2008 |
43 | EE | Fabrice Dupros,
Hideo Aochi,
Ariane Ducellier,
Dimitri Komatitsch,
Jean Roman:
Exploiting Intensive Multithreading for the Efficient Simulation of 3D Seismic Wave Propagation.
CSE 2008: 253-260 |
42 | EE | Maxime Barrault,
Bruno Lathuilière,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman:
A Domain Decomposition Method Applied to the Simplified Transport Equations.
CSE 2008: 91-97 |
41 | EE | Pascal Hénon,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman:
On finding approximate supernodes for an efficient block-ILU(k.
Parallel Computing 34(6-8): 345-362 (2008) |
2007 |
40 | EE | Olivier Coulaud,
Pierre Fortin,
Jean Roman:
Hybrid MPI-Thread Parallelization of the Fast Multipole Method.
ISPDC 2007: 391-398 |
2006 |
39 | EE | Gaël Tessier,
Jean Roman,
Guillaume Latu:
Hybrid MPI-Thread Implementation on a Cluster of SMP Nodes of a Parallel Simulator for the Propagation of Powdery Mildew in a Vineyard.
HPCC 2006: 833-842 |
38 | EE | Guillaume Anciaux,
Olivier Coulaud,
Jean Roman:
High Performance Multiscale Simulation or Crack Propagation.
ICPP Workshops 2006: 473-480 |
37 | EE | Pascal Hénon,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman:
Partitioning and Blocking Issues for a Parallel Incomplete Factorization.
PARA 2006: 929-937 |
36 | EE | Maurice Clint,
Efstratios Gallopoulos,
Esmond Ng,
Jean Roman:
Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'04).
Parallel Computing 32(2): 113-114 (2006) |
2005 |
35 | EE | Agnès Calonnec,
Guillaume Latu,
Jean-Marc Naulin,
Jean Roman,
Gaël Tessier:
Parallel Simulation of the Propagation of Powdery Mildew in a Vineyard.
Euro-Par 2005: 1254-1264 |
34 | EE | B. Cirou,
Marie Christine Counilh,
Jean Roman:
Programming Irregular Scientific Algorithms with Static Properties on Clusters of SMP Nodes.
ICPP Workshops 2005: 145-152 |
33 | EE | Pascal Hénon,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman:
On Using an Hybrid MPI-Thread Programming for the Implementation of a Parallel Sparse Direct Solver on a Network of SMP Nodes.
PPAM 2005: 1050-1057 |
2004 |
32 | EE | Pascal Hénon,
François Pellegrini,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman,
Yousef Saad:
Applying Parallel Direct Solver Techniques to Build Robust High Performance Preconditioners.
PARA 2004: 611-619 |
2003 |
31 | | B. Cirou,
Marie Christine Counilh,
Jean Roman:
PRFX: a runtime library for high performance programming on clusters of SMP nodes.
PARCO 2003: 569-576 |
30 | EE | Olivier Beaumont,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman:
Asymptotically Optimal Algorithm for Laplace Task Graphs on Heterogeneous Platforms.
PPAM 2003: 880-887 |
29 | EE | Michel Langlais,
Guillaume Latu,
Jean Roman,
Patrick Silan:
Performance analysis and qualitative results of an efficient parallel stochastic simulator for a marine host-parasite system.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 15(11-12): 1133-1150 (2003) |
28 | EE | Olivier Coulaud,
Michaël Dussere,
Pascal Hénon,
Erik Lefebvre,
Jean Roman:
Optimization of a kinetic laser-plasma interaction code for large parallel systems.
Parallel Computing 29(9): 1175-1189 (2003) |
2002 |
27 | EE | Michel Langlais,
Guillaume Latu,
Jean Roman,
Patrick Silan:
Stochastic Simulation of a Marine Host-Parasite System Using a Hybrid MPI/OpenMP Programming.
Euro-Par 2002: 436-446 |
26 | | Pascal Hénon,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman:
PaStiX: a high-performance parallel direct solver for sparse symmetric positive definite systems.
Parallel Computing 28(2): 301-321 (2002) |
2001 |
25 | | Pascal Hénon,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman:
PASTIX: A Parallel Direct Solver for Sparse SPD Matrices based on Efficient Static Scheduling and Memory Managment.
PPSC 2001 |
24 | | Eddy Caron,
Serge Chaumette,
Sylvain Contassot-Vivier,
Frederic Desprez,
Eric Fleury,
C. Gomez,
M. Goursat,
Martin Quinson,
Emmanuel Jeannot,
Dominique Lazure,
Frédéric Lombard,
Jean-Marc Nicod,
Laurent Philippe,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman,
Frank Rubi,
S. Steer,
Frédéric Suter,
Gil Utard:
SCILAB to SCILAB//: The OURAGAN project.
Parallel Computing 27(11): 1497-1519 (2001) |
2000 |
23 | EE | Pascal Hénon,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman:
PaStiX: A Parallel Sparse Direct Solver Based on a Static Scheduling for Mixed 1D/2D Block Distributions.
