
Ioannis Kontoyiannis

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23EEChris Gioran, Ioannis Kontoyiannis: Lossy Compression in Near-Linear Time via Efficient Random Codebooks and Databases CoRR abs/0904.3340: (2009)
22EEOliver Johnson, Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Mokshay M. Madiman: On the entropy and log-concavity of compound Poisson measures CoRR abs/0805.4112: (2008)
21EEMatthew T. Harrison, Ioannis Kontoyiannis: Estimation of the Rate-Distortion Function. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(8): 3757-3762 (2008)
20EEIoannis Kontoyiannis: Some information-theoretic computations related to the distribution of prime numbers CoRR abs/0710.4076: (2007)
19EEYun Gao, Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Elie Bienenstock: From the entropy to the statistical structure of spike trains CoRR abs/0710.4117: (2007)
18EEMatthew T. Harrison, Ioannis Kontoyiannis: Estimation of the Rate-Distortion Function CoRR abs/cs/0702018: (2007)
17EEIoannis Kontoyiannis, Ram Zamir: Mismatched codebooks and the role of entropy coding in lossy data compression. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(5): 1922-1938 (2006)
16EEIoannis Kontoyiannis, Ram Zamir: Mismatched codebooks and the role of entropy-coding in lossy data compression CoRR abs/cs/0511009: (2005)
15EEIoannis Kontoyiannis, Peter Harremoës, Oliver Johnson: Entropy and the law of small numbers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(2): 466-472 (2005)
14EEAris Anagnostopoulos, Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Eli Upfal: Steady state analysis of balanced-allocation routing. Random Struct. Algorithms 26(4): 446-467 (2005)
13 Neri Merhav, Ioannis Kontoyiannis: Source coding exponents for zero-delay coding with finite memory. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(3): 609-625 (2003)
12 Ioannis Kontoyiannis: Pattern matching and lossy data compression on random fields. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(4): 1047-1051 (2003)
11 Amir Dembo, Ioannis Kontoyiannis: Source coding, large deviations, and approximate pattern matching. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(6): 1590-1615 (2002)
10 Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Junshan Zhang: Arbitrary source models and Bayesian codebooks in rate-distortion theory. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(8): 2276-2290 (2002)
9 Amir Dembo, Ioannis Kontoyiannis: Critical behavior in lossy source coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(3): 1230-1236 (2001)
8 Ioannis Kontoyiannis: Sphere-covering, measure concentration, and source coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(4): 1544-1552 (2001)
7 Ioannis Kontoyiannis: Pointwise redundancy in lossy data compression and universal lossy data compression. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(1): 136-152 (2000)
6EEIoannis Kontoyiannis: Efficient sphere-covering and converse measure concentration via generalized coding theorems CoRR math.PR/9910062: (1999)
5 Ioannis Kontoyiannis: An implementable lossy version of the Lempel-Ziv algorithm - Part I: Optimality for memoryless sources. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45(7): 2293-2305 (1999)
4EEVittorio Castelli, Lawrence D. Bergman, Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Chung-Sheng Li, John T. Robinson, John Turek: Progressive search and retrieval in large image archives. IBM Journal of Research and Development 42(2): 253-268 (1998)
3 Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Paul H. Algoet, Yuri M. Suhov, A. J. Wyner: Nonparametric Entropy Estimation for Stationary Processesand Random Fields, with Applications to English Text. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(3): 1319-1327 (1998)
2 Ioannis Kontoyiannis: Second-order noiseless source coding theorems. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(4): 1339-1341 (1997)
1 Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Yuri M. Suhov: Stationary Entrophy Estimation via String Matching. Data Compression Conference 1996: 444

Coauthor Index

1Paul H. Algoet [3]
2Aris Anagnostopoulos [14]
3Lawrence D. Bergman [4]
4Elie Bienenstock [19]
5Vittorio Castelli [4]
6Amir Dembo [9] [11]
7Yun Gao [19]
8Chris Gioran [23]
9Peter Harremoës [15]
10Matthew T. Harrison [18] [21]
11Oliver Johnson [15] [22]
12Chung-Sheng Li [4]
13Mokshay M. Madiman [22]
14Neri Merhav [13]
15John T. Robinson [4]
16Yuri M. Suhov [1] [3]
17John Turek [4]
18Eli Upfal [14]
19A. J. Wyner [3]
20Ram Zamir [16] [17]
21Junshan Zhang [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)