
Saswati Sarkar

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40EEA. Aaram, M. H. R. Khouzani, Saswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas: A fair scheduling policy for wireless channels with intermittent connectivity. CISS 2008: 503-508
39EESaswati Sarkar, Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel: Information Concealing Games. INFOCOM 2008: 2119-2127
38EESudipto Guha, Kamesh Munagala, Saswati Sarkar: Information Acquisition and Exploitation in Multichannel Wireless Networks CoRR abs/0804.1724: (2008)
37EEPrasanna Chaporkar, Koushik Kar, Xiang Luo, Saswati Sarkar: Throughput and Fairness Guarantees Through Maximal Scheduling in Wireless Networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(2): 572-594 (2008)
36EEKoushik Kar, Xiang Luo, Saswati Sarkar: Throughput-optimal scheduling in multichannel access point networks under infrequent channel measurements. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(7): 2619-2629 (2008)
35EEKoushik Kar, Xiang Luo, Saswati Sarkar: Throughput-Optimal Scheduling in Multichannel Access Point Networks Under Infrequent Channel Measurements. INFOCOM 2007: 1640-1648
34EESaswati Sarkar: A Survey of Throughput Versus Complexity Tradeoffs in Wireless Networks. NET-COOP 2007: 115-119
33EEEitan Altman, Saswati Sarkar, Eilon Solan: Constrained Markov games with transition probabilities controlled by a single player. VALUETOOLS 2007: 73
32EERatul K. Guha, Carl A. Gunter, Saswati Sarkar: Fair Coalitions for Power-Aware Routing in Wireless Networks. IEEE Trans. Mob. Comput. 6(2): 206-220 (2007)
31EEDhanant Subhadrabandhu, Saswati Sarkar, Farooq Anjum: A Statistical Framework for Intrusion Detection in Ad Hoc Networks. INFOCOM 2006
30EEPrasanna Chaporkar, Saswati Sarkar: Stable Scheduling Policies for Maximizing Throughput in Generalized Constrained Queueing Systems. INFOCOM 2006
29EESudipto Guha, Kamesh Munagala, Saswati Sarkar: Optimizing transmission rate in wireless channels using adaptive probes. SIGMETRICS/Performance 2006: 381-382
28 Saswati Sarkar, Prasanna Chaporkar, Koushik Kar: Fairness and throughput guarantees with maximal scheduling in multi-hop wireless networks. WiOpt 2006: 286-298
27EEDhanant Subhadrabandhu, Saswati Sarkar, Farooq Anjum: A framework for misuse detection in ad hoc Networks-part I. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24(2): 274-289 (2006)
26EEPrasanna Chaporkar, Saswati Sarkar: Minimizing Delay in Loss-Tolerant MAC Layer Multicast. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(10): 4701-4713 (2006)
25EEPrasanna Chaporkar, Saswati Sarkar, Rahul Shetty: Dynamic quorum policy for maximizing throughput in limited information multiparty MAC. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 14(4): 835-848 (2006)
24EEDhanant Subhadrabandhu, Saswati Sarkar, Farooq Anjum: RIDA: Robust Intrusion Detection in Ad Hoc Networks. NETWORKING 2005: 1069-1082
23EEPrasanna Chaporkar, Saswati Sarkar: Minimizing Delay in Loss-Tolerant MAC Layer Multicast. WiOpt 2005: 358-367
22EEEvangelos Vergetis, Roch Guérin, Saswati Sarkar: Realizing the benefits of user-level channel diversity. Computer Communication Review 35(5): 15-28 (2005)
21EELeandros Tassiulas, Saswati Sarkar: Maxmin fair scheduling in wireless ad hoc networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(1): 163-173 (2005)
20EEEvangelos Vergetis, Roch Guérin, Saswati Sarkar, J. Rank: Can Bluetooth succeed as a large-scale ad hoc networking technology? IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(3): 644-656 (2005)
19EEPrasanna Chaporkar, Saswati Sarkar: Wireless multicast: theory and approaches. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(6): 1954-1972 (2005)
18EESaswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas: Fair distributed congestion control in multirate multicast networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 13(1): 121-133 (2005)
17EEFarooq Anjum, Dhanant Subhadrabandhu, Saswati Sarkar, Rahul Shetty: On Optimal Placement of Intrusion Detection Modules in Sensor Networks. BROADNETS 2004: 690-699
16EEPrasanna Chaporkar, Anita Bhat, Saswati Sarkar: An adaptive strategy for maximizing throughput in MAC layer wireless multicast. MobiHoc 2004: 256-267
15EESaswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas: Fair Bandwidth Allocation for Multicasting in Networks with Discrete Feasible Set. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(7): 785-814 (2004)
14EESaswati Sarkar: Optimum scheduling and memory management in input queued switches with finite buffer space. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 50(12): 3197-3220 (2004)
13EESaswati Sarkar: Optimum Scheduling and Memory Management in Input Queued Switches with FiniteBuffer Space. INFOCOM 2003
12EEMaria Adamou, Saswati Sarkar: A Framework for Optimal Battery Management for Wireless Nodes. INFOCOM 2002
11EELeandros Tassiulas, Saswati Sarkar: Maxmin fair scheduling in wireless networks. INFOCOM 2002
10EEPrasanna Chaporkar, Saswati Sarkar: Providing stochastic delay guarantees through channel characteristics based resource reservation in wireless network. WOWMOM 2002: 1-8
9 Saswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas: A framework for routing and congestion control for multicast information flows. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(10): 2690-2708 (2002)
8 Saswati Sarkar, Kumar N. Sivarajan: Fairness in cellular mobile networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(8): 2418-2426 (2002)
7EESaswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas: Back Pressure Based Multicast Scheduling for Fair Bandwidth Allocation. INFOCOM 2001: 1123-1132
6EEKoushik Kar, Saswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas: Optimization Based Rate Control for Multirate Multicast Sessions. INFOCOM 2001: 123-132
5EEKoushik Kar, Saswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas: A Simple Rate Control Algorithm for Maximizing Total User Utility. INFOCOM 2001: 133-141
4EESaswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas: Fair Allocation of Discrete Bandwidth Layers in Multicast Networks. INFOCOM 2000: 1491-1500
3EESaswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas: Distributed Algorithms for Computation of Fair Rates in Multirate Multicast Trees. INFOCOM 2000: 52-61
2 Saswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas: A Framework for Routing and Congestion Control in Multicast Networks. INFOCOM 1999: 827-836
1 Saswati Sarkar, Kumar N. Sivarajan: Channel Assignment Algorithms Satisfying Co-Channel and Adjacent Channel Reuse Constraints in Cellular Mobile Networks. INFOCOM 1998: 59-68

Coauthor Index

1A. Aaram [40]
2Maria Adamou [12]
3Eitan Altman [33] [39]
4Farooq Anjum [17] [24] [27] [31]
5Rachid El Azouzi [39]
6Anita Bhat [16]
7Prasanna Chaporkar [10] [16] [19] [23] [25] [26] [28] [30] [37]
8Roch Guérin [20] [22]
9Ratul K. Guha [32]
10Sudipto Guha [29] [38]
11Carl A. Gunter [32]
12Yezekael Hayel [39]
13Koushik Kar [5] [6] [28] [35] [36] [37]
14M. H. R. Khouzani [40]
15Xiang Luo [35] [36] [37]
16Kamesh Munagala [29] [38]
17J. Rank [20]
18Rahul Shetty [17] [25]
19Kumar N. Sivarajan [1] [8]
20Eilon Solan [33]
21Dhanant Subhadrabandhu [17] [24] [27] [31]
22Leandros Tassiulas [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [11] [15] [18] [21] [40]
23Evangelos Vergetis [20] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)