Volume 48,
Number 1,
January 2002
- Arnab Das, Prakash Narayan:
Capacities of time-varying multiple-access channels with side information.
4-25 BibTeX
- Nick G. Duffield, Joseph Horowitz, Francesco Lo Presti, Donald F. Towsley:
Multicast topology inference from measured end-to-end loss.
26-45 BibTeX
- Wei Luo, Anthony Ephremides:
Power levels and packet lengths in random multiple access.
46-58 BibTeX
- Larry J. Stockmeyer, Dharmendra S. Modha:
Links between complexity theory and constrained block coding.
59-88 BibTeX
- Ari Trachtenberg:
Designing lexicographic codes with a given trellis complexity.
89-100 BibTeX
- Mattias Svanström, Patric R. J. Östergård, Galina T. Bogdanova:
Bounds and constructions for ternary constant-composition codes.
101-111 BibTeX
- David Burshtein, Gadi Miller:
Bounds on the performance of belief propagation decoding.
112-122 BibTeX
- Roberto Garello, Guido Montorsi, Sergio Benedetto, Dariush Divsalar, Fabrizio Pollara:
Labelings and encoders with the uniform bit error property with applications to serially concatenated trellis codes.
123-148 BibTeX
- Irina E. Bocharova, Rolf Johannesson, Boris D. Kudryashov, Per Ståhl:
Tailbiting codes: Bounds and search results.
137-148 BibTeX
- Stefan Höst, Rolf Johannesson, Victor V. Zyablov:
Woven convolutional codes I: Encoder properties.
149-161 BibTeX
- Tadashi Wadayama, A. J. Han Vinck:
DC-free binary convolutional coding.
162-173 BibTeX
- Suhas N. Diggavi, N. J. A. Sloane, Vinay A. Vaishampayan:
Asymmetric multiple description lattice vector quantizers.
174-191 BibTeX
- Yael Frank-Dayan, Ram Zamir:
Dithered lattice-based quantizers for multiple descriptions.
192-204 BibTeX
- Guangcai Zhou, Zhen Zhang:
On the redundancy of trellis lossy source coding.
205-218 BibTeX
- Guangcai Zhou, Zhen Zhang:
Synchronization recovery of variable-length codes.
219-227 BibTeX
- Dominique Pastor, Roger Gay, Albert Groenenboom:
A sharp upper bound for the probability of error of the likelihood ratio test for detecting signals in white Gaussian noise.
228-238 BibTeX
- Ying Guo, Peter L. Bartlett, John Shawe-Taylor, Robert C. Williamson:
Covering numbers for support vector machines.
239-250 BibTeX
- Shahar Mendelson:
Rademacher averages and phase transitions in Glivenko-Cantelli classes.
251-263 BibTeX
- Vera Kurková, Marcello Sanguineti:
Comparison of worst case errors in linear and neural network approximation.
264-275 BibTeX
- Nicholas Pippenger:
Quantum signal propagation in depolarizing channels.
276-278 BibTeX
- Subhamoy Maitra, Palash Sarkar:
Modifications of Patterson-Wiedemann functions for cryptographic applications.
278-284 BibTeX
- Ka Hin Leung, San Ling, Chaoping Xing:
New binary linear codes from algebraic curves.
285-287 BibTeX
- Marc P. C. Fossorier, Shu Lin:
Error performance analysis for reliability-based decoding algorithms.
287-293 BibTeX
- Fred Daneshgaran, Marina Mondin:
Optimized turbo codes for delay constrained applications.
293-305 BibTeX
- Albertus S. J. Helberg, Hendrik C. Ferreira:
On multiple insertion/Deletion correcting codes.
305-308 BibTeX
- Fady Alajaji, Po-Ning Chen, Ziad Rached:
A note on the Poor-Verdú upper bound for the channel reliability function.
309-313 BibTeX
- Weiguo Yang, Wen Liu:
Strong law of large numbers and Shannon-McMillan theorem for Markov chain fields on trees.
313-318 BibTeX
- Rosa Meo:
Maximum independence and mutual information.
318-324 BibTeX
- Harro Walk, Sidney Yakowitz:
Iterative nonparametric estimation of a log-optimal portfolio selection function.
324-333 BibTeX
Volume 48,
Number 2,
February 2002
- Karl-Heinz Zimmermann:
On applying molecular computation to binary linear codes.
505-510 BibTeX
- Giorgio Taricco, Ezio Biglieri:
Exact pairwise error probability of space-time codes.
