2009 |
16 | EE | Andrew T. Phillips:
Molecular Structure Determination: Convex Global Underestimation.
Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 2311-2316 |
15 | EE | Andrew T. Phillips:
Quadratic Fractional Programming: Dinkelbach Method.
Encyclopedia of Optimization 2009: 3149-3153 |
2006 |
14 | EE | Paul J. Wagner,
Andrew T. Phillips:
A portable computer security workshop.
ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 6(4): (2006) |
2004 |
13 | EE | Michael R. Wick,
Daniel E. Stevenson,
Andrew T. Phillips:
Seven design rules for teaching students sound encapsulation and abstraction of object properties and member data.
SIGCSE 2004: 100-104 |
12 | EE | Andrew T. Phillips:
Highlighting programming language issues using mixed language programming nn Maple and C.
SIGCSE 2004: 85-89 |
2003 |
11 | EE | Andrew T. Phillips,
Jack S. E. Tan:
Exploring security vulnerabilities by exploiting buffer overflow using the MIPS ISA.
SIGCSE 2003: 172-176 |
10 | EE | Andrew T. Phillips,
Daniel E. Stevenson,
Michael R. Wick:
Implementing CC2001: a breadth-first introductory course for a just-in-time curriculum design.
SIGCSE 2003: 238-242 |
9 | EE | Daniel E. Stevenson,
Andrew T. Phillips:
Implementing object equivalence in Java using the template method design pattern.
SIGCSE 2003: 278-282 |
8 | EE | Andrew T. Phillips,
C. Alex Buerkle:
A computational science case study: classification of hybrids using genetic markers and maximum-likelihood estimates.
SIGCSE Bulletin 35(2): 94-98 (2003) |
2002 |
7 | EE | Michael R. Wick,
Daniel E. Stevenson,
Andrew T. Phillips:
Using an environment chain model to teach inheritance in C++.
SIGCSE 2002: 297-301 |
6 | EE | Peter R. Turner,
Angela B. Shiflet,
Steve Cunningham,
Kris Stewart,
Andrew T. Phillips,
Ignatios Vakalis:
Undergraduate computational science and engineering programs and courses.
SIGCSE 2002: 96-97 |
5 | EE | Michael R. Wick,
Andrew T. Phillips:
Comparing the template method and strategy design patterns in a genetic algorithm application.
SIGCSE Bulletin 34(4): 76-80 (2002) |
1999 |
4 | EE | Julie C. Mitchell,
J. Ben Rosen,
Andrew T. Phillips,
Lynn F. Ten Eyck:
Coupled optimization in protein docking.
RECOMB 1999: 280-284 |
3 | EE | K. W. Foreman,
Andrew T. Phillips,
J. Ben Rosen,
Ken A. Dill:
Comparing search strategies for finding global optima on energy landscapes.
Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(14): 1527-1532 (1999) |
1997 |
2 | EE | Ken A. Dill,
Andrew T. Phillips,
J. Ben Rosen:
Protein structure prediction and potential energy landscape analysis using continuous global minimization.
RECOMB 1997: 109-117 |
1 | | Ken A. Dill,
Andrew T. Phillips,
J. Ben Rosen:
Protein Structure and Energy Landscape Dependence on Sequence Using a Continuous Energy Function.
Journal of Computational Biology 4(3): 227-240 (1997) |