
Naoki Suehiro

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20EERongzhen Jin, Naoki Suehiro, Chenggao Han: Performance of SD-Method Compared with OFDM Method. CIT 2007: 486-490
19EER. S. Raja Durai, Naoki Suehiro, Chenggao Han: Complete Complementary Sequences of Different Length. IEICE Transactions 90-A(7): 1428-1431 (2007)
18EEMitsuhiro Tomita, Noriyoshi Kuroyanagi, Kohei Ohtake, Naoki Suehiro, Shinya Matsufuji: A multi-rate CDMA system with block-spreading schemes for anti-interference and high frequency efficiency. IWCMC 2006: 845-850
17EENaoki Suehiro, Pingzhi Fan: Special Section on Sequence Design and its Application in Communications. IEICE Transactions 89-A(9): 2245-2246 (2006)
16EETetsuya Kojima, Akiko Fujiwara, Kenji Yano, Masahiro Aono, Naoki Suehiro: Comparison of the Two Signal Design Methods in the CDMA Systems Using Complete Complementary Codes. IEICE Transactions 89-A(9): 2299-2306 (2006)
15EEDaiyuan Peng, Pingzhi Fan, Naoki Suehiro: Construction of Sequences with Large Zero Correlation Zone. IEICE Transactions 88-A(11): 3256-3259 (2005)
14EEDaiyuan Peng, Pingzhi Fan, Naoki Suehiro: Bounds on Aperiodic Autocorrelation and Crosscorrelation of Binary LCZ/ZCZ Sequences. IEICE Transactions 88-A(12): 3636-3644 (2005)
13EEHideyuki Torii, Makoto Nakamura, Naoki Suehiro: A New Class of Polyphase Sequence Sets with Optimal Zero-Correlation Zones. IEICE Transactions 88-A(7): 1987-1994 (2005)
12EEMitsuhiro Tomita, Noriyoshi Kuroyanagi, Kohei Ohtake, Satoru Ozawa, Naoki Suehiro: Sequential detection CDMA multi-user receiver. Int. J. Communication Systems 18(6): 585-601 (2005)
11 Hideyuki Torii, Makoto Nakamura, Naoki Suehiro: A new class of zero-correlation zone sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 20(3): 559-565 (2004)
10EEXiaoxu Guo, Jie Chen, Naoki Suehiro: Code acquisition of ZCZ-CDMA systems based on complete complementary codes. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3(5): 585-595 (2003)
9EENaoki Suehiro, Toshiaki Imoto, Noriyoshi Kuroyanagi: Very efficient wireless frequency usage by coherent addition of multipath signals using ZCCZ sequence set. ISCC 2002: 831-834
8 Branislav M. Popovic, Naoki Suehiro, Pingzhi Z. Fan: Orthogonal sets of quadriphase sequences with good correlation properties. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(4): 956-959 (2002)
7EEHideyuki Torii, Makoto Nakamura, Naoki Suehiro: General Construction of Periodic Complete Complementary Codes Composed of Expanded Modulatable Orthogonal Sequences. ISCC 2000: 738-743
6 Seong Ill Park, So Ryoung Park, Iickho Song, Naoki Suehiro: Multiple-access interference reduction for QS-CDMA systems with a novel class of polyphase sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(4): 1448-1458 (2000)
5EEToshiaki Imoto, Naoki Suehiro, Noriyoshi Kuroyanagi, Pingzhi Fan: Simulation of Multipath-Tolerant Binary Signal Design for Approximately Synchronized CDMA Mobile Communication without Co-Channel Interference nor Detection Sidelobe Using Complete Complementary Codes. ISCC 1999: 317-323
4 Shinya Matsufuji, Naoki Suehiro: Complex Hadamard matrices related to Bent sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(2): 637 (1996)
3 Naoki Suehiro: Pseudo-Polyphase Orthogonal Sequence Sets with Good Cross-Correlation Property. AAECC 1990: 106-112
2 Naoki Suehiro, Mitsutoshi Hatori: N-shift cross-orthogonal sequences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 34(1): 143- (1988)
1 Naoki Suehiro, Mitsutoshi Hatori: Modulatable orthogonal sequences and their application to SSMA systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 34(1): 93-100 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Masahiro Aono [16]
2Jie Chen [10]
3R. S. Raja Durai [19]
4Pingzhi Fan (Pingzhi Z. Fan) [5] [8] [14] [15] [17]
5Akiko Fujiwara [16]
6Xiaoxu Guo [10]
7Chenggao Han [19] [20]
8Mitsutoshi Hatori [1] [2]
9Toshiaki Imoto [5] [9]
10Rongzhen Jin [20]
11Tetsuya Kojima [16]
12Noriyoshi Kuroyanagi [5] [9] [12] [18]
13Shinya Matsufuji [4] [18]
14Makoto Nakamura [7] [11] [13]
15Kohei Ohtake [12] [18]
16Satoru Ozawa [12]
17Seong Ill Park [6]
18So Ryoung Park [6]
19Daiyuan Peng [14] [15]
20Branislav M. Popovic [8]
21Iickho Song [6]
22Mitsuhiro Tomita [12] [18]
23Hideyuki Torii [7] [11] [13]
24Kenji Yano [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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