510-513 BibTeX
- Roy You, Joseph M. Kahn:
Upper-bounding the capacity of optical IM/DD Channels with multiple-subcarrier modulation and fixed bias using trigonometric moment space method.
514-523 BibTeX
- Ram Zamir:
The index entropy of a mismatched codebook.
523-528 BibTeX
- Per Ståhl, John B. Anderson, Rolf Johannesson:
A note on tailbiting codes and their feedback encoders.
529-534 BibTeX
- Chaoping Xing, Hao Chen:
Improvements on parameters of one-point AG Codes from Hermitian curves.
535-537 BibTeX
- B. Sundar Rajan, L. Venkata Subramaniam, Rajendar Bahl:
Gilbert-Varshamov bound for Euclidean space codes over distance-uniform signal sets.
537-546 BibTeX
- Michio Ozeki:
Jacobi polynomials for singly even self-dual codes and the covering radius problems.
547-557 BibTeX
- Radinka Dontcheva:
On the doubly-even self-dual codes of length 96.
557-561 BibTeX
- Tsonka Stefanova Baicheva, Stefan M. Dodunekov, Ralf Koetter:
On the performance of the ternary [13, 7, 5] quadratic-residue code.
562-564 BibTeX
Volume 48,
Number 3,
March 2002
- Rudolf Ahlswede, Andreas Winter:
Strong converse for identification via quantum channels.
569-579 BibTeX
- David P. DiVincenzo, Debbie W. Leung, Barbara M. Terhal:
Quantum data hiding.
580-598 BibTeX
- Yonina C. Eldar, G. David Forney Jr.:
Optimal tight frames and quantum measurement.
599-610 BibTeX
- George Jöngren, Mikael Skoglund, Björn E. Ottersten:
Combining beamforming and orthogonal space-time block coding.
611-627 BibTeX
- Mohamed Oussama Damen, Karim Abed-Meraim, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
Diagonal algebraic space-time block codes.
628-636 BibTeX
- Chen-Nee Chuah, David N. C. Tse, Joseph M. Kahn, Reinaldo A. Valenzuela:
Capacity scaling in MIMO Wireless systems under correlated fading.
637-650 BibTeX
- Dilip Warrier, Upamanyu Madhow:
Spectrally efficient noncoherent communication.
651-668 BibTeX
- Kevin J. Quirk, Laurence B. Milstein:
The effects of phase estimation errors on RAKE Receiver performance.
669-682 BibTeX
- Eimear Byrne, Patrick Fitzpatrick:
Hamming metric decoding of alternant codes over Galois rings.
683-694 BibTeX
- Robert M. Gray, Tamás Linder, Jia Li:
A Lagrangian formulation of Zador's entropy-constrained quantization theorem.
695-707 BibTeX
- Mikael Skoglund, Nam Phamdo, Fady Alajaji:
Design and performance of VQ-based hybrid digital-analog joint source-channel codes.
708-720 BibTeX
- Tsachy Weissman, Neri Merhav:
On limited-delay lossy coding and filtering of individual sequences.
721-733 BibTeX
- Jianqing Fan, Ja-Yong Koo:
Wavelet deconvolution.
734-747 BibTeX
- Nelson M. Blachman:
Geometric properties of a large set of random signals.
748-752 BibTeX
- Mohamed Oussama Damen, Ahmed H. Tewfik, Jean-Claude Belfiore:
A construction of a space-time code based on number theory.
753-760 BibTeX
- Stefano Buzzi, Marco Lops, Antonia Maria Tulino:
A generalized minimum-mean-output-energy strategy for CDMA Systems with improper MAI.
761-767 BibTeX
- Stefka Bouyuklieva:
Some results on type IV codes over Z4.
768-773 BibTeX
- Tero Laihonen:
Sequences of optimal identifying codes.
774-776 BibTeX
- Zvi Reznic, Ram Zamir, Meir Feder:
Joint source-channel coding of a Gaussian mixture source over the Gaussian broadcast channel.
776-781 BibTeX
- Vivek K. Goyal, Jonathan A. Kelner, Jelena Kovacevic:
Multiple description vector quantization with a coarse lattice.
781-788 BibTeX
- Shahrnaz Azizi, Douglas Cochran, John N. McDonald:
Reproducing kernel structure and sampling on time-warped spaces with application to warped wavelets.
789-790 BibTeX
- Dominik Schäfer:
Strongly consistent online forecasting of centered Gaussian processes.
791-799 BibTeX
Volume 48,
Number 4,
April 2002
- Vijay G. Subramanian, Bruce Hajek:
Broad-band fading channels: Signal burstiness and capacity.
