
Wonjin Sung

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6EESangtae Kim, Wonjin Sung: On Distorted Constellations of 16-Ary Modulation Schemes. IEICE Transactions 91-B(5): 1632-1635 (2008)
5EEJunghoon Lee, Jaewon Chang, Wonjin Sung: Performance improvement of channel estimation based on pilot structure variations for cellular OFDMA systems. VTC Fall (2) 2004: 989-993
4EEDong-Joon Shin, Wonjin Sung: A new Kloosterman sum identity over F2m for odd m. Discrete Mathematics 268(1-3): 337-341 (2003)
3EEYongchul Yun, Jinwoo Choe, Wonjin Sung: A Comparative Study on the Performance of Detectors and Interference Models for OCDMA LANs. AISA 2002: 223-238
2EETaewon Kim, Wonjin Sung, Jinwoo Choe: Optimal Code Weight Selection for 2-D Optical CDMA Systems. AISA 2002: 285-294
1 Wonjin Sung, John T. Coffey: Optimal covering polynomial sets correcting three errors for binary cyclic codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(4): 985-991 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Jaewon Chang [5]
2Jinwoo Choe [2] [3]
3John T. Coffey [1]
4Sangtae Kim [6]
5Taewon Kim [2]
6Junghoon Lee [5]
7Dong-Joon Shin [4]
8Yongchul Yun [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)