
Guozhen Xiao

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32EEHuawei Huang, Bo Yang, Shenglin Zhu, Guozhen Xiao: Generalized ElGamal Public Key Cryptosystem Based on a New Diffie-Hellman Problem. ProvSec 2008: 1-21
31EETongjiang Yan, Shengqiang Li, Guozhen Xiao: On the linear complexity of generalized cyclotomic sequences with the period pm. Appl. Math. Lett. 21(2): 187-193 (2008)
30EEXiaoni Du, Yu Zhou, Rong Sun, Guozhen Xiao: On the Linear Complexity of Some Ternary Sequences with Ideal Autocorrelation. IEICE Transactions 91-A(2): 709-712 (2008)
29EEXiaoni Du, Zhixiong Chen, Guozhen Xiao: On the linear complexity of some new q. Inf. Sci. 178(16): 3300-3306 (2008)
28EEXiaoni Du, Tongjiang Yan, Guozhen Xiao: Trace representation of some generalized cyclotomic sequences of length pq. Inf. Sci. 178(16): 3307-3316 (2008)
27EETongjiang Yan, Li Hong, Guozhen Xiao: The linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic binary sequences of order four. Inf. Sci. 178(3): 807-815 (2008)
26EETongjiang Yan, Bingjia Huang, Guozhen Xiao: Cryptographic properties of some binary generalized cyclotomic sequences with the length p2. Inf. Sci. 178(4): 1078-1086 (2008)
25EEZhixiong Chen, Ning Zhang, Guozhen Xiao: Pseudo-Randomness of Discrete-Log Sequences from Elliptic Curves. Inscrypt 2007: 231-245
24EETongjiang Yan, Xiaoni Du, Enjian Bai, Guozhen Xiao: Some Notes on d -Form Functions with Difference-Balanced Property. WAIFI 2007: 11-17
23EEWeiguo Zhang, Mian Cai, Guozhen Xiao: On constructing disjoint linear codes. Frontiers of Computer Science in China 1(2): 226-230 (2007)
22EETongjiang Yan, Rong Sun, Guozhen Xiao: Autocorrelation and Linear Complexity of the New Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences. IEICE Transactions 90-A(4): 857-864 (2007)
21EEShengqiang Li, Zhixiong Chen, Rong Sun, Guozhen Xiao: On the Randomness of Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences of Order Two and Length pq. IEICE Transactions 90-A(9): 2037-2041 (2007)
20EENing Zhang, Zhixiong Chen, Guozhen Xiao: Efficient elliptic curve scalar multiplication algorithms resistant to power analysis. Inf. Sci. 177(10): 2119-2129 (2007)
19EEZhixiong Chen, Xiaoni Du, Guozhen Xiao: Sequences related to Legendre/Jacobi sequences. Inf. Sci. 177(21): 4820-4831 (2007)
18EEShengqiang Li, Zhixiong Chen, Xiaotong Fu, Guozhen Xiao: Autocorrelation Values of New Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences of Order Two and Length pq. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 22(6): 830-834 (2007)
17EEMingXin Lu, Xuejia Lai, Guozhen Xiao, Lei Qin: Symmetric-key cryptosystem with DNA technology. Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 50(3): 324-333 (2007)
16EEZhixiong Chen, Shengqiang Li, Guozhen Xiao: Construction of Pseudo-random Binary Sequences from Elliptic Curves by Using Discrete Logarithm. SETA 2006: 285-294
15EEShimin Wei, Guolong Chen, Guozhen Xiao: A Fast Algorithm for Determining the Linear Complexity of Periodic Sequences. CISC 2005: 202-209
14EEZhang Zhang, Shunsuke Araki, Guozhen Xiao: Improvement of Tseng et al.'s authenticated encryption scheme with message linkages. Applied Mathematics and Computation 162(3): 1475-1483 (2005)
13EEJun-Bao Liu, Guozhen Xiao: Multi-Proxy Multi-Signcryption Scheme from Pairings CoRR abs/cs/0509030: (2005)
12EEEnjian Bai, Xiaojuan Liu, Guozhen Xiao: Linear complexity of new generalized cyclotomic sequences of order two of length pq. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(5): 1849-1853 (2005)
11EEEnjian Bai, Xiaotong Fu, Guozhen Xiao: On the Linear Complexity of Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences of Order Four Over Zpq. IEICE Transactions 88-A(1): 392-395 (2005)
10EEZhihua Niu, Enjian Bai, Guozhen Xiao: The Stability of the Lattice Structure of Pseudorandom Number Sequences. IEICE Transactions 88-A(4): 1096-1098 (2005)
9EEZhihua Niu, Guozhen Xiao: Analysis of the Linear Complexity and Its Stability for 2pn-Periodic Binary Sequences. IEICE Transactions 88-A(9): 2412-2418 (2005)
8 Yupu Hu, Guozhen Xiao: Generalized self-shrinking generator. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(4): 714-719 (2004)
7 Yupu Hu, Guozhen Xiao: Resilient functions over finite fields. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(8): 2040-2046 (2003)
6EEGuozhen Xiao, Shimin Wei: Fast Algorithms for Determining the Linear Complexity of Period Sequences. INDOCRYPT 2002: 12-21
5 Shimin Wei, Guozhen Xiao, Zhong Chen: A fast algorithm for determining the minimal polynomial where of a sequence with period 2pn over GF(q). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(10): 2754-2758 (2002)
4 Huaxiong Wang, Kwok-Yan Lam, Guozhen Xiao, Huanhui Zhao: On Multiplicative Secret Sharing Schemes. ACISP 2000: 342-351
3 Guozhen Xiao, Shimin Wei, Kwok-Yan Lam, Kyoki Imamura: A fast algorithm for determining the linear complexity of a sequence with period pn over GF(q). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(6): 2203-2206 (2000)
2 Yuqing Zhang, Jihong Li, Guozhen Xiao: An Approach to the Formal Verification of the Two-Party Crypographic Protocols. Operating Systems Review 33(4): 48-51 (1999)
1 Cunsheng Ding, Guozhen Xiao, Weijuan Shan: The Stability Theory of Stream Ciphers Springer 1991

Coauthor Index

1Shunsuke Araki [14]
2Enjian Bai [10] [11] [12] [24]
3Mian Cai [23]
4Guolong Chen [15]
5Zhixiong Chen [16] [18] [19] [20] [21] [25] [29]
6Zhong Chen [5]
7Cunsheng Ding [1]
8Xiaoni Du [19] [24] [28] [29] [30]
9Xiaotong Fu [11] [18]
10Li Hong [27]
11Yupu Hu [7] [8]
12Bingjia Huang [26]
13Huawei Huang [32]
14Kyoki Imamura [3]
15Xuejia Lai [17]
16Kwok-Yan Lam [3] [4]
17Jihong Li [2]
18Shengqiang Li [16] [18] [21] [31]
19Jun-Bao Liu [13]
20Xiaojuan Liu [12]
21MingXin Lu [17]
22Zhihua Niu [9] [10]
23Lei Qin [17]
24Weijuan Shan [1]
25Rong Sun [21] [22] [30]
26Huaxiong Wang [4]
27Shimin Wei [3] [5] [6] [15]
28Tongjiang Yan [22] [24] [26] [27] [28] [31]
29Bo Yang [32]
30Ning Zhang [20] [25]
31Weiguo Zhang [23]
32Yuqing Zhang [2]
33Zhang Zhang [14]
34Huanhui Zhao [4]
35Yu Zhou [30]
36Shenglin Zhu [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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