
Arndt von Haeseler

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20EEBui Quang Minh, Fabio Pardi, Steffen Klaere, Arndt von Haeseler: Budgeted Phylogenetic Diversity on Circular Split Systems. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 6(1): 22-29 (2009)
19EEDominic Mainz, Ingo Paulsen, Indra Mainz, Katrin Weller, Jochen Kohl, Arndt von Haeseler: Knowledge Acquisition Focused Cooperative Development of Bio-ontologies - A Case Study with BIO2Me. BIRD 2008: 258-272
18EEAnne Kupczok, Arndt von Haeseler, Steffen Klaere: An Exact Algorithm for the Geodesic Distance between Phylogenetic Trees. Journal of Computational Biology 15(6): 577-591 (2008)
17EEHeiko A. Schmidt, Arndt von Haeseler, Jutta Buschbom: pIPHULA - parallel inference of population parameters using a likelihood approach. Bioinformatics 23(19): 2636-2637 (2007)
16EEThomas Laubach, Arndt von Haeseler: TreeSnatcher: coding trees from images. Bioinformatics 23(24): 3384-3385 (2007)
15EETanja Gesell, Arndt von Haeseler: In silico sequence evolution with site-specific interactions along phylogenetic trees. Bioinformatics 22(6): 716-722 (2006)
14EEIngo Paulsen, Arndt von Haeseler: INVHOGEN: a database of homologous invertebrate genes. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Database-Issue): 349-353 (2006)
13EEJochen Kohl, Ingo Paulsen, Thomas Laubach, Achim Radtke, Arndt von Haeseler: HvrBase++: a phylogenetic database for primate species. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Database-Issue): 700-704 (2006)
12EELe Sy Vinh, Arndt von Haeseler: Shortest triplet clustering: reconstructing large phylogenies using representative sets. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 92 (2005)
11EEBui Quang Minh, Le Sy Vinh, Arndt von Haeseler, Heiko A. Schmidt: pIQPNNI: parallel reconstruction of large maximum likelihood phylogenies. Bioinformatics 21(19): 3794-3796 (2005)
10EEHeiko A. Schmidt, Ekkehard Petzold, Martin Vingron, Arndt von Haeseler: Molecular phylogenetics: parallelized parameter estimation and quartet puzzling. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 63(7-8): 719-727 (2003)
9 Heiko A. Schmidt, Korbinian Strimmer, Martin Vingron, Arndt von Haeseler: TREE-PUZZLE: maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis using quartets and parallel computing. Bioinformatics 18(3): 502-504 (2002)
8 Roland Fleißner, Dirk Metzler, Arndt von Haeseler: Can One Estimate Distances from Pairwise Sequence Alignments? German Conference on Bioinformatics 2000: 89-96
7 Florian Burckhardt, Arndt von Haeseler, Sonja Meyer: HvrBase: compilation of mtDNA control region sequences from primates. Nucleic Acids Research 27(1): 138-142 (1999)
6 T. Fujino, N. Navaratnam, A. Jarmuz, Arndt von Haeseler, J. Scott: C-->U editing of apolipoprotein B mRNA in marsupials: identification and characterisation of APOBEC-1 from the American opossum Monodelphus domestica. Nucleic Acids Research 27(13): 2662-2671 (1999)
5 Arndt von Haeseler, M. Schoniger: Evolution of DNA or Amino Acid Sequences with Dependent Sites. Journal of Computational Biology 5(1): 149-164 (1998)
4 Oliva Handt, Sonja Meyer, Arndt von Haeseler: Compilation of human mtDNA control region sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 26(1): 126-129 (1998)
3 Martin Vingron, Arndt von Haeseler: Towards Integration of Multiple Alignment and Phylogenetic Tree Construction. Journal of Computational Biology 4(1): 23-34 (1997)
2 M. Schoniger, Arndt von Haeseler: Simulating efficiently the evolution of DNA sequences. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 11(1): 111-115 (1995)
1 Gunter Weiss, Arndt von Haeseler: Modeling the Polymerase Chain Reaction. Journal of Computational Biology 2(1): 49-61 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Florian Burckhardt [7]
2Jutta Buschbom [17]
3Roland Fleißner [8]
4T. Fujino [6]
5Tanja Gesell [15]
6Oliva Handt [4]
7A. Jarmuz [6]
8Steffen Klaere [18] [20]
9Jochen Kohl [13] [19]
10Anne Kupczok [18]
11Thomas Laubach [13] [16]
12Dominic Mainz [19]
13Indra Mainz [19]
14Dirk Metzler [8]
15Sonja Meyer [4] [7]
16Bui Quang Minh [11] [20]
17N. Navaratnam [6]
18Fabio Pardi [20]
19Ingo Paulsen [13] [14] [19]
20Ekkehard Petzold [10]
21Achim Radtke [13]
22Heiko A. Schmidt [9] [10] [11] [17]
23M. Schoniger [2] [5]
24J. Scott [6]
25Korbinian Strimmer [9]
26Martin Vingron [3] [9] [10]
27Le Sy Vinh [11] [12]
28Gunter Weiss [1]
29Katrin Weller [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)