
Joseph M. Francos

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22EEGilad Cohen, Joseph M. Francos, Rami Hagege: Joint segmentation and registration of elastically deformable objects. ICPR 2008: 1-5
21EERoy M. Frenkel, Joseph M. Francos: Registration of Geometric Deformations in the Presence of Varying Illumination. ICIP (3) 2007: 489-492
20 Rami Shallom, Rami Hagege, Joseph M. Francos: Estimation of orientation and affine transformations of a 3-dimensional object. SIP 2007: 386-391
19 S. Z. Kovalsky, Rami Hagege, Joseph M. Francos: Registration of joint geometric and radiometric image deformation. SIP 2007: 478-482
18 Rami Hagege, Joseph M. Francos: Decoupled sequential estimation of homeomorphic deformations. SIP 2007: 501-506
17EEHaim H. Permuter, Joseph M. Francos, Ian Jermyn: A study of Gaussian mixture models of color and texture features for image classification and segmentation. Pattern Recognition 39(4): 695-706 (2006)
16EEMark Kliger, Joseph M. Francos: Strong Consistency of the Over- and Underdetermined LSE of 2-D Exponentials in White Noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(9): 3314-3321 (2005)
15EEMark Kliger, Joseph M. Francos: MAP model order selection rule for 2-D sinusoids in white noise. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(7): 2563-2575 (2005)
14 Guy Cohen, Joseph M. Francos: Least squares estimation of 2-D sinusoids in colored noise: Asymptotic analysis. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(8): 2243-2252 (2002)
13EEJoseph M. Francos, Haim H. Permuter: Parametric estimation of the orientation of textured planar surfaces. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 10(3): 403-418 (2001)
12 Haim H. Permuter, Joseph M. Francos: Estimating the orientation of planar surfaces: Algorithims and bounds. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(5): 1908-1920 (2000)
11EEJoseph M. Francos, Benjamin Friedlander: Optimal parameter selection in the phase differencing algorithm for 2-D phase estimation. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 47(1): 273-279 (1999)
10 Haim H. Permuter, Joseph M. Francos: A Parametric Approach for Estimating the Orientation of Planar Surfaces. ICIP (2) 1998: 181-185
9 Radu Stoica, Josiane Zerubia, Joseph M. Francos: Image Retrieval and Indexing: A Hierarchical Approach in Computing the Distance between Textured Images. ICIP (2) 1998: 794-798
8 Joseph M. Francos: Bounds on the accuracy of estimating the parameters of discrete homogeneous random fields with mixed spectral distributions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(3): 908-922 (1997)
7EERavi Krishnamurthy, John W. Woods, Joseph M. Francos: Adaptive restoration of textured images with mixed spectra. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(4): 648-652 (1996)
6EEBenjamin Friedlander, Joseph M. Francos: An estimation algorithm for 2-D polynomial phase signals. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(6): 1084-1087 (1996)
5EER. Sriram, Joseph M. Francos, William A. Pearlman: Texture coding using a Wold decomposition model. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 5(9): 1382-1386 (1996)
4 Joseph M. Francos, Anand Narasimhan, John W. Woods: Maximum-likelihood parameter estimation of the harmonic, evanescent, and purely indeterministic components of discrete homogeneous random fields. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(3): 916-930 (1996)
3 Benjamin Friedlander, Joseph M. Francos: On the accuracy of estimating the parameters of a regular stationary process. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(4): 1202-1211 (1996)
2EEJoseph M. Francos, Benjamin Friedlander: The polynomial phase difference operator for modeling of nonhomogeneous images. ICIP 1995: 2276-2279
1EEJoseph M. Francos, Anand Narasimhan, John W. Woods: Maximum likelihood parameter estimation of textures using a Wold-decomposition based model. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 4(12): 1655-1666 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Gilad Cohen [22]
2Guy Cohen [14]
3Roy M. Frenkel [21]
4Benjamin Friedlander [2] [3] [6] [11]
5Rami Hagege [18] [19] [20] [22]
6Ian H. Jermyn (Ian Jermyn) [17]
7Mark Kliger [15] [16]
8S. Z. Kovalsky [19]
9Ravi Krishnamurthy [7]
10Anand Narasimhan [1] [4]
11William A. Pearlman [5]
12Haim H. Permuter [10] [12] [13] [17]
13Rami Shallom [20]
14R. Sriram [5]
15Radu Stoica [9]
16John W. Woods [1] [4] [7]
17Josiane Zerubia [9]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)