
Dominique Pastor

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7EEAbdourrahmane M. Atto, Dominique Pastor: Central Limit Theorems for Wavelet Packet Decompositions of Stationary Random Processes CoRR abs/0802.0797: (2008)
6EEDominique Pastor: A theoretical result for processing signals that have unknown distributions and priors in white Gaussian noise. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52(6): 3167-3186 (2008)
5EEAbdourrahmane M. Atto, Dominique Pastor, Grégoire Mercier: Detection threshold for non-parametric estimation. Signal, Image and Video Processing 2(3): 207-223 (2008)
4EESafaa Jarifi, Dominique Pastor, Olivier Rosec: A fusion approach for automatic speech segmentation of large corpora with application to speech synthesis. Speech Communication 50(1): 67-80 (2008)
3EEDominique Pastor, Asmaa Amehraye: Algorithms and Applications for Estimating the Standard Deviation of AWGN when Observations are not Signal-Free. JCP 2(7): 1-10 (2007)
2EEAbdourrahmane M. Atto, Dominique Pastor, Alexandru Isar: On the statistical decorrelation of the wavelet packet coefficients of a band-limited wide-sense stationary random process. Signal Processing 87(10): 2320-2335 (2007)
1 Dominique Pastor, Roger Gay, Albert Groenenboom: A sharp upper bound for the probability of error of the likelihood ratio test for detecting signals in white Gaussian noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(1): 228-238 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Asmaa Amehraye [3]
2Abdourrahmane M. Atto [2] [5] [7]
3Roger Gay [1]
4Albert Groenenboom [1]
5Alexandru Isar [2]
6Safaa Jarifi [4]
7Grégoire Mercier [5]
8Olivier Rosec [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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