809-827 BibTeX
- Bruce Hajek, Vijay G. Subramanian:
Capacity and reliability function for small peak signal constraints.
828-839 BibTeX
- Muriel Médard, Robert G. Gallager:
Bandwidth scaling for fading multipath channels.
840-852 BibTeX
- Guang Gong, Solomon W. Golomb:
The decimation-Hadamard transform of two-level autocorrelation sequences.
853-865 BibTeX
- Jorge Campello de Souza, Brian H. Marcus, Richard New, Bruce A. Wilson:
Constrained systems with unconstrained positions.
866-879 BibTeX
- Beniamin Mounits, Tuvi Etzion, Simon Litsyn:
Improved upper bounds on sizes of codes.
880-886 BibTeX
- Simon Litsyn, Vladimir Shevelev:
On ensembles of low-density parity-check codes: Asymptotic distance distributions.
887-908 BibTeX
- Soon-Sen Lau, Peter J. Sherman, Langford B. White:
Asymptotic statistical properties of AR Spectral estimators for processes with mixed spectra.
909-917 BibTeX
- Adel A. Zerai, James A. Bucklew:
Failure time analysis for LMS Algorithms.
918-932 BibTeX
- Ferdinando Cicalese, Ugo Vaccaro:
Supermodularity and subadditivity properties of the entropy on the majorization lattice.
933-938 BibTeX
- Shlomo Shamai, Thomas L. Marzetta:
Multiuser capacity in block fading with no channel state information.
938-942 BibTeX
- Thomas L. Marzetta, Babak Hassibi, Bertrand M. Hochwald:
Structured unitary space-time autocoding constellations.
942-950 BibTeX
- Siwaruk Siwamogsatham, Michael P. Fitz, Jimm H. Grimm:
A new view of performance analysis of transmit diversity schemes in correlated Rayleigh fading.
950-956 BibTeX
- Branislav M. Popovic, Naoki Suehiro, Pingzhi Z. Fan:
Orthogonal sets of quadriphase sequences with good correlation properties.
956-959 BibTeX
- Rudolf Ahlswede, Bernhard Balkenhol, Ning Cai:
Parallel error correcting codes.
959-962 BibTeX
- Stefano Marcugini, Alfredo Milani, Fernanda Pambianco:
NMDS Codes of maximal length over Fq, 8 <= q <= 11.
963-966 BibTeX
- Eimear Byrne:
Decoding a class of Lee metric codes over a Galois ring.
966-975 BibTeX
- Vladimir D. Tonchev:
A Varshamov-Gilbert bound for a class of formally self-dual codes and related quantum codes.
975-977 BibTeX
- Cunsheng Ding, Fang-Wei Fu, Torleiv Kløve, Victor K.-W. Wei:
Constructions of permutation arrays.
977-980 BibTeX
- Iliya Bouyukliev, Juriaan Simonis:
Some new results for optimal ternary linear codes.
981-985 BibTeX
- Wonjin Sung, John T. Coffey:
Optimal covering polynomial sets correcting three errors for binary cyclic codes.
985-991 BibTeX
- Jean-Marc Bardet:
Statistical study of the wavelet analysis of fractional Brownian motion.
991-999 BibTeX
Corrections and Comments
Volume 48,
Number 5,
May 2002
- Shirley Halevy, Ron M. Roth:
Parallel constrained coding with application to two-dimensional constraints.
1009-1020 BibTeX
- Venkatesan Guruswami, Johan Håstad, Madhu Sudan, David Zuckerman:
Combinatorial bounds for list decoding.
1021-1034 BibTeX
- Thierry P. Berger:
Automorphism groups of homogeneous and projective Reed-Muller codes.
1035-1045 BibTeX
- John B. Anderson:
On the complexity of bounded distance decoding for the AWGN Channel.
1046-1060 BibTeX
- Michelle Effros, Karthik Visweswariah, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, Sergio Verdú:
Universal lossless source coding with the Burrows Wheeler Transform.
1061-1081 BibTeX
- Udar Mittal, Nam Phamdo:
Hybrid digital-analog (HDA) joint source-channel codes for broadcasting and robust communications.
1082-1102 BibTeX
- Kai-Sheng Song:
Goodness-of-fit tests based on Kullback-Leibler discrimination information.
1103-1117 BibTeX
- Amos Lapidoth, Shlomo Shamai:
Fading channels: How perfect need "Perfect side information" be?
1118-1134 BibTeX
- Randall A. Berry, Robert G. Gallager:
Communication over fading channels with delay constraints.
