
Youjian Liu

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26EEYoujian Liu, Mahesh K. Varanasi, Xinming Huang: Power Scheduling for MIMO Relay Channels Employing Rateless Codes. ICC 2008: 4431-4435
25EEWei Dai, Brian Rider, Youjian Liu: Joint Beamforming for Multiaccess MIMO Systems with Finite Rate Feedback CoRR abs/0804.0441: (2008)
24EEWei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider, Wen Gao: How Many Users should be Turned On in a Multi-Antenna Broadcast Channel? CoRR abs/0805.1442: (2008)
23EEYoujian Liu: A Simple Converse Proof and a Unified Capacity Formula for Channels with Input Constraints CoRR abs/0807.0042: (2008)
22EEWei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider, Wen Gao: How many users should be turned on in a multi-antenna broadcast channel? IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 26(8): 1526-1535 (2008)
21EEWei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider: Quantization Bounds on Grassmann Manifolds and Applications to MIMO Communications. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(3): 1108-1123 (2008)
20EEYoujian Liu, Bin Xu, Mahesh K. Varanasi: On Discrete Memoryless Relay Channels with Designable Transmitter Side Information. CISS 2007: 414-418
19EEWei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider: How Many Users should be Turned On in a Multi-Antenna Broadcast Channel. CISS 2007: 806-811
18EEWei Dai, Brian Rider, Youjian Liu: Volume Growth and General Rate Quantization on Grassmann Manifolds. GLOBECOM 2007: 1441-1445
17EEWei Dai, Brian Rider, Youjian Liu: Multi-Access MIMO Systems with Finite Rate Channel State Feedback CoRR abs/0705.2270: (2007)
16EEWei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider: Quantization Bounds on Grassmann Manifolds of Arbitrary Dimensions and MIMO Communications with Feedback CoRR abs/0705.2272: (2007)
15EEWei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider, Vincent K. N. Lau: On the Information Rate of MIMO Systems with Finite Rate Channel State Feedback and Power On/Off Strategy CoRR abs/0705.2273: (2007)
14EEWei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider: How Many Users should be Turned On in a Multi-Antenna Broadcast Channel? CoRR abs/0705.2274: (2007)
13EEWei Dai, Brian Rider, Youjian Liu: Unequal dimensional small balls and quantization on Grassmann Manifolds CoRR abs/0705.2278: (2007)
12EEWei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider: Performance Analysis of CDMA Signature Optimization with Finite Rate Feedback CoRR abs/cs/0603031: (2006)
11EEWei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider: Quantization Bounds on Grassmann Manifolds and Applications to MIMO Communications CoRR abs/cs/0603039: (2006)
10EEWei Dai, Youjian Liu, Vincent K. N. Lau, Brian Rider: On the Information Rate of MIMO Systems with Finite Rate Channel State Feedback Using Beamforming and Power On/Off Strategy CoRR abs/cs/0603040: (2006)
9EEWei Dai, Youjian Liu, Brian Rider: Effect of Finite Rate Feedback on CDMA Signature Optimization and MIMO Beamforming Vector Selection CoRR abs/cs/0612078: (2006)
8EEVincent K. N. Lau, Meilong Jiang, Youjian Liu: Cross layer design of uplink multi-antenna wireless systems with outdated CSI. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 5(6): 1250-1253 (2006)
7EEVincent K. N. Lau, Youjian Liu, Tai-Ann Chen: On the design of MIMO block-fading channels with feedback-link capacity constraint. IEEE Transactions on Communications 52(1): 62-70 (2004)
6 Vincent K. N. Lau, Youjian Liu, Tai-Ann Chen: Capacity of Memoryless Channels and Block-Fading Channels With Designable Cardinality-Constrained Channel State Feedback. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(9): 2038-2049 (2004)
5EEVincent K. N. Lau, Youjian Liu, Tai-Ann Chen, Martin H. Meyers: Optimal space-time scheduling for block fading channels with partial power feedbacks. Bell Labs Technical Journal 7(3): 27-46 (2003)
4EEYoujian Liu, Tai-Ann Chen, Martin H. Meyers, Vincent K. N. Lau, Jung-Tao Liu: Iterative detection for BLAST systems with an arbitrary number of receive antennas. Bell Labs Technical Journal 7(3): 5-25 (2003)
3 Hesham El Gamal, A. Roger Hammons Jr., Youjian Liu, Michael P. Fitz, Oscar Y. Takeshita: On the design of space-time and space-frequency codes for MIMO frequency-selective fading channels. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(9): 2277-2292 (2003)
2 Youjian Liu, Michael P. Fitz, Oscar Y. Takeshita: A rank criterion for QAM space-time codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(12): 3062-3079 (2002)
1 Youjian Liu, Michael P. Fitz, Oscar Y. Takeshita: OPSK Space-Time Turbo Codes. ICC (1) 2000: 292-296

Coauthor Index

1Tai-Ann Chen [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Wei Dai [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [24] [25]
3Michael P. Fitz [1] [2] [3]
4Hesham El Gamal [3]
5Wen Gao [22] [24]
6A. Roger Hammons Jr. [3]
7Xinming Huang [26]
8Meilong Jiang [8]
9Vincent K. N. Lau [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [15]
10Jung-Tao Liu [4]
11Martin H. Meyers [4] [5]
12Brian Rider [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [24] [25]
13Oscar Y. Takeshita [1] [2] [3]
14Mahesh K. Varanasi [20] [26]
15Bin Xu [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)