
Edward Tunstel

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19EEEdward Tunstel, Gary T. Anderson, Edmond W. Wilson: Autonomous mobile surveying for science rovers using in situ distributed remote sensing. SMC 2007: 2348-2353
18EEB. Horan, Saeid Nahavandi, Douglas C. Creighton, Edward Tunstel: Fuzzy haptic augmentation for telerobotic stair climbing. SMC 2007: 2437-2442
17EEEdward Tunstel: Operational performance metrics for mars exploration rovers. J. Field Robotics 24(8-9): 651-670 (2007)
16 Terry Huntsberger, Hrand Aghazarian, Edward Tunstel: Onboard Adaptive Learning for Planetary Surface Rover Control in Rough Terrain. ICRA 2005: 4156-4163
15EEDerek Wong, Robert Kozma, Edward Tunstel, Walter J. Freeman: Navigation in a Challenging Martian Environment using Multi-sensory Fusion in KIV Model. ICRA 2004: 672-677
14EEAyanna M. Howard, Edward Tunstel: A Self-Contained Traversability Sensor for Safe Mobile Robot Guidance in Unknown Terrain. WSC 2004: 731-748
13 Paul S. Schenker, Terrance L. Huntsberger, Paolo Pirjanian, Eric T. Baumgartner, Edward Tunstel: Planetary Rover Developments Supporting Mars Exploration, Sample Return and Future Human-Robotic Colonization. Auton. Robots 14(2-3): 103-126 (2003)
12EEEdward Tunstel, Ayanna M. Howard: Approximate reasoning for safety and survivability of planetary rovers. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 134(1): 27-46 (2003)
11 Terrance L. Huntsberger, Hrand Aghazarian, Yang Cheng, Eric T. Baumgartner, Edward Tunstel, Chris Leger, Ashitey Trebi-Ollennu, Paul S. Schenker: Rover Autonomy for Long Range Navigation and Science Data Acquisition on Planetary Surfaces. ICRA 2002: 3161-3168
10 Edward Tunstel, Marco A. A. de Oliveira, Sigal Berman: Fuzzy behavior hierarchies for multi-robot control. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 17(5): 449-470 (2002)
9 Edward Tunstel, Ayanna M. Howard, Homayoun Seraji: Fuzzy Rule-Based Reasoning for Rover Safety and Survivability. ICRA 2001: 1413-1420
8 Ayanna M. Howard, Homayoun Seraji, Edward Tunstel: A Rule-Based Fuzzy Traversability Index for Mobile Robot Navigation. ICRA 2001: 3067-3071
7 Ayanna M. Howard, Homayoun Seraji, Edward Tunstel: Safe Navigation on Hazardous Terrain. ICRA 2001: 3084-3091
6 Edward Tunstel: Ethology as an Inspiration for Adaptive Behavior Synthesis in Autonomous Planetary Rovers. Auton. Robots 11(3): 332-340 (2001)
5 Daryl Battle, Abdollah Homaifar, Edward Tunstel, Gerry V. Dozier: Genetic Programming of Full Knowledge Bases for Fuzzy Logic Controllers. GECCO 1999: 1463-1468
4EEEdward Tunstel: Fuzzy spatial map representation for mobile robot navigation. SAC 1995: 586-589
3EEEdward Tunstel, Naren Vira: Computer generation of geometrical error equations applicable for improvement of robots' positioning accuracy. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 7(1): 3-26 (1991)
2 Naren Vira, T. Gill, Edward Tunstel: Application of Symbolic Computation in Robot Pose Error Modeling. J. Symb. Comput. 10(5): 509-524 (1990)
1 Naren Vira, Edward Tunstel: Computer Generation of Geometrical Error Equations Applicable for Improvement of Robots' Positioning Accuracy. IAS 1989: 650-660

Coauthor Index

1Hrand Aghazarian [11] [16]
2Gary T. Anderson [19]
3Daryl Battle [5]
4Eric T. Baumgartner [11] [13]
5Sigal Berman [10]
6Yang Cheng [11]
7Douglas C. Creighton [18]
8Gerry V. Dozier [5]
9Walter J. Freeman [15]
10T. Gill [2]
11Abdollah Homaifar [5]
12B. Horan [18]
13Ayanna M. Howard [7] [8] [9] [12] [14]
14Terrance L. Huntsberger (Terry Huntsberger) [11] [13] [16]
15Robert Kozma [15]
16Chris Leger [11]
17Saeid Nahavandi [18]
18Marco A. A. de Oliveira [10]
19Paolo Pirjanian [13]
20Paul S. Schenker [11] [13]
21Homayoun Seraji [7] [8] [9]
22Ashitey Trebi-Ollennu [11]
23Naren Vira [1] [2] [3]
24Edmond W. Wilson [19]
25Derek Wong [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)