1135-1149 BibTeX
- Quinn Li, Bixio Rimoldi, Marvin K. Simon:
Bandwidth-efficient constant-energy trellis-coded modulation schemes with prescribed decoding delay.
1150-1161 BibTeX
- Mikael Skoglund, Jochen Giese, Stefan Parkvall:
Code design for combined channel estimation and error protection.
1162-1171 BibTeX
- Joon Ho Cho, James S. Lehnert:
An optimal signal design for band-limited asynchronous DS-CDMA Communications.
1172-1185 BibTeX
- Michael L. McCloud, Matthias Brehler, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
Signal design and convolutional coding for noncoherent space-time communication on the block-Rayleigh-fading channel.
1186-1194 BibTeX
Volume 48,
Number 6,
June 2002
- Aaron D. Wyner, Jack K. Wolf, Frans M. J. Willems:
Communicating via a processing broadcast satellite.
1243-1249 BibTeX
- Ram Zamir, Shlomo Shamai, Uri Erez:
Nested linear/Lattice codes for structured multiterminal binning.
1250-1276 BibTeX
- Pramod Viswanath, David N. C. Tse, Rajiv Laroia:
Opportunistic beamforming using dumb antennas.
1277-1294 BibTeX
- Pramod Viswanath, Venkat Anantharam:
Optimal sequences for CDMA under colored noise: A Schur-saddle function property.
1295-1318 BibTeX
- Sergio Verdú:
Spectral efficiency in the wideband regime.
1319-1343 BibTeX
- Emina Soljanin:
Writing sequences on the plane.
1344-1354 BibTeX
- Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi:
Computing the performance of unitary space-time group codes from their character table.
1355-1371 BibTeX
- Lawrence A. Shepp:
A model for stock price fluctuations based on information.
1372-1378 BibTeX
- James R. Roche:
Gambling for the mnemonically impaired.
1379-1392 BibTeX
- Alon Orlitsky:
Scalar versus vector quantization: Worst case analysis.
1393-1409 BibTeX
- Brian M. Kurkoski, Paul H. Siegel, Jack K. Wolf:
Joint message-passing decoding of LDPC Codes and partial-response channels.
1410-1422 BibTeX
- Gerhard Kramer:
Feedback strategies for white Gaussian interference networks.
1423-1438 BibTeX
- Jelena Kovacevic, Pier Luigi Dragotti, Vivek K. Goyal:
Filter bank frame expansions with erasures.
1439-1450 BibTeX
- Hui Jin, Robert J. McEliece:
Coding theorems for turbo code ensembles.
1451-1461 BibTeX
- Philippe Jacquet, Wojciech Szpankowski, Izydor Apostol:
A universal predictor based on pattern matching.
1462-1472 BibTeX
- Babak Hassibi, Thomas L. Marzetta:
Multiple-antennas and isotropically random unitary inputs: The received signal density in closed form.
1473-1484 BibTeX
- Babak Hassibi, Bertrand M. Hochwald:
Cayley differential unitary space - Time codes.
1485-1503 BibTeX
- Meir Feder, Neri Merhav:
Universal composite hypothesis testing: A competitive minimax approach.
1504-1517 BibTeX
- Yariv Ephraim, Neri Merhav:
Hidden Markov processes.
1518-1569 BibTeX
- Changyan Di, David Proietti, Ì. Emre Telatar, Thomas J. Richardson, Rüdiger L. Urbanke:
Finite-length analysis of low-density parity-check codes on the binary erasure channel.
1570-1579 BibTeX
- Igor Devetak, Toby Berger:
Quantum rate-distortion theory for memoryless sources.
1580-1589 BibTeX
- Amir Dembo, Ioannis Kontoyiannis:
Source coding, large deviations, and approximate pattern matching.
1590-1615 BibTeX
- Imre Csiszár:
Large-scale typicality of Markov sample paths and consistency of MDL Order estimators.
1616-1628 BibTeX
- Thomas M. Cover, Mung Chiang:
Duality between channel capacity and rate distortion with two-sided state information.
1629-1638 BibTeX
- Aaron S. Cohen, Amos Lapidoth:
The Gaussian watermarking game.
1639-1667 BibTeX
- Yonatan Aumann, Yan Zong Ding, Michael O. Rabin:
Everlasting security in the bounded storage model.
1668-1680 BibTeX
- Erdal Arikan:
On the reliability exponent of the exponential timing channel.
1681-1689 BibTeX
Volume 48,
Number 7,
July 2002
- Toby Berger, Vladimir I. Levenshtein:
Asymptotic efficiency of two-stage disjunctive testing.
