
Xi-Ren Cao

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23EEKan-Jian Zhang, Yan-Kai Xu, Xi Chen, Xi-Ren Cao: Policy iteration based feedback control. Automatica 44(4): 1055-1061 (2008)
22EEXi-Ren Cao: Editorial. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 18(1): 1 (2008)
21EEXi-Ren Cao: Editorial. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 17(3): 265 (2007)
20EEYat-wah Wan, Xi-Ren Cao: The control of a two-level Markov decision process by time aggregation. Automatica 42(3): 393-403 (2006)
19EEJi-An Zhao, Bo Li, Xi-Ren Cao, Ishfaq Ahmad: A matrix-analytic solution for the DBMAP/PH/1 priority queue. Queueing Syst. 53(3): 127-145 (2006)
18EEXi-Ren Cao: Basic Ideas for Event-Based Optimization of Markov Systems. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 15(2): 169-197 (2005)
17EEYiping Cheng, Da-Zhong Zheng, Kurt Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune, Xi-Ren Cao: Contributing Authors. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 15(2): 199-200 (2005)
16EEHan-Fu Chen, Xi-Ren Cao, Hai-Tao Fang, Jie Zhu: Nonlinear adaptive blind whitening for MIMO channels. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 53(8-1): 2635-2647 (2005)
15EEXi-Ren Cao, Xianping Guo: A unified approach to Markov decision problems and performance sensitivity analysis with discounted and average criteria: multichain cases. Automatica 40(10): 1749-1759 (2004)
14EEBin Li, Lizhong Li, Bo Li, Krishna M. Sivalingam, Xi-Ren Cao: Call admission control for voice/data integrated cellular networks: performance analysis and comparative study. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 22(4): 706-718 (2004)
13EEXi-Ren Cao: Introduction to the Special Issue on Learning, Optimization, and Decision Making in DEDS. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 13(1-2): 7-8 (2003)
12EEXi-Ren Cao: From Perturbation Analysis to Markov Decision Processes and Reinforcement Learning. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 13(1-2): 9-39 (2003)
11 Xi-Ren Cao, Junjie Wang: Obtaining packet response times for nonblocking ATM switches. Perform. Eval. 51(1): 33-45 (2003)
10 Bin Li, Lizhong Li, Bo Li, Xi-Ren Cao: On Handoff Performance for an Integrated Voice/Data Cellular System. Wireless Networks 9(4): 393-402 (2003)
9 Han-Fu Chen, Xi-Ren Cao, Jie Zhu: Convergence of stochastic-approximation-based algorithms for blind channel identification. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(5): 1214-1225 (2002)
8EEXi-Ren Cao, Hong-Xia Shen, Rodolfo A. Milito, Patricia E. Wirth: Internet pricing with a game theoretical approach: concepts and examples. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 10(2): 208-216 (2002)
7EEDennis P. C. Iun, Xi-Ren Cao: Performance Analysis of a Nonblocking ATM Switch with a Bufferless Internal Speedup Fabric. Computer Networks 30(24): 2337-2347 (1998)
6EEJunjie Wang, Khaled Ben Letaief, Mounir Hamdi, Xi-Ren Cao: Efficient Estimation of Cell Loss and Cell Delay of Nonblocking ATM Switches. LCN 1997: 142-148
5EEXi-Ren Cao, Donald F. Towsley: A performance model for ATM switches with general packet length distributions. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 3(3): 299-309 (1995)
4 Yves Dallery, Xi-Ren Cao: Operational Analysis of Stochastic Closed Queueing Networks. Perform. Eval. 14(1): 43-61 (1992)
3EEXi-Ren Cao: A new method of performance sensitivity analysis for non-Markovian queueing networks. Queueing Syst. 10(4): 313-350 (1992)
2 Xi-Ren Cao: Estimates of performance sensitivity of a stochastic system. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 35(5): 1058-1068 (1989)
1 Xi-Ren Cao: First-Order Perturbation Analysis of a Simple Multi-Class Finite Source Queue. Perform. Eval. 7(1): 31-41 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Ishfaq Ahmad [19]
2Han-Fu Chen [9] [16]
3Xi Chen [23]
4Yiping Cheng [17]
5Yves Dallery [4]
6Hai-Tao Fang [16]
7Xianping Guo [15]
8Mounir Hamdi [6]
9Dennis P. C. Iun [7]
10Stéphane Lafortune [17]
11Khaled Ben Letaief [6]
12Bin Li [10] [14]
13Bo Li [10] [14] [19]
14Lizhong Li [10] [14]
15Rodolfo A. Milito [8]
16Kurt Rohloff [17]
17Hong-Xia Shen [8]
18Krishna M. Sivalingam [14]
19Donald F. Towsley [5]
20Yat-wah Wan [20]
21Junjie Wang [6] [11]
22Patricia E. Wirth [8]
23Yan-Kai Xu [23]
24Kan-Jian Zhang [23]
25Ji-An Zhao [19]
26Da-Zhong Zheng [17]
27Jie Zhu [9] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)