21. FOCS 1980:
New York
21st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,
Syracuse, New York, 13-15 October 1980. IEEE Computer Society
- Richard M. Karp, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
On Linear Characterizations of Combinatorial Optimization Problems.
1-9 BibTeX
- Mihalis Yannakakis:
On a Class of Totally Unimodular Matrices.
10-16 BibTeX
- Silvio Micali, Vijay V. Vazirani:
An O(sqrt(|v|) |E|) Algorithm for Finding Maximum Matching in General Graphs.
17-27 BibTeX
- T. C. Hu, M. T. Shing:
Some Theorems about Matrix Multiplication (Extended Abstract).
28-35 BibTeX
- Merrick L. Furst, John E. Hopcroft, Eugene M. Luks:
Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Permutation Groups.
36-41 BibTeX
- Eugene M. Luks:
Isomorphism of Graphs of Bounded Valence Can Be Tested in Polynomial Time.
42-49 BibTeX
- Barbara Simons:
A Fast Algorithm for Multiprocessor Scheduling.
50-53 BibTeX
- Stephen R. Mahaney:
Sparse Complete Sets for NP: Solution of a Conjecture of Berman and Hartmanis.
54-60 BibTeX
- Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Efficient Algorithms for Path System Problems and Applications to Alternating and Time-Space Complexity Classes.
62-73 BibTeX
- Neil Immerman:
Upper and Lower Bounds for First Order Expressibility.
74-82 BibTeX
- Eitan M. Gurari:
The Equivalence Problem for Deterministic Two-Way Sequential Transducers Is Decidable.
83-85 BibTeX
- Gary L. Peterson:
Succinct Representation, Random Strings, and Complexity Classes.
86-95 BibTeX
- Gérard P. Huet, Jean-Marie Hullot:
Proofs by Induction in Equational Theories with Constructors.
96-107 BibTeX
- Paul Chew:
An Improved Algorithm for Computing With Equations.
108-117 BibTeX
- Robert L. Constable:
Programs and Types.
118-128 BibTeX
- David Harel, Dexter Kozen, Rohit Parikh:
Process Logic: Expressiveness, Decidability, Completeness.
129-142 BibTeX
- Nissim Francez, Daniel J. Lehmann, Amir Pnueli:
A Linear History Semantics for Distributed Languages (Extended Abstract).
143-151 BibTeX
- Harry B. Hunt III, Daniel J. Rosenkrantz:
The Complexity of Recursion Schemes and Recursive Programming Languages (Extended Abstract).
152-160 BibTeX
- Bruno Courcelle, Paul Franchi-Zannettacci:
On the Expressive Power of Attribute Grammars.
161-172 BibTeX
- A. J. Kfoury:
Loop Elimination and Loop Reduction-A Model-Theoretic Analysis of Programs (Partial Report).
173-184 BibTeX
- Neil D. Jones, Steven S. Muchnick:
Complexity of Flow Analysis, Inductive Assertion Synthesis and a Language Due to Dijkstra.
185-190 BibTeX
- Michael L. Fredman:
The Inherent Complexity of Dynamic Data Structures which Accommodate Range Queries.
191-199 BibTeX
- David P. Dobkin, J. Ian Munro:
Efficient Uses of the Past.
200-206 BibTeX
- Philippe Flajolet, Andrew M. Odlyzko:
Exploring Binary Trees and Other Simple Trees.
207-216 BibTeX
- Jon Louis Bentley, Donna J. Brown:
A General Class of Resource Tradeoffs (Extended Abstract).
217-228 BibTeX
- Ernst-Erich Doberkat:
Some Observations on the Average Behavior of Heapsort (Preliminary Report).
229-237 BibTeX
- Jeffrey Scott Vitter:
Tuning the Coalesced Hashing Method to Obtain Optimum Performance (Detailed Abstract).
238-247 BibTeX
- Samuel W. Bent, Daniel Dominic Sleator, Robert Endre Tarjan:
Biased 2-3 Trees.
248-254 BibTeX
- Greg N. Frederickson:
Implicit Data Structures with Fast Update (Preliminary Report).
255-259 BibTeX
- Robert W. Floyd, Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Compilation of Regular Expressions into Integrated Circuits (Extended Abstract).
260-269 BibTeX
- Charles E. Leiserson:
Area-Efficient Graph Layouts (for VLSI).
270-281 BibTeX
- Andrea S. LaPaugh:
A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Optimal Routing around a Rectangle (Extended Abstract).
282-293 BibTeX
- Jean Vuillemin:
A Combinatorial Limit to the Computing Power of V.L.S.I. Circuits (Extended Abstract).
294-300 BibTeX
- F. Frances Yao:
On the Priority Approach to Hidden-Surface Algorithms (Preliminary Report).
301-307 BibTeX
- Dov Harel:
A Linear Time Algorithm for the Lowest Common Ancestors Problem (Extended Abstract).
308-319 BibTeX
- Mark N. Wegman:
Parsing for Structural Editors (Extended Abstract).
320-327 BibTeX
- Mihalis Yannakakis, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
Algebraic Dependencies (Extended Abstract).
328-332 BibTeX
- Ashok K. Chandra, David Harel:
Structure and Complexity of Relational Queries.
333-347 BibTeX
- Jia-Wei Hong:
On Similarity and Duality of Computation (Extended Abstract).
348-359 BibTeX
- Patrick W. Dymond, Stephen A. Cook:
Hardware Complexity and Parallel Computation (Preliminary Version).
360-372 BibTeX
- Nissim Francez, Michael Rodeh:
A Distributed Abstract Data Type Implemented by a Probabilistic Communication Scheme.
373-379 BibTeX
- Gilles Brassard:
A Time-Luck Tradeoff in Cryptography.
380-386 BibTeX
- Leonard M. Adleman:
On Distinguishing Prime Numbers from Composite Numbers (Abstract).
387-406 BibTeX
- Michael O. Rabin:
N-Process Synchronization by 4 log _2 N-Valued Shared Variables.
407-410 BibTeX
- Burchard von Braunmühl, Rutger Verbeek:
A Recognition Algorithm for Deterministic CFLS optimal in Time and Space.
411-420 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:12:24 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)