1741-1749 BibTeX
- Amke Caliebe, Uwe Rösler:
Convergence of the maximum a posteriori path estimator in hidden Markov models.
1750-1758 BibTeX
- Lei Wei:
High-performance iterative Viterbi algorithm for conventional serial concatenated codes.
1759-1771 BibTeX
- Joseph Boutros, Giuseppe Caire:
Iterative multiuser joint decoding: Unified framework and asymptotic analysis.
1772-1773 BibTeX
- Ezio Biglieri, Giorgio Taricco, Antonia Maria Tulino:
Performance of space-time codes for a large number of antennas.
1794-1803 BibTeX
- Babak Hassibi, Bertrand M. Hochwald:
High-rate codes that are linear in space and time.
1804-1824 BibTeX
- Subhamoy Maitra, Enes Pasalic:
Further constructions of resilient Boolean functions with very high nonlinearity.
1825-1834 BibTeX
- Ruhua He, Irving S. Reed, Trieu-Kien Truong:
A recursive linear detection algorithm for asynchronous CDMA Communication system.
1835-1848 BibTeX
- Anders Høst-Madsen, Xiaodong Wang:
Performance of blind and group-blind multiuser detectors.
1849-1872 BibTeX
- Onkar Dabeer, Elias Masry:
Analysis of mean-square error and transient speed of the LMS Adaptive algorithm.
1873-1894 BibTeX
- Albert Cohen, Ingrid Daubechies, Onur G. Guleryuz, Michael T. Orchard:
On the importance of combining wavelet-based nonlinear approximation with coding strategies.
1895-1921 BibTeX
- Philippe Ciblat, Philippe Loubaton, Erchin Serpedin, Georgios B. Giannakis:
Asymptotic analysis of blind cyclic correlation-based symbol-rate estimators.
1922-1934 BibTeX
- Dinh-Tuan Pham:
Mutual information approach to blind separation of stationary sources.
1935-1946 BibTeX
- Neri Merhav, Erik Ordentlich, Gadiel Seroussi, Marcelo J. Weinberger:
On sequential strategies for loss functions with memory.
1947-1958 BibTeX
- Marcelo J. Weinberger, Erik Ordentlich:
On delayed prediction of individual sequences.
1959-1976 BibTeX
- Shahar Mendelson:
Improving the sample complexity using global data.
1977-1991 BibTeX
- Terence H. Chan, Raymond W. Yeung:
On a relation between information inequalities and group theory.
1992-1995 BibTeX
- Raymond W. Yeung, Tony T. Lee, Zhongxing Ye:
Information-theoretic characterizations of conditional mutual independence and Markov random fields.
1996-2011 BibTeX
- Fang-Wei Fu, Raymond W. Yeung:
On the rate-distortion region for multiple descriptions.
2012-2021 BibTeX
- Ioan Tabus, Jorma Rissanen:
Asymptotics of greedy algorithms for variable-to-fixed length coding of Markov sources.
2022-2035 BibTeX
- Pier Luigi Dragotti, Sergio D. Servetto, Martin Vetterli:
Optimal filter banks for multiple description coding: Analysis and synthesis.
2036-2052 BibTeX
- Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar:
Repeated use of codes for error detection five times is bad.
2053-2060 BibTeX
- Radinka Dontcheva, Masaaki Harada:
New extremal self-dual codes of length 62 and related extremal self-dual codes.
2060-2064 BibTeX
- Nuh Aydin, Dwijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri:
Quasi-cyclic codes over Z4 and some new binary codes.
2065-2069 BibTeX
- Jérôme Lacan, Emmanuelle Delpeyroux:
The q-ary image of some qm-ary cyclic codes: Permutation group and soft-decision decoding.
2069-2078 BibTeX
- Atousa H. S. Mohammadi, Weihua Zhuang:
Variance of the turbo code performance bound over the interleavers.
2078-2086 BibTeX
- Ralf R. Müller:
On the asymptotic eigenvalue distribution of concatenated vector-valued fading channels.
2086-2092 BibTeX
- Shahrokh Saeednia:
New NP-Complete partition problems.
2092-2094 BibTeX
- Tina Lindkvist, Jacob Löfvenberg, Mattias Svanström:
A class of traceability codes.
2094-2096 BibTeX
- Todd K. Moon:
Maximum-likelihood binary shift-register synthesis from noisy observations.
2096-2104 BibTeX
- Qian Zhang, Pramod K. Varshney, Richard D. Wesel:
Optimal bi-level quantization of i.i.d. sensor observations for binary hypothesis testing.
