
David D. Woods

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22EEJames W. Davis, Alexander M. Morison, David D. Woods: Building Adaptive Camera Models for Video Surveillance. WACV 2007: 34
21EEJames W. Davis, Alexander M. Morison, David D. Woods: An adaptive focus-of-attention model for video surveillance and monitoring. Mach. Vis. Appl. 18(1): 41-64 (2007)
20EEDavid D. Woods: The law of stretched systems in action: exploiting robots. HRI 2006: 1
19EERobert R. Hoffman, David D. Woods: Toward a Theory of Complex and Cognitive Systems. IEEE Intelligent Systems 20(1): 76-79 (2005)
18EEPaul J. Feltovich, Robert R. Hoffman, David D. Woods, Axel Roesler: Keeping It Too Simple: How the Reductive Tendency Affects Cognitive Engineering. IEEE Intelligent Systems 19(3): 90-94 (2004)
17EEGary Klein, David D. Woods, Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Robert R. Hoffman, Paul J. Feltovich: Ten Challenges for Making Automation a "Team Player" in Joint Human-Agent Activity. IEEE Intelligent Systems 19(6): 91-95 (2004)
16EEEmily S. Patterson, R. I. Cook, David D. Woods, M. L. Render: Examining the complexity behind a medication error: generic patterns in communication. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 34(6): 749-756 (2004)
15EERobert R. Hoffman, Paul J. Feltovich, Kenneth M. Ford, David D. Woods, Gary Klein, Anne Feltovich: A Rose by Any Other Name...Would Probably Be Given an Acronym. IEEE Intelligent Systems 17(4): 72-80 (2002)
14 Emily S. Patterson, David D. Woods: Shift Changes, Updates, and the On-Call Architecture in Space Shuttle Mission Control. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 10(3-4): 317-346 (2001)
13 Emily S. Patterson, Jennifer Watts-Perotti, David D. Woods: Voice Loops as Coordination Aids in Space Shuttle Mission Control. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 8(4): 353-371 (1999)
12EEErik Hollnagel, David D. Woods: Cognitive Systems Engineering: New wine in new bottles. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 51(2): 339-356 (1999)
11EEJennifer C. Watts, David D. Woods, James M. Corban, Emily S. Patterson, Ronald L. Kerr, LaDessa C. Hicks: Voice Loops as Cooperative Aids in Space Shuttle Mission Control. CSCW 1996: 48-56
10EEDavid D. Woods: The price of flexibility. IUI 1993: 19-25
9EEDavid D. Woods: Price of flexibility in intelligent interfaces. Knowl.-Based Syst. 6(4): 189-195 (1993)
8 David D. Woods, Leila Johannesen, Scott S. Potter: Human Interaction with Intelligent Systems: An Overview and Bibliography. SIGART Bulletin 2(5): 39-50 (1991)
7 David D. Woods, Erik Hollnagel: Mapping Cognitive Demands in Complex Problem-Solving Worlds. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 26(2): 257-275 (1987)
6 Giuseppe Mancini, David D. Woods, Erik Hollnagel: Introduction. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 27(5-6): 459-461 (1987)
5 Emilie M. Roth, K. B. Bennett, David D. Woods: Human Interaction with an "Intelligent" Machine. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 27(5-6): 479-525 (1987)
4 David D. Woods: Commentary: Cognitive Engineering in Complex and Dynamic Worlds. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 27(5-6): 571-585 (1987)
3 David D. Woods: Cognitive Technologies: The Design of Joint Human-Machine Cognitive Systems. AI Magazine 6(4): 86-92 (1986)
2 David D. Woods: Visual Momentum: A Concept to Improve the Cognitive Coupling of Person and Computer. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 21(3): 229-244 (1984)
1 Erik Hollnagel, David D. Woods: Cognitive Systems Engineering: New Wine in New Bottles. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 18(6): 583-600 (1983)

Coauthor Index

1K. B. Bennett [5]
2Jeffrey M. Bradshaw (Jeffrey Bradshaw) [17]
3R. I. Cook [16]
4James M. Corban [11]
5James W. Davis [21] [22]
6Anne Feltovich [15]
7Paul J. Feltovich [15] [17] [18]
8Kenneth M. Ford [15]
9LaDessa C. Hicks [11]
10Robert R. Hoffman [15] [17] [18] [19]
11Erik Hollnagel [1] [6] [7] [12]
12Leila Johannesen [8]
13Ronald L. Kerr [11]
14Gary Klein [15] [17]
15Giuseppe Mancini [6]
16Alexander M. Morison [21] [22]
17Emily S. Patterson [11] [13] [14] [16]
18Scott S. Potter [8]
19M. L. Render [16]
20Axel Roesler [18]
21Emilie M. Roth [5]
22Jennifer C. Watts [11]
23Jennifer Watts-Perotti [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)