
Richard D. Wesel

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32EEYuan-Mao Chang, Andres I. Vila Casado, Mau-Chung Frank Chang, Richard D. Wesel: Lower-Complexity Layered Belief-Propagation Decoding of LDPC Codes. ICC 2008: 1155-1160
31EEMiguel Griot, Andres I. Vila Casado, Richard D. Wesel: Nonlinear Turbo Codes for Higher-Order Modulations. ICC 2008: 1209-1213
30EEBike Xie, Miguel Griot, Andres I. Vila Casado, Richard D. Wesel: Optimal Transmission Strategy and Explicit Capacity Region for Broadcast Z Channels CoRR abs/0810.3226: (2008)
29EEBike Xie, Mihaela van der Schaar, Richard D. Wesel: Analytical Framework for Optimizing Weighted Average Download Time in Peer-to-Peer Networks CoRR abs/0811.4030: (2008)
28EEBike Xie, Richard D. Wesel: Optimal Independent Encoding Schemes for Several Classes of Discrete Degraded Broadcast Channels CoRR abs/0811.4162: (2008)
27EEWen-Yen Weng, Cenk Köse, Bike Xie, Richard D. Wesel: Universal serially concatenated trellis coded modulation for space-time channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 56(10): 1636-1646 (2008)
26EEBike Xie, Miguel Griot, Andres I. Vila Casado, Richard D. Wesel: Optimal Transmission Strategy and Explicit Capacity Region for Broadcast Z Channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(9): 4296-4304 (2008)
25EEMiguel Griot, Andres I. Vila Casado, Richard D. Wesel: On the Design of Arbitrarily Low-Rate Turbo-Codes. GLOBECOM 2007: 1472-1475
24EEAndres I. Vila Casado, Miguel Griot, Richard D. Wesel: Informed Dynamic Scheduling for Belief-Propagation Decoding of LDPC Codes. ICC 2007: 932-937
23EEAndres I. Vila Casado, Miguel Griot, Richard D. Wesel: Informed Dynamic Scheduling for Belief-Propagation Decoding of LDPC Codes CoRR abs/cs/0702111: (2007)
22EEChristopher R. Jones, Tao Tian, John D. Villasenor, Richard D. Wesel: The Universal Operation of LDPC Codes Over Scalar Fading Channels. IEEE Transactions on Communications 55(1): 122-132 (2007)
21EEJun Shi, Richard D. Wesel: A Study on Universal Codes With Finite Block Lengths. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(9): 3066-3074 (2007)
20EEHerwin Chan, Miguel Griot, Andres I. Vila Casado, Richard D. Wesel, Ingrid Verbauwhede: High Speed Channel Coding Architectures for the Uncoordinated OR Channel. ASAP 2006: 265-268
19EEMiguel Griot, Andres I. Vila Casado, Richard D. Wesel: Non-linear Turbo Codes for Interleaver-Division Multiple Access on the OR Channel. GLOBECOM 2006
18EEWen-Yen Weng, Bike Xie, Richard D. Wesel: Universal Space-Time Serially Concatenated Trellis Coded Modulations. GLOBECOM 2006
17EECenk Köse, Richard D. Wesel: Universal Space-Time Codes From Demultiplexed Trellis Codes. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(5): 955 (2006)
16EECenk Köse, Richard D. Wesel: Universal Space-Time Codes From Demultiplexed Trellis Codes. IEEE Transactions on Communications 54(7): 1243-1250 (2006)
15EEAditya Ramamoorthy, Jun Shi, Richard D. Wesel: On the capacity of network coding for random networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(8): 2878-2885 (2005)
14EEAdina Matache, Richard D. Wesel: Correction to "Universal trellis codes for diagonally layered space-time systems". IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(8-2): 3348 (2005)
13EEHerwin Chan, Alireza Hodjat, Jun Shi, Richard D. Wesel, Ingrid Verbauwhede: Streaming Encryption for a Secure Wavelength and Time Domain Hopped Optical Network. ITCC (2) 2004: 578-582
12 Jun Shi, Richard D. Wesel: Efficient Computation of Trellis Code Generating Functions. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(2): 219-227 (2004)
11EEThomas W. Sun, Richard D. Wesel, Mark R. Shane, Keith Jarett: Superposition turbo TCM for multirate broadcast. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(3): 368-371 (2004)
10EETao Tian, Christopher R. Jones, John D. Villasenor, Richard D. Wesel: Selective avoidance of cycles in irregular LDPC code construction. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(8): 1242-1247 (2004)
9EERichard D. Wesel: Reduced-state representations for trellis codes using constellation symmetry. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(8): 1302-1310 (2004)
8 Cenk Köse, Richard D. Wesel: Universal space-time trellis codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(10): 2717-2727 (2003)
7 Qian Zhang, Pramod K. Varshney, Richard D. Wesel: Optimal bi-level quantization of i.i.d. sensor observations for binary hypothesis testing. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(7): 2105-2111 (2002)
6 Wei Shi, Thomas W. Sun, Richard D. Wesel: Quasi-convexity and optimal binary fusion for distributed detection with identical sensors in generalized Gaussian noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(1): 446-450 (2001)
5 Richard D. Wesel, Xueting Liu, John M. Cioffi, Christos Komninakis: Constellation labeling for linear encoders. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(6): 2417-2431 (2001)
4 Richard D. Wesel, Xueting Liu: Edge Profile Optimal Constellation Labeling. ICC (3) 2000: 1198-1202
3 Christos Komninakis, Christina Fragouli, Ali H. Sayed, Richard D. Wesel: Adaptive Multi-Input Multi-Output Fading Channel Equalization Using Kalman Estimation. ICC (3) 2000: 1655-1659
2 Richard D. Wesel, John M. Cioffi: Achievable Rates for Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(2): 824-831 (1998)
1 Richard D. Wesel, Robert M. Gray: Bayes Risk Weighted VQ and Learning VQ. Data Compression Conference 1994: 400-409

Coauthor Index

1Andres I. Vila Casado [19] [20] [23] [24] [25] [26] [30] [31] [32]
2Herwin Chan [13] [20]
3Mau-Chung Frank Chang (M.-C. Frank Chang) [32]
4Yuan-Mao Chang [32]
5John M. Cioffi [2] [5]
6Christina Fragouli [3]
7Robert M. Gray [1]
8Miguel Griot [19] [20] [23] [24] [25] [26] [30] [31]
9Alireza Hodjat [13]
10Keith Jarett [11]
11Christopher R. Jones [10] [22]
12Christos Komninakis [3] [5]
13Cenk Köse [8] [16] [17] [27]
14Xueting Liu [4] [5]
15Adina Matache [14]
16Aditya Ramamoorthy [15]
17Ali H. Sayed [3]
18Mihaela van der Schaar [29]
19Mark R. Shane [11]
20Jun Shi [12] [13] [15] [21]
21Wei Shi [6]
22Thomas W. Sun [6] [11]
23Tao Tian [10] [22]
24Pramod K. Varshney [7]
25Ingrid Verbauwhede [13] [20]
26John D. Villasenor [10] [22]
27Wen-Yen Weng [18] [27]
28Bike Xie [18] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30]
29Qian Zhang [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)