IPDPS Workshops 2000: 519-527 |
22 | EE | David Goudin,
Jean Roman:
A Scalable Parallel Assembly for Irregular Meshes Based on a Block Distribution for a Parallel Block Direct Solver.
PARA 2000: 113-120 |
21 | | François Pellegrini,
Jean Roman,
Patrick Amestoy:
Hybridizing Nested Dissection and Halo Approximate Minimum Degree for Efficient Sparse Matrix Ordering.
Concurrency - Practice and Experience 12(2-3): 69-84 (2000) |
20 | | Frédéric Brégier,
Marie Christine Counilh,
Jean Roman:
Scheduling loops with partial loop-carried dependencies.
Parallel Computing 26(13-14): 1789-1806 (2000) |
1999 |
19 | EE | Pascal Hénon,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman:
A Mapping and Scheduling Algorithm for Parallel Sparse Fan-In Numerical Factorization.
Euro-Par 1999: 1059-1067 |
18 | EE | Jean-Marc Geib,
Bruce Hendrickson,
Pierre Manneback,
Jean Roman:
Scheduling and Load Balancing - Introduction.
Euro-Par 1999: 271 |
17 | EE | Michel Langlais,
Guillaume Latu,
Jean Roman,
Patrick Silan:
Parallel Numerical Simulation of a Marine Host-Parasite System.
Euro-Par 1999: 677-685 |
16 | | François Pellegrini,
Jean Roman,
Patrick Amestoy:
Hybridizing Nested Dissection and Halo Approximate Minimum Degree for Efficient Sparse Matrix Ordering.
IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 986-995 |
1998 |
15 | EE | Thomas Brandes,
Frédéric Brégier,
Marie Christine Counilh,
Jean Roman:
Contribution to Better Handling of Irregular Problems in HPF2.
Euro-Par 1998: 639-649 |
14 | | Christophe Laurent,
Jean Roman:
Parallel Implementation of Morphological Connected Operators Based on Irregular Data Structures.
VECPAR 1998: 579-592 |
1997 |
13 | | François Pellegrini,
Jean Roman:
Sparse Matrix Ordering with SCOTCH.
HPCN Europe 1997: 370-378 |
12 | | Jean Michel,
François Pellegrini,
Jean Roman:
Unstructured Grapg Partitioning for Sparse Linear System Solving.
IRREGULAR 1997: 273-286 |
11 | | Thomas Brandes,
Serge Chaumette,
Marie Christine Counilh,
Jean Roman,
Alain Darte,
Frederic Desprez,
J. C. Mignot:
HPFIT: A Set of Integrated Tools for the Parallelization of Applications Using High Performance Fortran. PART I: HPFIT and the TransTOOL Environment.
Parallel Computing 23(1-2): 71-87 (1997) |
10 | | Thomas Brandes,
Serge Chaumette,
Marie Christine Counilh,
Jean Roman,
Frederic Desprez,
J. C. Mignot:
HPFIT: A Set of Integrated Tools for the Parallelization of Applications Using High Performance Fortran. PART II: Data-Structure Visualization and HPF Extensions for Irregular Problems.
Parallel Computing 23(1-2): 89-105 (1997) |
1996 |
9 | | Frederic Desprez,
Pierre Ramet,
Jean Roman:
Optimal Grain Size Computation for Pipelined Algorithms.
Euro-Par, Vol. I 1996: 165-172 |
8 | | François Pellegrini,
Jean Roman:
SCOTCH: A Software Package for Static Mapping by Dual Recursive Bipartitioning of Process and Architecture Graphs.
HPCN Europe 1996: 493-498 |
1995 |
7 | | Pierre Charrier,
L. Facq,
Jean Roman:
Block Data Distribution for Parallel Nested Dissection.
PPSC 1995: 504-505 |
6 | | Dominique Barth,
François Pellegrini,
André Raspaud,
Jean Roman:
On Bandwidth, Cutwidth, and Quotient Graphs.
ITA 29(6): 487-508 (1995) |
1993 |
5 | | Pierre Charrier,
Jean Roman,
Pascal Vezolle:
Implementation of 3D Symmetric Variational Boundary Equations on Distributed Memory Computers.
PARCO 1993: 73-80 |
1992 |
4 | | Pierre Charrier,
Jean Roman:
Partitioning and Mapping for Parallel Nested Dissection on Distributed Memory Architectures.
CONPAR 1992: 295-306 |
1991 |
3 | | Pierre Charrier,
Jean Roman:
Study of an Adaptive Blocking for a Parallel Nested Dissection Algorithm.
PPSC 1991: 71-76 |
1990 |
2 | | Marie Christine Counilh,
Jean Roman:
Expression for massively parallel algorithms-description and illustrative example.
Parallel Computing 16(2-3): 239-251 (1990) |
1988 |
1 | | Pierre Charrier,
Jean Roman:
Étude De La Séparation Et De L'Élimination Sur Une Famille De Graphes Quotients Déduite D'Une Méthode De Dissections Emboîtées.
ITA 22(2): 245-265 (1988) |