
Igor Vajda

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11EEPeter Harremoës, Igor Vajda: On the Bahadur-Efficient Testing of Uniformity by Means of the Entropy. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(1): 321-331 (2008)
10EEIgor Vajda, Edward C. van der Meulen: On minimum divergence adaptation of discrete bivariate distributions to given marginals. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(1): 313-320 (2005)
9 M. C. Pardo, Igor Vajda: On asymptotic properties of information-theoretic divergences. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(7): 1860-1867 (2003)
8 Igor Vajda: On convergence of information contained in quantized observations. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(8): 2163-2172 (2002)
7 Igor Vajda, Edward C. van der Meulen: Optimization of Barron density estimates. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(5): 1867-1883 (2001)
6 Georges A. Darbellay, Igor Vajda: Entropy expressions for multivariate continuous distributions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(2): 709-712 (2000)
5 Georges A. Darbellay, Igor Vajda: Estimation of the Information by an Adaptive Partitioning of the Observation Space. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45(4): 1315-1321 (1999)
4 Alain Berlinet, Igor Vajda, Edward C. van der Meulen: About the Asymptotic Accuracy of Barron Density Estimates. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(3): 999-1009 (1998)
3 M. C. Pardo, Igor Vajda: About distances of discrete distributions satisfying the data processing theorem of information theory. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(4): 1288-1293 (1997)
2 Marc Teboulle, Igor Vajda: Convergence of best phi-entropy estimates. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(1): 297- (1993)
1EEOtto Exner, Ivan Kramosil, Igor Vajda: Mathematical evaluation of the fit of a theory with experimental data. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 33(3): 407-411 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Alain Berlinet [4]
2Georges A. Darbellay [5] [6]
3Otto Exner [1]
4Peter Harremoës [11]
5Ivan Kramosil [1]
6Edward C. van der Meulen [4] [7] [10]
7M. C. Pardo [3] [9]
8Marc Teboulle [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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