
Fernanda Pambianco

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26EEAlexander A. Davydov, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco: Complete ( q 2 + q + 8)/2-caps in the spaces PG (3, q ), q = 2 (mod 3) an odd prime, and a complete 20-cap in PG (3, 5). Des. Codes Cryptography 50(3): 359-372 (2009)
25EEJürgen Bierbrauer, Yves Edel, Giorgio Faina, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco: Short Additive Quaternary Codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55(3): 952-954 (2009)
24 Fernanda Pambianco, Leo Storme: Minimal blocking sets in PG(2, 9). Ars Comb. 89: (2008)
23 Olof Heden, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco, Leo Storme: On the non-existence of a maximal partial spread of size 76 in PG(3, 9). Ars Comb. 89: (2008)
22EEStefano Marcugini, Alfredo Milani, Fernanda Pambianco: Complete arcs in PG(2, 25): The spectrum of the sizes and the classification of the smallest complete arcs. Discrete Mathematics 307(6): 739-747 (2007)
21EEJürgen Bierbrauer, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco: The smallest size of a complete cap in PG(3, 7). Discrete Mathematics 306(13): 1257-1263 (2006)
20EEAlexander A. Davydov, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco: Minimal 1-saturating sets and complete caps in binary projective spaces. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 113(4): 647-663 (2006)
19EEAlexander A. Davydov, Giorgio Faina, Fernanda Pambianco: Constructions of Small Complete Caps in Binary Projective Spaces. Des. Codes Cryptography 37(1): 61-80 (2005)
18EEStefano Marcugini, Alfredo Milani, Fernanda Pambianco: Maximal (n, 3)-arcs in PG(2, 13). Discrete Mathematics 294(1-2): 139-145 (2005)
17EEJürgen Bierbrauer, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco: A family of highly symmetric codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(10): 3665-3668 (2005)
16EEAlexander A. Davydov, Giorgio Faina, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco: Locally optimal (nonshortening) linear covering codes and minimal saturating sets in projective spaces. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(12): 4378-4387 (2005)
15 Alexander A. Davydov, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco: Linear codes with covering radius 2, 3 and saturating sets in projective geometry. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 20(3): 537-541 (2004)
14EEJürgen Bierbrauer, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco: Projective Planes, Coverings and a Network Problem. Des. Codes Cryptography 29(1-3): 71-89 (2003)
13EEAlexander A. Davydov, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco: On saturating sets in projective spaces. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 103(1): 1-15 (2003)
12 Massimo Giulietti, Fernanda Pambianco, Fernando Torres, Emanuela Ughi: On Complete Arcs Arising from Plane Curves. Des. Codes Cryptography 25(3): 237-246 (2002)
11EEMassimo Giulietti, Fernanda Pambianco, Fernando Torres, Emanuela Ughi: On large complete arcs: odd case. Discrete Mathematics 255(1-3): 145-159 (2002)
10EEGiorgio Faina, György Kiss, Stefano Marcugini, Fernanda Pambianco: The Cyclic Model for PG(n,q) and a Construction of Arcs. Eur. J. Comb. 23(1): 31-35 (2002)
9 Stefano Marcugini, Alfredo Milani, Fernanda Pambianco: NMDS Codes of maximal length over Fq, 8 <= q <= 11. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(4): 963-966 (2002)
8 Stefano Marcugini, Alfredo Milani, Fernanda Pambianco: Classification of the [n, 3, n-3]_q NMDS codes over GF(7), GF(8) and GF(9). Ars Comb. 61: (2001)
7EEGiorgio Faina, Fernanda Pambianco: On some 10-arcs for deriving the minimum order for complete arcs in small projective planes. Discrete Mathematics 208-209: 261-271 (1999)
6EEStefano Marcugini, Alfredo Milani, Fernanda Pambianco: Maximal (n, 3)-arcs in PG(2, 11). Discrete Mathematics 208-209: 421-426 (1999)
5EEFernanda Pambianco: A class of complete k-caps of small cardinality in projective spaces over fields of characteristic three. Discrete Mathematics 208-209: 463-468 (1999)
4 Giorgio Faina, Stefano Marcugini, Alfredo Milani, Fernanda Pambianco: The sizes k of the complete k-caps in PG(n, q), for small q and 3 <= n >= 5. Ars Comb. 50: (1998)
3 Giorgio Faina, Stefano Marcugini, Alfredo Milani, Fernanda Pambianco: The Spectrum of Values k for which there Exists a Complete k-Arc in PG(2, q) for q<=23. Ars Comb. 47: (1997)
2EEGiorgio Faina, Fernanda Pambianco: Small complete caps in PG(r, q), r >= 3. Discrete Mathematics 174(1-3): 117-123 (1997)
1EEFernanda Pambianco, Leo Storme: Small Complete Caps in Spaces of Even Characteristic. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 75(1): 70-84 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Jürgen Bierbrauer [14] [17] [21] [25]
2Alexander A. Davydov [13] [15] [16] [19] [20] [26]
3Yves Edel [25]
4Giorgio Faina [2] [3] [4] [7] [10] [16] [19] [25]
5Massimo Giulietti [11] [12]
6Olof Heden [23]
7György Kiss [10]
8Stefano Marcugini [3] [4] [6] [8] [9] [10] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [25] [26]
9Alfredo Milani [3] [4] [6] [8] [9] [18] [22]
10Leo Storme [1] [23] [24]
11Fernando Torres [11] [12]
12Emanuela Ughi [11] [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)