2105-2111 BibTeX
- Luc Devroye, László Györfi, Gábor Lugosi:
A note on robust hypothesis testing.
2111-2114 BibTeX
- Junshan Zhang, Edwin K. P. Chong:
Linear MMSE Multiuser receivers: MAI Conditional weak convergence and network capacity.
2114-2122 BibTeX
- Ryutaroh Matsumoto:
Improvement of Ashikhmin-Litsyn-Tsfasman bound for quantum codes.
2122-2124 BibTeX
- Zsolt Kukorelly:
Optimal binary one-ended codes.
2125-2132 BibTeX
- Chunxuan Ye, Raymond W. Yeung:
A simple upper bound on the redundancy of Huffman codes.
2132-2138 BibTeX
- Dan A. Simovici, Szymon Jaroszewicz:
An axiomatization of partition entropy.
2138-2142 BibTeX
Volume 48,
Number 8,
August 2002
- Rudolf Ahlswede, Ning Cai:
Seminoisy deterministic multiple-access channels: Coding theorems for list codes and codes with feedback.
2153-2162 BibTeX
- Igor Vajda:
On convergence of information contained in quantized observations.
2163-2172 BibTeX
- Thomas Johansson, Fredrik Jönsson:
Theoretical analysis of a correlation attack based on convolutional codes.
2173-2181 BibTeX
- Enes Pasalic, Subhamoy Maitra:
Linear codes in generalized construction of resilient functions with very high nonlinearity.
2182-2191 BibTeX
- Irène Charon, Olivier Hudry, Antoine Lobstein:
Identifying and locating-dominating codes: NP-Completeness results for directed graphs.
2192-2200 BibTeX
- Erik Agrell, Thomas Eriksson, Alexander Vardy, Kenneth Zeger:
Closest point search in lattices.
2201-2214 BibTeX
- Evgeny Levitan, Neri Merhav:
A competitive Neyman-Pearson approach to universal hypothesis testing with applications.
2215-2229 BibTeX
- László Györfi, Dominik Schäfer, Harro Walk:
Relative stability of global errors of nonparametric function estimators.
2230-2242 BibTeX
- Guy Cohen, Joseph M. Francos:
Least squares estimation of 2-D sinusoids in colored noise: Asymptotic analysis.
2243-2252 BibTeX
- Nigel J. Newton:
Data synchronization and noisy environments.
2253-2262 BibTeX
- Emina Soljanin:
Compressing quantum mixed-state sources by sending classical information.
2263-2275 BibTeX
- Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Junshan Zhang:
Arbitrary source models and Bayesian codebooks in rate-distortion theory.
2276-2290 BibTeX
- Xue-Bin Liang, Xiang-Gen Xia:
Unitary signal constellations for differential space--Time modulation with two transmit antennas: Parametric codes, optimal designs, and bounds.
2291-2322 BibTeX
- Boris S. Tsybakov:
File transmission over wireless fast fading downlink.
2323-2337 BibTeX
- Srihari Adireddy, Lang Tong, Harish Viswanathan:
Optimal placement of training for frequency-selective block-fading channels.
2338-2353 BibTeX
- Andrew C. Singer, Suleyman S. Kozat, Meir Feder:
Universal linear least squares prediction: Upper and lower bounds.
2354-2362 BibTeX
- Andrew B. Nobel:
Analysis of a complexity-based pruning scheme for classification trees.
2362-2368 BibTeX
- Flemming Topsøe:
Maximum entropy versus minimum risk and applications to some classical discrete distributions.
2368-2376 BibTeX
- Onur G. Guleryuz, Erwin Lutwak, Deane Yang, Gaoyong Zhang:
Information-theoretic inequalities for contoured probability distributions.
2377-2383 BibTeX
- Keqin Feng:
Quantum codes [[6, 2, 3]]p and [[7, 3, 3]]p (p >= 3) exist.
2384-2391 BibTeX
- Andreas Klappenecker, Martin Rötteler:
Beyond stabilizer codes I: Nice error bases.
2392-2395 BibTeX
- Andreas Klappenecker, Martin Rötteler:
Beyond stabilizer codes II: Clifford codes.
2396-2399 BibTeX
- Alan C. H. Ling:
Difference triangle sets from affine planes.
2399-2401 BibTeX
- Yuansheng Tang, Toru Fujiwara, Tadao Kasami:
Asymptotic optimality of the GMD and chase decoding algorithms.
2401-2405 BibTeX
- B. Sundar Rajan, Moon Ho Lee:
Quasi-cyclic dyadic codes in the Walsh--Hadamard transform domain.
