchhoff, Heather A. Carlson, James Andrew McCammon: Molecular dynamics of cryptophane and its complexes with tetramethylammonium and neopentane using a continuum solvent model. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(9): 956-970 (1999)
12 Piotr Bala, Pawel Grochowski, Krzysztof Nowinski, Terry W. Clark, Bogdan Lesyng, James Andrew McCammon: Advanced Calculations and Visualization of Enzymatic Reactions with the Combined Quantum Classical Molecular Dynamics Code. PARA 1998: 20-27
11 Piotr Bala, Terry W. Clark, Pawel Grochowski, Bogdan Lesyng, James Andrew McCammon: Parallel Version of a Quantum Classical Molecular Dynamics Code for Complex Molecular and Biomolecular Systems. PVM/MPI 1997: 409-416
10EEJan Antosiewicz, James M. Briggs, Adrian H. Elcock, Michael K. Gilson, James Andrew McCammon: Computing ionization states of proteins with a detailed charge model. Journal of Computational Chemistry 17(14): 1633-1644 (1996)
9EETerry W. Clark, L. Ridgway Scott, Stanislaw Wloked, James Andrew McCammon: I/O Limitations in Parallel Molecular Dynamics. SC 1995
8EEPiotr Bala, Palo Grochowski, Bogdan Lesyng, James Andrew McCammon: Quantum-classical Molecular Dynamics and Its Computer Implementation. Computers & Chemistry 19(3): 155-160 (1995)
7 Brock A. Luty, Zelda R. Wasserman, Pieter F. W. Stouten, C. Nicholas Hodge, Martin Zacharias, James Andrew McCammon: A Molecular Mechanics/Grid Method for Evaluation of Ligand-Receptor Interactions. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(4): 454-464 (1995)
6 Micahel K. Golson, James Andrew McCammon, Jeffrey D. Madura: Molecular Dynamics Simulation with a Comtinuum Electrostatic Model of the Solvent. Journal of Computational Chemistry 16(9): 1081-1095 (1995)
5 Terry W. Clark, James Andrew McCammon, L. Ridgway Scott: Parallel Molecular Dynamics. PPSC 1991: 338-344
4EEMichael J. Mitchell, James Andrew McCammon: Vector Optimization of Amber 3.0On the NEC SX-2/400Supercomputer. Computers & Chemistry 15(1): 79-85 (1991)
3EETerry W. Clark, James Andrew McCammon: Parallelization of a molecular dynamics non-bonded force algorithm for MIMD architecture. Computers & Chemistry 14(3): 219-224 (1990)
2EEBhalachandra L. Tembre, James Andrew McCammon: Ligand-receptor interactions. Computers & Chemistry 8(4): 281-283 (1984)
1EEStephen C. Harvey, James Andrew McCammon: Macromolecular conformational energy minimization: An algorithm varying pseudodihedral angles. Computers & Chemistry 6(4): 173-179 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Jan Antosiewicz [10]
2Nathan A. Baker [15] [17]
3Piotr Bala [8] [11] [12]
4James M. Briggs [10]
5Heather A. Carlson [13]
6Terry W. Clark [3] [5] [9] [11] [12]
7Todd J. Dolinsky [17]
8Adrian H. Elcock [10]
9Michael K. Gilson [10]
10Micahel K. Golson [6]
11Palo Grochowski [8]
12Pawel Grochowski [11] [12]
13Stephen C. Harvey [1]
14Richard H. Henchman [16]
15C. Nicholas Hodge [7]
16Michael J. Holst [15]
17Paul D. Kirchhoff [13]
18Bogdan Lesyng [8] [11] [12]
19Brock A. Luty [7]
20Jeffrey D. Madura [6]
21Michael J. Mitchell [4]
22Jens E. Nielsen [17]
23Krzysztof Nowinski [12]
24Michael J. Potter [13]
25L. Ridgway Scott [5] [9]
26Bartholomew M. Sefton [19]
27David Sept [15]
28Peter A. Sims [18] [19]
29Pieter F. W. Stouten [7]
30Tjerk P. Straatsma [14]
31Bhalachandra L. Tembre [2]
32Danka Vuga [19]
33Zelda R. Wasserman [7]
34Stanislaw Wloked [9]
35Chung F. Wong [18] [19]
36Martin Zacharias [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)