
William E. Hart

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32EEWilliam E. Hart, Jonathan W. Berry, Robert Heaphy, Cynthia A. Phillips: EXACT: the experimental algorithmics computational toolkit. Experimental Computer Science 2007: 14
31EEWilliam E. Hart, Jonathan W. Berry, Erik G. Boman, Cynthia A. Phillips, Lee Ann Riesen, Jean-Paul Watson: Limited-Memory Techniques for Sensor Placement in Water Distribution Networks. LION 2007: 125-137
30EERobert D. Carr, Harvey J. Greenberg, William E. Hart, Goran Konjevod, Erik Lauer, Henry Lin, Tod Morrison, Cynthia A. Phillips: Robust optimization of contaminant sensor placement for community water systems. Math. Program. 107(1-2): 337-356 (2006)
29EELauren M. Clevenger, Lauren Ferguson, William E. Hart: A Filter-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Constrained Optimization. Evolutionary Computation 13(3): 329-352 (2005)
28EEWilliam E. Hart: Rethinking the design of real-coded evolutionary algorithms: Making discrete choices in continuous search domains. Soft Comput. 9(4): 225-235 (2005)
27EELauren M. Clevenger, William E. Hart: Convergence Examples of a Filter-Based Evolutionary Algorithm. GECCO (1) 2004: 666-677
26 Jean-Paul Watson, Michael Collins, William E. Hart, Hai Le, Laura Painton Swiler, Bruce Thompson: Spares Optimization for the Lockheed Martin Joint Strike Fighter. Winter Simulation Conference 2004
25EEWilliam E. Hart, N. Ktaliorasnogor, J. E. Smith: Editorial Introduction Special Issue on Memetic Algorithms. Evolutionary Computation 12(3): (2004)
24EEHarvey J. Greenberg, William E. Hart, Giuseppe Lancia: Opportunities for Combinatorial Optimization in Computational Biology. INFORMS Journal on Computing 16(3): 211-231 (2004)
23 William E. Hart: Locally-Adaptive and Memetic Evolutionary Pattern Search Algorithms. Evolutionary Computation 11(1): 29-51 (2003)
22 John DeLaurentis, Lauren Ferguson, William E. Hart: On The Convergence Properties Of A Simple Self-adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm. GECCO 2002: 229-237
21 William E. Hart: A Convergence Analysis of Unconstrained and Bound Constrained Evolutionary Pattern Search. Evolutionary Computation 9(1): 1-23 (2001)
20 William E. Hart: Evolutionary pattern search algorithms for unconstrained and linearly constrained optimization. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 5(4): 388-397 (2001)
19EEWilliam E. Hart, Sorin Istrail: Invariant Patterns in Crystal Lattices: Implications for Protein Folding Algorithms. J. UCS 6(6): 560-579 (2000)
18 William E. Hart: Comparing Evolutionary Programs and Evolutionary Pattern Search Algorithms: A Drug Docking Application. GECCO 1999: 855-862
17EEJohn Atkins, William E. Hart: On the Intractability of Protein Folding with a Finite Alphabet of Amino Acids. Algorithmica 25(2-3): 279-294 (1999)
16 William E. Hart: On the Application of Evolutionary Pattern Search Algorithms. Evolutionary Programming 1998: 303-312
15EEGarrett M. Morris, David S. Goodsell, Robert S. Halliday, Ruth Huey, William E. Hart, Richard K. Belew, Arthur J. Olson: Automated docking using a Lamarckian genetic algorithm and an empirical binding free energy function. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(14): 1639-1662 (1998)
14 William E. Hart: A Generalized Stationary Point Convergence Theory for Evolutionary Algorithms. ICGA 1997: 127-134
13 Christopher D. Rosin, R. Scott Halliday, William E. Hart, Richard K. Belew: A Comparison of Global and Local Search Methods in Drug Docking. ICGA 1997: 221-229
12EEWilliam E. Hart: On the computational complexity of sequence design problems. RECOMB 1997: 128-136
11EEWilliam E. Hart, Sorin Istrail: Lattice and off-lattice side chain models of protein folding (extended abstract): linear time structure prediction better than 86% of optimal. RECOMB 1997: 137-146
10 William E. Hart, Sorin Istrail: Robust Proofs of NP-Hardness for Protein Folding: General Lattices and Energy Potentials. Journal of Computational Biology 4(1): 1-22 (1997)
9 William E. Hart, Sorin Istrail: Lattice and Off-Lattice Side Chain Models of Protein Folding: Linear Time Structure Prediction Better than 86% of Optimal. Journal of Computational Biology 4(3): 241-260 (1997)
8 William E. Hart, Sorin Istrail: Invariant Patterns in Crystal Lattices: Implications for Protein Folding Algorithms (Extended Abstract). CPM 1996: 288-303
7 William E. Hart: A Theoretical Comparison of Evolutionary Algorithms and Simulated Annealing. Evolutionary Programming 1996: 147-154
6 William E. Hart: A Stationary Point Convergence Theory for Evolutionary Algorithms. FOGA 1996: 325-342
5EEWilliam E. Hart, Scott B. Baden, Richard K. Belew, Scott R. Kohn: Analysis of the Numerical Effects of Parallelism on a Parallel Genetic Algorithm. IPPS 1996: 606-612
4 William E. Hart, Sorin Istrail: Fast Protein Folding in the Hydrophobic-Hydrophillic Model within Three-Eights of Optimal. Journal of Computational Biology 3(1): 53-96 (1996)
3EEWilliam E. Hart, Sorin Istrail: Fast protein folding in the hydrophobic-hydrophilic model within three-eights of optimal (Extended Abstract). STOC 1995: 157-168
2 William E. Hart, Michael H. Goldbaum: Registering Retinal Images Using Automatically Selected Control Point Pairs. ICIP (3) 1994: 576-580
1 William E. Hart, Richard K. Belew: Optimising an Arbitrary Function is Hard for the Genetic Algorithm. ICGA 1991: 190-195

Coauthor Index

1John Atkins [17]
2Scott B. Baden [5]
3Richard K. Belew [1] [5] [13] [15]
4Jonathan W. Berry [31] [32]
5Erik G. Boman [31]
6Robert D. Carr [30]
7Lauren M. Clevenger [27] [29]
8Michael Collins [26]
9John DeLaurentis [22]
10Lauren Ferguson [22] [29]
11Michael H. Goldbaum [2]
12David S. Goodsell [15]
13Harvey J. Greenberg [24] [30]
14R. Scott Halliday [13]
15Robert S. Halliday [15]
16Robert Heaphy [32]
17Ruth Huey [15]
18Sorin Istrail [3] [4] [8] [9] [10] [11] [19]
19Scott R. Kohn [5]
20Goran Konjevod [30]
21N. Ktaliorasnogor [25]
22Giuseppe Lancia [24]
23Erik Lauer [30]
24Hai Le [26]
25Henry Lin [30]
26Garrett M. Morris [15]
27Tod Morrison [30]
28Arthur J. Olson [15]
29Cynthia A. Phillips [30] [31] [32]
30Lee Ann Riesen [31]
31Christopher D. Rosin [13]
32J. E. Smith [25]
33Laura Painton Swiler [26]
34Bruce Thompson [26]
35Jean-Paul Watson [26] [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)