2406-2412 BibTeX
- Peter M. Fenwick:
Variable-length integer codes based on the Goldbach conjecture, and other additive codes.
2412-2417 BibTeX
- Saswati Sarkar, Kumar N. Sivarajan:
Fairness in cellular mobile networks.
2418-2426 BibTeX
Corrections and Comments
Volume 48,
Number 9,
September 2002
- Alexander Barg, G. David Forney Jr.:
Random codes: Minimum distances and error exponents.
2568-2573 BibTeX
- Ludo M. G. M. Tolhuizen:
More results on the weight enumerator of product codes.
2573-2577 BibTeX
- Irina E. Bocharova, Marc Handlery, Rolf Johannesson, Boris D. Kudryashov:
Tailbiting codes obtained via convolutional codes with large active distance-slopes.
2577-2587 BibTeX
- Kevin T. Phelps, Josep Rifà:
On binary 1-perfect additive codes: Some structural properties.
2587-2592 BibTeX
- San Ling, Jason Thomas Blackford:
Zpk+1-Linear codes.
2592-2605 BibTeX
- Gérard D. Cohen, Sylvia B. Encheva, Hans Georg Schaathun:
More on (2,2)-separating systems.
2606-2609 BibTeX
- Wanshi Chen, Urbashi Mitra, Philip Schniter:
On the equivalence of three reduced rank linear estimators with applications to DS-CDMA.
2609-2614 BibTeX
- Helmut Prodinger, Wojciech Szpankowski:
Optimal versus randomized search of fixed length binary words.
2614-2621 BibTeX
- Jun Muramatsu:
On the performance of recency-rank and block-sorting universal lossless data compression algorithms.
2621-2625 BibTeX
- Subhamoy Maitra, Palash Sarkar:
Maximum nonlinearity of symmetric Boolean functions on odd number of variables.
2626-2630 BibTeX
Volume 48,
Number 10,
October 2002
- Charles H. Bennett, Peter W. Shor, John A. Smolin, Ashish V. Thapliyal:
Entanglement-assisted capacity of a quantum channel and the reverse Shannon theorem.
2637-2655 BibTeX
- Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf, Edward M. Reingold:
Index assignment for multichannel communication under failure.
2656-2668 BibTeX
- Thomas Johansson, Fredrik Jönsson:
On the complexity of some cryptographic problems based on the general decoding problem.
2669-2678 BibTeX
- Cunsheng Ding, Tor Helleseth, Harald Niederreiter, Chaoping Xing:
The minimum distance of the duals of binary irreducible cyclic codes.
2679-2689 BibTeX
- Saswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas:
A framework for routing and congestion control for multicast information flows.
2690-2708 BibTeX
- Ta-Hsin Li, Kai-Sheng Song:
Asymptotic analysis of a fast algorithm for efficient multiple frequency estimation.
2709-2720 BibTeX
- John Shawe-Taylor, Nello Cristianini:
On the generalization of soft margin algorithms.
2721-2735 BibTeX
- Miroslaw Pawlak, Simon X. Liao:
On the recovery of a function on a circular domain.
2736-2753 BibTeX
- Shimin Wei, Guozhen Xiao, Zhong Chen:
A fast algorithm for determining the minimal polynomial where of a sequence with period 2pn over GF(q).
2754-2758 BibTeX
- Nicholas Kolokotronis, Panagiotis Rizomiliotis, Nicholas Kalouptsidis:
Minimum linear span approximation of binary sequences.
2758-2764 BibTeX
- Irfan Siap, Dwijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri:
New linear codes over F5 obtained by tripling method and improvements on bounds.
2764-2768 BibTeX
- D. K. Asano, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
Optimization of coded GMSK systems.
2768-2773 BibTeX
- Daniela Tuninetti, Giuseppe Caire:
The throughput of some wireless multiaccess systems.
2773-2785 BibTeX
- Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, S. E. Posner, S. Sandilya:
Data-dependent kn-NN and kernel estimators consistent for arbitrary processes.
2785-2788 BibTeX
- S. Sandilya, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni:
Principal curves with bounded turn.
2789-2793 BibTeX
- L. Cavalier, Ja-Yong Koo:
Poisson intensity estimation for tomographic data using a wavelet shrinkage approach.
2794-2802 BibTeX
- Wen Chen, S. Itoh, J. Shiki:
On sampling in shift invariant spaces.
2802-2810 BibTeX
Volume 48,
Number 11,
November 2002
- Wilfried Meidl, Harald Niederreiter:
On the expected value of the linear complexity and the k-error linear complexity ofperiodic sequences.
