
Irfan Siap

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12EETaher Abualrub, Ali Ghrayeb, Nuh Aydin, Irfan Siap: On the Construction of Skew Quasi-Cyclic Codes CoRR abs/0809.2315: (2008)
11EETaher Abualrub, Irfan Siap: Cyclic codes over the rings Z2+uZ2 and Z2+uZ2 + u2Z2. Des. Codes Cryptography 42(3): 273-287 (2007)
10EEHasan Akin, Irfan Siap: On cellular automata over Galois rings. Inf. Process. Lett. 103(1): 24-27 (2007)
9EEMehmet Ozen, Irfan Siap: Linear Codes over Fq[u]/(us) with Respect to the Rosenbloom-Tsfasman Metric. Des. Codes Cryptography 38(1): 17-29 (2006)
8EEIrfan Siap, Mehmet Ozen: The complete weight enumerator for codes over M n times s(R). Appl. Math. Lett. 17(1): 65-69 (2004)
7 Irfan Siap: New Quasi-Cyclic Codes over GF(8) with Improved Minimum Distance. Ars Comb. 71: (2004)
6EENuh Aydin, Irfan Siap: New quasi-cyclic codes over F5. Appl. Math. Lett. 15(7): 833-836 (2002)
5 Irfan Siap, Dwijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri: New linear codes over F5 obtained by tripling method and improvements on bounds. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(10): 2764-2768 (2002)
4EEIrfan Siap: The Complete Weight Enumerator for Codes over Mn×s(Fq). IMA Int. Conf. 2001: 20-26
3 Nuh Aydin, Irfan Siap, Dwijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri: The Structure of 1-Generator Quasi-Twisted Codes and New Linear Codes. Des. Codes Cryptography 24(3): 313-326 (2001)
2 Irfan Siap, Dwijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri: New Linear Codes Over and and Improvements on Bounds. Des. Codes Cryptography 21(1/3): 223-233 (2000)
1 Irfan Siap, Nuh Aydin, Dijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri: New ternary quasi-cyclic codes with better minimum distances. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(4): 1554-1558 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Taher Abualrub [11] [12]
2Hasan Akin [10]
3Nuh Aydin [1] [3] [6] [12]
4Ali Ghrayeb [12]
5Mehmet Ozen [8] [9]
6Dijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri [1]
7Dwijendra K. Ray-Chaudhuri (Dwijen K. Ray-Chaudhuri) [2] [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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