
Udo Pletat

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37EEUdo Pletat: High-Availability in a J2EE Enterprise Application Environment. EAI 2005
36 Udo Pletat: Eine Logikprogrammiersprache mit attribut- und konstruktorbasierten Sorten. WLP 1993: 81-84
35EEChristoph Beierle, Udo Pletat, Rudi Studer: Knowledge Representation for Natural Language Understanding: The LLILOG Approach. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(3): 386-401 (1993)
34 Toni Bollinger, Udo Pletat: An Order-Sorted Logic with Sort Literals and Disjointness Constraints. KR 1992: 413-424
33 Udo Pletat: Knowledge Representation for Natural Language Processing. Logic Programming Summer School 1992: 231-241
32 Christoph Beierle, Ulrich Hedtstück, Udo Pletat, Peter H. Schmitt, Jörg H. Siekmann: An Order-Sorted Logic for Knowledge Representation Systems. Artif. Intell. 55(2): 149-191 (1992)
31 Toni Bollinger, Udo Pletat: Knowledge in operation. IBM Journal of Research and Development 36(6): 965-989 (1992)
30 Udo Pletat: The Knowledge Representation Language L-LILOG. Text Understanding in LILOG 1991: 357-379
29 Toni Bollinger, Sven Lorenz, Udo Pletat: The LILOG Inference Engine. Text Understanding in LILOG 1991: 402-427
28 Toni Bollinger, Udo Pletat: The LILOG Knowledge Representation System IWBS Report 156: (1991)
27 Toni Bollinger, Udo Pletat: Knowledge in Operation IWBS Report 165: (1991)
26 Udo Pletat: Modularizing Knowledge in LILOG IWBS Report 173: (1991)
25 Toni Bollinger, Udo Pletat: The LILOG Knowledge Representation System. SIGART Bulletin 2(3): 22-27 (1991)
24 Christoph Beierle, Ulrich Hedtstück, Udo Pletat, Peter H. Schmitt, Jörg H. Siekmann: An Order-Sorted Logic for Knowledge Representation Systems IWBS Report 113: (1990)
23 Udo Pletat: Aspects of Consistency of Sophisticated Knowledge Representation Languages. Natural Language and Logic 1989: 168-190
22 Udo Pletat, Kai von Luck: Knowledge Representation in LILOG. Sorts and Types in Artificial Intelligence 1989: 140-164
21 Christoph Beierle, Ulrich Hedtstück, Udo Pletat, Jörg H. Siekmann: An Order Sorted Predicate Logic with Closely Coupled Taxonomic Information IWBS Report 86: (1989)
20 Udo Pletat, Kai von Luck: Knowledge Representation in LILOG IWBS Report 90: (1989)
19 Christoph Beierle, Udo Pletat: The Algebra of Feature Graph Specifications IWBS Report 94: (1989)
18 Christoph Beierle, Udo Pletat: Integrating Logic Programming and Equational Specification of Abstract Data Types. ALP 1988: 71-82
17 Christoph Beierle, Udo Pletat: Feature graphs and abstract data types: a unifying approach. COLING 1988: 40-45
16 Christoph Beierle, Jochen Dörre, Udo Pletat, Claus-Rainer Rollinger, Peter H. Schmitt, Rudi Studer: The Knowledge Representation Language LLILOG. CSL 1988: 14-51
15 Christoph Beierle, Udo Pletat, Hans Uszkoreit: An Algebraic Characterization of STUF. Computerlinguistik und ihre theoretischen Grundlagen 1988: 15-32
14 Udo Pletat: Integrating Model Theoretic and Proof Theoretic Interpretation of Logic Programs LILOG-Report 36: (1988)
13 Christoph Beierle, Udo Pletat: Semantics of Logic Programs with Equational Abstract Data Type Specifications LILOG-Report 38: (1988)
12 Christoph Beierle, Udo Pletat: Feature Graphs and Abstract Data Types: A Unifying Approach LILOG-Report 39: (1988)
11 Christoph Beierle, Udo Pletat, Hans Uszkoreit: An Algebraic Characterization of STUF LILOG-Report 40: (1988)
10 Christoph Beierle, Jochen Dörre, Udo Pletat, Claus-Rainer Rollinger, Peter H. Schmitt, Rudi Studer: The Knowledge Representation Language LLILOG LILOG-Report 41: (1988)
9 Christoph Beierle, Udo Pletat: On the Integration of Equality, Sorts, and Logic Programming. ÖGAI 1987: 133-144
8 Udo Pletat: Integrating Model Theoretic and Proof Theoretic Interpretation of Logic Programs. KIFS 1987: 42-64
7 Christoph Beierle, Udo Pletat: On the Interpretation of Equality, Sorts, and Logic Programming LILOG-Report 37: (1987)
6 Udo Pletat, Christoph Beierle: The Semantics of Asserting and Retracting Clauses to Logic Programs LILOG-Report 7: (1987)
5 Udo Pletat: Algebraic Specifications of Abstract Data Types and CCS: An Operational Junction. ADT 1986
4 Udo Pletat: A Graphtheoretic Semantics for Semantic Data Models. TFAIS 1985: 100-115
3 Udo Pletat: Theory and concepts for a software engineering environment. ISPW 1984: 111-121
2 Gregor Engels, Udo Pletat, Hans-Dieter Ehrich: An Operational Semantics for Specifications of Abstract Data Types with Error Handling. Acta Inf. 19: 235-253 (1983)
1 Udo Pletat: Ideas for the Development of Software Systems on the Basis of Algebraic Specifications. ADT 1982

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Beierle [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [24] [32] [35]
2Toni Bollinger [25] [27] [28] [29] [31] [34]
3Jochen Dörre [10] [16]
4Hans-Dieter Ehrich [2]
5Gregor Engels [2]
6Ulrich Hedtstück [21] [24] [32]
7Sven Lorenz [29]
8Kai von Luck [20] [22]
9Claus-Rainer Rollinger [10] [16]
10Peter H. Schmitt [10] [16] [24] [32]
11Jörg H. Siekmann [21] [24] [32]
12Rudi Studer [10] [16] [35]
13Hans Uszkoreit [11] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)