Volume 4,
Number 1,
Spring 1997
Volume 4,
Number 2,
Spring 1997
- Thomas S. Anantharaman, Bud Mishra, David C. Schwartz:
Genomics via Optical Mapping II: Ordered Restriction Maps.
91-118 BibTeX
- Vlado Dancík, Sridhar Hannenhalli, S. Muthukrishnan:
Hardness of Flip-Cut Problems from Optical Mapping.
119-126 BibTeX
- John Henderson, Steven Salzberg, Kenneth H. Fasman:
Finding Genes in DNA with a Hidden Markov Model.
127-142 BibTeX
- Paul E. Kearney:
A Six-Point Condition for Ordinal Matrices.
143-156 BibTeX
- Martin Farach:
Recognizing Circular Decompossible Metrics.
157-162 BibTeX
- Dorit S. Hochbaum, Anu Pathria:
Path Costs in Evolutionary Tree Reconstruction.
163-176 BibTeX
- L. Zhang:
On a Mirkin-Muchnik-Smith Conjecture for Comparing Molecular Phylogenies.
177-188 BibTeX
- Sophie Schbath:
An Efficient Statistic to Detect Over-and Under-Represented Words in DNA Sequences.
189-192 BibTeX
- J. Z. Dalgaard, M. J. Moser, Richard Hughey, I. Saira Mian:
Statistic Modeling, Phylogenetic Analysis and Strjucture Prediction of a Protein Splicing Domain Common to Infeins and Hedgehog Proteins.
193- BibTeX
Volume 4,
Number 3,
Fall 1997
Selected Papers (Part I) from RECOMB'97
- Michael S. Waterman, Sorin Istrail, Pavel A. Pevzner:
Selected Papers from RECOMB'97 - Preface.
215-216 BibTeX
- Temple F. Smith, Loredana Lo Conte, Jadwiga R. Bienkowska, Chrysanthe Gaitatzes, Robert G. Rogers, Richard H. Lathrop:
Current Limitations to Protein Threading Approaches.
217-226 BibTeX
- Ken A. Dill, Andrew T. Phillips, J. Ben Rosen:
Protein Structure and Energy Landscape Dependence on Sequence Using a Continuous Energy Function.
227-240 BibTeX
- William E. Hart, Sorin Istrail:
Lattice and Off-Lattice Side Chain Models of Protein Folding: Linear Time Structure Prediction Better than 86% of Optimal.
241-260 BibTeX
- Bonnie Berger, Mona Singh:
An Iterative Method for Improved Protein Structural Motif Recognition.
261-274 BibTeX
- Richa Agarwala, Serafim Batzoglou, Vlado Dancík, Scott E. Decatur, Sridhar Hannenhalli, Martin Farach, S. Muthukrishnan, Steven Skiena:
Local Rules for Protein Folding on a Triangular Lattice and Generalized Hydrophobicity in the HP Model.
275-296 BibTeX
- Sing-Hoi Sze, Pavel A. Pevzner:
Las Vegas Algorithms for Gene Recognition: Suboptimal and Error-Tolerant Spliced Alignment.
297-310 BibTeX
- Martin G. Reese, Frank H. Eeckman, David Kulp, David Haussler:
Improved Splice Site Detection in Genie.
311-324 BibTeX
- Ying Xu, Edward C. Uberbacher:
Automated Gene Identification in Large-Scale Genomic Sequences.
325-338 BibTeX
- Zheng Zhang, William R. Pearson, Webb Miller:
Aligning a DNA Sequence with a Protein Sequence.
339-350 BibTeX
- Gary Benson:
Sequence Alignment with Tandem Duplication.
351-368 BibTeX
- Eric L. Anson, Eugene W. Myers:
ReAligner: A Program for Refining DNA Sequence Multi-Alignments.
369-384 BibTeX
- Tetsuo Shibuya, Hiroshi Imai:
New Flexible Approaches for Multiple Sequence Alignment.
385-414 BibTeX
- Benno Schwikowski, Martin Vingron:
The Deferred Path Heuristic for the Generalized Tree Alignment Problem.
415-431 BibTeX
Volume 4,
Number 4,
Winter 1997
Selected Papers (Part II) from RECOMB'97
- Thomas Christof, Michael Jünger, John D. Kececioglu, Petra Mutzel, Gerhard Reinelt:
A Branch-and-Cut Approach to Physical Mapping of Chromosomes by Unique End-Probes.
433-448 BibTeX
- Mudita Jain, Eugene W. Myers:
Algorithms for Computing and Integrating Physical Maps Using Unique Probes.
449-466 BibTeX
- Fengzhu Sun, Gary Benson, Norman Arnheim, Michael S. Waterman:
Pooling Strategies for Establishing Physical Genome Maps Using FISH.
467-486 BibTeX
- Donna K. Slonim, Leonid Kruglyak, Lincoln Stein, Eric S. Lander:
Building Human Genome Maps with Radiation Hybrids.
487-504 BibTeX
- S. C. Heath:
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods for Radiation Hybrid Mapping.
505-516 BibTeX
- Amir Ben-Dor, Benny Chor:
On Constructing Radiation Hybrid Maps.
517-534 BibTeX
- Shili Lin, Terence P. Speed:
An Algorithm for Haplotype Analysis.
535-546 BibTeX
- Jaime Cohen, Martin Farach:
Numerical Taxonomy on Data: Experimental Results.
547-558 BibTeX
- David Sankoff, Vincent Ferretti, Joseph H. Nadeau:
Conserved Segment Identification.
559- BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:07:06 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)