
Donna K. Slonim

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10EEXintao Wei, Lenore Cowen, Carla E. Brodley, Arthur Brady, D. Sculley, Donna K. Slonim: A Distance-Based Method for Detecting Horizontal Gene Transfer in Whole Genomes. ISBRA 2008: 26-37
9EEAudrey Girouard, Noah W. Smith, Donna K. Slonim: Motif Evaluation by Leave-one-out Scoring. CIBCB 2006: 1-7
8EEDonna K. Slonim, Pablo Tamayo, Jill P. Mesirov, Todd R. Golub, Eric S. Lander: Class prediction and discovery using gene expression data. RECOMB 2000: 263-272
7 Avrim Blum, Prasad Chalasani, Sally A. Goldman, Donna K. Slonim: Learning with Unreliable Boundary Queries. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 56(2): 209-222 (1998)
6EEDonna K. Slonim, Leonid Kruglyak, Lincoln Stein, Eric S. Lander: Building human genome maps with radiation hybrids. RECOMB 1997: 277-286
5 Donna K. Slonim, Leonid Kruglyak, Lincoln Stein, Eric S. Lander: Building Human Genome Maps with Radiation Hybrids. Journal of Computational Biology 4(4): 487-504 (1997)
4EEAvrim Blum, Prasad Chalasani, Sally A. Goldman, Donna K. Slonim: Learning with Unreliable Boundary Queries. COLT 1995: 98-107
3 Michael A. Bender, Donna K. Slonim: The Power of Team Exploration: Two Robots Can Learn Unlabeled Directed Graphs FOCS 1994: 75-85
2 Dana Angluin, Donna K. Slonim: Randomly Fallible Teachers: Learning Monotone DNF with an Incomplete Membership Oracle. Machine Learning 14(1): 7-26 (1994)
1EEDana Angluin, Donna K. Slonim: Learning Monotone DNF with an Incomplete Membership Oracle. COLT 1991: 139-146

Coauthor Index

1Dana Angluin [1] [2]
2Michael A. Bender [3]
3Avrim Blum [4] [7]
4Arthur Brady [10]
5Carla E. Brodley [10]
6Prasad Chalasani [4] [7]
7Lenore Cowen [10]
8Audrey Girouard [9]
9Sally A. Goldman [4] [7]
10Todd R. Golub [8]
11Leonid Kruglyak [5] [6]
12Eric S. Lander [5] [6] [8]
13Jill P. Mesirov [8]
14D. Sculley (David Sculley) [10]
15Noah W. Smith [9]
16Lincoln Stein [5] [6]
17Pablo Tamayo [8]
18Xintao Wei [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)