2817-2825 BibTeX
- Mark Goresky, Andrew Klapper:
Fibonacci and Galois representations of feedback-with-carry shift registers.
2826-2836 BibTeX
- Guang Gong, Amr M. Youssef:
Cryptographic properties of the Welch-Gong transformation sequence generators.
2837-2846 BibTeX
- Guang Gong:
New designs for signal sets with low cross correlation, balance property, and largelinear span: GF(p) case.
2847-2867 BibTeX
- Tor Helleseth, Guang Gong:
New nonbinary sequences with ideal two-level autocorrelation.
2868-2872 BibTeX
- Chandrasekar Sankaran, Anthony Ephremides:
The use of multiuser detectors for multicasting in wireless ad hoc CDMA networks.
2873-2887 BibTeX
- Toshiyuki Tanaka:
A statistical-mechanics approach to large-system analysis of CDMA multiuser detectors.
2888-2910 BibTeX
- Philippe Flajolet, Wojciech Szpankowski:
Analytic variations on redundancy rates of renewal processes.
2911-2921 BibTeX
- Ta-Hsin Li, Hee-Seok Oh:
Wavelet spectrum and its characterization property for random processes.
2922-2937 BibTeX
- Benjamin Audit, E. Bacry, J.-F. Muzy, Alain Arneodo:
Wavelet-based estimators of scaling behavior.
2938-2954 BibTeX
- Wenchang Sun, Xingwei Zhou:
Reconstruction of band-limited signals from local averages.
2955-2963 BibTeX
- Faramarz Fekri, Russell M. Mersereau, Ronald W. Schafer:
Theory of paraunitary filter banks over fields of characteristic two.
2964-2979 BibTeX
- Jon Hamkins, Kenneth Zeger:
Gaussian source coding with spherical codes.
2980-2989 BibTeX
- Rainer Steinwandt, Willi Geiselmann:
Cryptanalysis of Polly Cracker.
2990-2991 BibTeX
- Chaoping Xing:
Asymptotic bounds on frameproof codes.
2991-2995 BibTeX
- Chaoping Xing:
Constructions of codes from residue rings of polynomials.
2995-2997 BibTeX
- Tamás Linder:
Lagrangian empirical design of variable-rate vector quantizers: consistency and convergence rates.
2998-3003 BibTeX
- Giovanni Emanuele Corazza, G. Ferrari:
New bounds for the Marcum Q-function.
3003-3008 BibTeX
Volume 48,
Number 12,
December 2002
- P. Oswald, A. Shokrollahi:
Capacity-achieving sequences for the erasure channel.
3017-3028 BibTeX
- Shlomo Shamai, Igal Sason:
Variations on the Gallager bounds, connections, and applications.
3029-3051 BibTeX
- Igal Sason, Ì. Emre Telatar, Rüdiger L. Urbanke:
On the asymptotic input-output weight distributions and thresholds of convolutionaland turbo-like encoders.
3052-3061 BibTeX
- Youjian Liu, Michael P. Fitz, Oscar Y. Takeshita:
A rank criterion for QAM space-time codes.
3062-3079 BibTeX
- Dongning Guo, Sergio Verdú, Lars K. Rasmussen:
Asymptotic normality of linear multiuser receiver outputs.
3080-3095 BibTeX
- Alexander Barg:
A low-rate bound on the reliability of a quantum discrete memoryless channel.
3096-3100 BibTeX
- Marc P. C. Fossorier:
Reliability-based soft-decision decoding with iterative information set reduction.
3101-3106 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Willems:
A note on self-dual group codes.
3107-3109 BibTeX
- Rossitza Dodunekova, Stefan M. Dodunekov:
The MMD codes are proper for error detection.
3109-3111 BibTeX
- Vahid Tarokh, Il-Min Kim:
Existence and construction of noncoherent unitary space-time codes.
3112-3117 BibTeX
- Angel Lozano, Antonia Maria Tulino:
Capacity of multiple-transmit multiple-receive antenna architectures.
3117-3128 BibTeX
- Ashok Mantravadi, Venugopal V. Veeravalli:
MMSE detection in asynchronous CDMA systems: an equivalence result.
3128-3137 BibTeX
- N. J. A. Sloane, Vinay A. Vaishampayan:
A Zador-like formula for quantizers based on periodic tilings.
3138-3140 BibTeX
- Ralf Herbrich, Thore Graepel:
A PAC-Bayesian margin bound for linear classifiers.
3140-3150 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:26:36 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)